Moved the dialog UI control from 0Main to 1Dialog, to keep the code clean. 0Main processes mostly the algorithm itself now.
This commit is contained in:
@ -87,21 +87,7 @@ Function fnAskParam As aFindIVParam
Dim bIsBestHP As Boolean
Dim aQuery As New aFindIVParam
DialogLibraries.loadLibrary "PokemonGoIV"
oDialog = CreateUnoDialog (DialogLibraries.PokemonGoIV.DlgMain)
oDialog.getControl ("lstTotal").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("txtBestHead").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("txtBestTail").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("lstMax").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("imgPokemon").getModel.setPropertyValue ( _
"ImageURL", fnGetImageUrl ("Unknown"))
oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLogo").getModel.setPropertyValue ( _
"ImageURL", fnGetImageUrl ("Unknown"))
oDialog = fnLoadParamDialog
If oDialog.execute = 0 Then
aQuery.bIsCancelled = True
fnAskParam = aQuery
@ -169,387 +155,6 @@ Function fnAskParam As aFindIVParam
fnAskParam = aQuery
End Function
' subBtnOKCheck: Checks whether the required columns are filled.
Sub subBtnOKCheck (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object
Dim oPokemon As Object, oCP As Object
Dim oHP As Object, oStardust As Object, oOK As Object
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
oPokemon = oDialog.getControl ("lstPokemon")
oCP = oDialog.getControl ("numCP")
oHP = oDialog.getControl ("numHP")
oStardust = oDialog.getControl ("lstStardust")
oOK = oDialog.getControl ("btnOK")
If oPokemon.getSelectedItemPos <> -1 _
And oCP.getText <> "" _
And oHP.getText <> "" _
And oStardust.getSelectedItemPos <> -1 Then
oOK.setEnable (True)
oOK.setEnable (False)
End If
End Sub
' subLstPokemonSelected: When the Pokémon is selected.
Sub subLstPokemonSelected (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object, nSelected As Integer
Dim oImageModel As Object, sImageId As String
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
' Updates the Pokémon image.
nSelected = oDialog.getControl ("lstPokemon").getSelectedItemPos
sImageId = "Pokemon" & maBaseStats (nSelected).sPokemon
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgPokemon").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl (sImageId))
' Updates the text of the stats total appraisal.
subUpdateTotalAppraisal (oDialog, True)
' Checks if the required columns are filled.
subBtnOKCheck (oEvent)
End Sub
' subRdoTeamValorItemChanged: When Team Valor is selected.
Sub subRdoTeamValorItemChanged (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object, oList As Object, oText As Object
Dim oImageModel As Object
Dim mItems () As String
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLogo").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLogoValor"))
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLeader").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLeaderCandela"))
oText = oDialog.getControl ("txtLeaderAppraise")
oText.setVisible (True)
oText.setText (fnGetResString ("AppraiseFromCandela"))
' Updates the text of the stats total appraisal.
subUpdateTotalAppraisal (oDialog, False)
' Updates the text of the best stat appraisal.
subUpdateBestStatAppraisal (oDialog, _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorBest"), _
CInt (fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorBestHeadWidth")))
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorMax15"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorMax13Or14"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorMax8To12"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorMaxUpTo7"))
oList = oDialog.getControl ("lstMax")
oList.removeItems (0, oList.getItemCount())
oList.addItems (mItems, 0)
oList.setVisible (True)
End Sub
' subRdoTeamMysticItemChanged: When Team Mystic is selected.
Sub subRdoTeamMysticItemChanged (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object, oList As Object, oText As Object
Dim oImageModel As Object
Dim mItems () As String
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLogo").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLogoMystic"))
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLeader").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLeaderBlanche"))
oText = oDialog.getControl ("txtLeaderAppraise")
oText.setVisible (True)
oText.setText (fnGetResString ("AppraiseFromBlanche"))
' Updates the text of the stats total appraisal.
subUpdateTotalAppraisal (oDialog, False)
' Updates the text of the best stat appraisal.
subUpdateBestStatAppraisal (oDialog, _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticBest"), _
CInt (fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticBestHeadWidth")))
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticMax15"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticMax13Or14"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticMax8To12"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticMaxUpTo7"))
oList = oDialog.getControl ("lstMax")
oList.removeItems (0, oList.getItemCount())
oList.addItems (mItems, 0)
oList.setVisible (True)
End Sub
' subRdoTeamInstinctItemChanged: When Team Instinct is selected.
Sub subRdoTeamInstinctItemChanged (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object, oList As Object, oText As Object
Dim oImageModel As Object
Dim mItems () As String
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLogo").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLogoInstinct"))
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLeader").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLeaderSpark"))
oText = oDialog.getControl ("txtLeaderAppraise")
oText.setVisible (True)
oText.setText (fnGetResString ("AppraiseFromSpark"))
' Updates the text of the stats total appraisal.
subUpdateTotalAppraisal (oDialog, False)
' Updates the text of the best stat appraisal.
subUpdateBestStatAppraisal (oDialog, _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctBest"), _
CInt (fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctBestHeadWidth")))
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctMax15"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctMax13Or14"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctMax8To12"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctMaxUpTo7"))
oList = oDialog.getControl ("lstMax")
oList.removeItems (0, oList.getItemCount())
oList.addItems (mItems, 0)
oList.setVisible (True)
End Sub
' subUpdateBestStatAppraisal: Updates the text of the best stat appraisal.
Sub subUpdateBestStatAppraisal (oDialog As Object, _
sAppraisal As String, nHeadWidth As Integer)
Dim oText As Object, oList As Object, nX As Integer
Dim sHead As String, sTail As String, nTailWidth As Integer
Dim nDialogWidth As Integer
Dim nPos As Integer
Dim mItems () As String
nPos = InStr (sAppraisal, "[Stat]")
sHead = Left (sAppraisal, nPos - 1)
sTail = Right (sAppraisal, _
Len (sAppraisal) - nPos - Len ("[Stat]") + 1)
nDialogWidth = oDialog.getModel.getPropertyValue ("Width")
oText = oDialog.getControl ("txtBestHead")
oText.getModel.setPropertyValue ("Width", nHeadWidth)
oText.setVisible (True)
oText.setText (sHead)
nX = oText.getModel.getPropertyValue ("PositionX") + nHeadWidth
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("StatAttack"), _
fnGetResString ("StatDefense"), _
fnGetResString ("StatHP"))
oList = oDialog.getControl ("lstBest")
oList.removeItems (0, oList.getItemCount())
oList.addItems (mItems, 0)
oList.getModel.setPropertyValue ("PositionX", nX)
oList.getModel.setPropertyValue ("Width", _
CInt (fnGetResString ("BestStatWidth")))
oList.setVisible (True)
nX = nX + oList.getModel.getPropertyValue ("Width")
nTailWidth = nDialogWidth - nX - 10
oText = oDialog.getControl ("txtBestTail")
oText.getModel.setPropertyValue ("PositionX", nX)
oText.getModel.setPropertyValue ("Width", nTailWidth)
oText.setVisible (True)
oText.setText (sTail)
oList = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oList.setVisible (False)
oList = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oList.setVisible (False)
End Sub
' subLstBestItemChanged: When the best stat is selected.
Sub subLstBestItemChanged (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object, oCheckBox As Object, sBestToo As String
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamValor").getState Then
sBestToo = fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorBestToo")
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 0 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 1 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 2 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamMystic").getState Then
sBestToo = fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticBestToo")
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 0 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 1 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 2 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamInstinct").getState Then
sBestToo = fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctBestToo")
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 0 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 1 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 2 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
End If
End Sub
' subUpdateTotalAppraisal: Updates the text of the stats total
' appraisal.
Sub subUpdateTotalAppraisal ( _
oDialog As Object, bIsKeepSelected As Boolean)
Dim sPokemon As String, oList As Object, nSelected As Integer
Dim mItems () As String, nI As Integer
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamValor").getState Then
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorTotal37OrHigher"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorTotal30To36"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorTotal23To29"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorTotalUpTo22"))
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamMystic").getState Then
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticTotal37OrHigher"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticTotal30To36"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticTotal23To29"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticTotalUpTo22"))
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamInstinct").getState Then
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctTotal37OrHigher"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctTotal30To36"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctTotal23To29"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctTotalUpTo22"))
End If
' The team was not selected yet.
If UBound (mItems) = -1 Then
Exit sub
End If
sPokemon = oDialog.getControl ("lstPokemon").getSelectedItem
If sPokemon <> "" Then
For nI = 0 To UBound (mItems)
mItems (nI) = fnReplace (mItems (nI), _
"[Pokémon]", sPokemon)
Next nI
End If
oList = oDialog.getControl ("lstTotal")
If bIsKeepSelected Then
nSelected = oList.getSelectedItemPos
End If
oList.removeItems (0, oList.getItemCount())
oList.addItems (mItems, 0)
If bIsKeepSelected Then
oList.selectItemPos (nSelected, True)
End If
oList.setVisible (True)
End Sub
' fnFindIV: Finds the possible individual values of the Pokémon
Function fnFindIV ( _
aBaseStats As aStats, aQuery As aFindIVParam) As Variant
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
' Copyright (c) 2016-2017 imacat.
' Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
' you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
' You may obtain a copy of the License at
' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
' distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
' See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
' limitations under the License.
' 1Dialog: The Dialog UI processor
' by imacat <>, 2017-02-24
Option Explicit
' fnLoadParamDialog: Loads the parameter dialog.
Function fnLoadParamDialog As Object
Dim oDialog As Object
DialogLibraries.loadLibrary "PokemonGoIV"
oDialog = CreateUnoDialog (DialogLibraries.PokemonGoIV.DlgMain)
oDialog.getControl ("lstTotal").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("txtBestHead").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("txtBestTail").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("lstMax").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("imgPokemon").getModel.setPropertyValue ( _
"ImageURL", fnGetImageUrl ("Unknown"))
oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLogo").getModel.setPropertyValue ( _
"ImageURL", fnGetImageUrl ("Unknown"))
fnLoadParamDialog = oDialog
End Function
' subBtnOKCheck: Checks whether the required columns are filled.
Sub subBtnOKCheck (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object
Dim oPokemon As Object, oCP As Object
Dim oHP As Object, oStardust As Object, oOK As Object
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
oPokemon = oDialog.getControl ("lstPokemon")
oCP = oDialog.getControl ("numCP")
oHP = oDialog.getControl ("numHP")
oStardust = oDialog.getControl ("lstStardust")
oOK = oDialog.getControl ("btnOK")
If oPokemon.getSelectedItemPos <> -1 _
And oCP.getText <> "" _
And oHP.getText <> "" _
And oStardust.getSelectedItemPos <> -1 Then
oOK.setEnable (True)
oOK.setEnable (False)
End If
End Sub
' subLstPokemonSelected: When the Pokémon is selected.
Sub subLstPokemonSelected (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object, nSelected As Integer
Dim oImageModel As Object, sImageId As String
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
' Updates the Pokémon image.
nSelected = oDialog.getControl ("lstPokemon").getSelectedItemPos
sImageId = "Pokemon" & maBaseStats (nSelected).sPokemon
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgPokemon").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl (sImageId))
' Updates the text of the stats total appraisal.
subUpdateTotalAppraisal (oDialog, True)
' Checks if the required columns are filled.
subBtnOKCheck (oEvent)
End Sub
' subRdoTeamValorItemChanged: When Team Valor is selected.
Sub subRdoTeamValorItemChanged (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object, oList As Object, oText As Object
Dim oImageModel As Object
Dim mItems () As String
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLogo").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLogoValor"))
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLeader").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLeaderCandela"))
oText = oDialog.getControl ("txtLeaderAppraise")
oText.setVisible (True)
oText.setText (fnGetResString ("AppraiseFromCandela"))
' Updates the text of the stats total appraisal.
subUpdateTotalAppraisal (oDialog, False)
' Updates the text of the best stat appraisal.
subUpdateBestStatAppraisal (oDialog, _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorBest"), _
CInt (fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorBestHeadWidth")))
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorMax15"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorMax13Or14"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorMax8To12"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorMaxUpTo7"))
oList = oDialog.getControl ("lstMax")
oList.removeItems (0, oList.getItemCount())
oList.addItems (mItems, 0)
oList.setVisible (True)
End Sub
' subRdoTeamMysticItemChanged: When Team Mystic is selected.
Sub subRdoTeamMysticItemChanged (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object, oList As Object, oText As Object
Dim oImageModel As Object
Dim mItems () As String
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLogo").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLogoMystic"))
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLeader").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLeaderBlanche"))
oText = oDialog.getControl ("txtLeaderAppraise")
oText.setVisible (True)
oText.setText (fnGetResString ("AppraiseFromBlanche"))
' Updates the text of the stats total appraisal.
subUpdateTotalAppraisal (oDialog, False)
' Updates the text of the best stat appraisal.
subUpdateBestStatAppraisal (oDialog, _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticBest"), _
CInt (fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticBestHeadWidth")))
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticMax15"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticMax13Or14"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticMax8To12"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticMaxUpTo7"))
oList = oDialog.getControl ("lstMax")
oList.removeItems (0, oList.getItemCount())
oList.addItems (mItems, 0)
oList.setVisible (True)
End Sub
' subRdoTeamInstinctItemChanged: When Team Instinct is selected.
Sub subRdoTeamInstinctItemChanged (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object, oList As Object, oText As Object
Dim oImageModel As Object
Dim mItems () As String
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLogo").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLogoInstinct"))
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLeader").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLeaderSpark"))
oText = oDialog.getControl ("txtLeaderAppraise")
oText.setVisible (True)
oText.setText (fnGetResString ("AppraiseFromSpark"))
' Updates the text of the stats total appraisal.
subUpdateTotalAppraisal (oDialog, False)
' Updates the text of the best stat appraisal.
subUpdateBestStatAppraisal (oDialog, _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctBest"), _
CInt (fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctBestHeadWidth")))
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctMax15"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctMax13Or14"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctMax8To12"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctMaxUpTo7"))
oList = oDialog.getControl ("lstMax")
oList.removeItems (0, oList.getItemCount())
oList.addItems (mItems, 0)
oList.setVisible (True)
End Sub
' subUpdateBestStatAppraisal: Updates the text of the best stat appraisal.
Sub subUpdateBestStatAppraisal (oDialog As Object, _
sAppraisal As String, nHeadWidth As Integer)
Dim oText As Object, oList As Object, nX As Integer
Dim sHead As String, sTail As String, nTailWidth As Integer
Dim nDialogWidth As Integer
Dim nPos As Integer
Dim mItems () As String
nPos = InStr (sAppraisal, "[Stat]")
sHead = Left (sAppraisal, nPos - 1)
sTail = Right (sAppraisal, _
Len (sAppraisal) - nPos - Len ("[Stat]") + 1)
nDialogWidth = oDialog.getModel.getPropertyValue ("Width")
oText = oDialog.getControl ("txtBestHead")
oText.getModel.setPropertyValue ("Width", nHeadWidth)
oText.setVisible (True)
oText.setText (sHead)
nX = oText.getModel.getPropertyValue ("PositionX") + nHeadWidth
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("StatAttack"), _
fnGetResString ("StatDefense"), _
fnGetResString ("StatHP"))
oList = oDialog.getControl ("lstBest")
oList.removeItems (0, oList.getItemCount())
oList.addItems (mItems, 0)
oList.getModel.setPropertyValue ("PositionX", nX)
oList.getModel.setPropertyValue ("Width", _
CInt (fnGetResString ("BestStatWidth")))
oList.setVisible (True)
nX = nX + oList.getModel.getPropertyValue ("Width")
nTailWidth = nDialogWidth - nX - 10
oText = oDialog.getControl ("txtBestTail")
oText.getModel.setPropertyValue ("PositionX", nX)
oText.getModel.setPropertyValue ("Width", nTailWidth)
oText.setVisible (True)
oText.setText (sTail)
oList = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oList.setVisible (False)
oList = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oList.setVisible (False)
End Sub
' subLstBestItemChanged: When the best stat is selected.
Sub subLstBestItemChanged (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object, oCheckBox As Object, sBestToo As String
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamValor").getState Then
sBestToo = fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorBestToo")
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 0 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 1 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 2 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamMystic").getState Then
sBestToo = fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticBestToo")
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 0 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 1 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 2 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamInstinct").getState Then
sBestToo = fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctBestToo")
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 0 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 1 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 2 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
End If
End Sub
' subUpdateTotalAppraisal: Updates the text of the stats total
' appraisal.
Sub subUpdateTotalAppraisal ( _
oDialog As Object, bIsKeepSelected As Boolean)
Dim sPokemon As String, oList As Object, nSelected As Integer
Dim mItems () As String, nI As Integer
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamValor").getState Then
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorTotal37OrHigher"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorTotal30To36"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorTotal23To29"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorTotalUpTo22"))
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamMystic").getState Then
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticTotal37OrHigher"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticTotal30To36"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticTotal23To29"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticTotalUpTo22"))
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamInstinct").getState Then
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctTotal37OrHigher"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctTotal30To36"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctTotal23To29"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctTotalUpTo22"))
End If
' The team was not selected yet.
If UBound (mItems) = -1 Then
Exit sub
End If
sPokemon = oDialog.getControl ("lstPokemon").getSelectedItem
If sPokemon <> "" Then
For nI = 0 To UBound (mItems)
mItems (nI) = fnReplace (mItems (nI), _
"[Pokémon]", sPokemon)
Next nI
End If
oList = oDialog.getControl ("lstTotal")
If bIsKeepSelected Then
nSelected = oList.getSelectedItemPos
End If
oList.removeItems (0, oList.getItemCount())
oList.addItems (mItems, 0)
If bIsKeepSelected Then
oList.selectItemPos (nSelected, True)
End If
oList.setVisible (True)
End Sub
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
' See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
' limitations under the License.
' 1Data: The Pokémon GO data for IV calculation
' 2Data: The Pokémon GO data for IV calculation
' by imacat <>, 2017-02-14
' Generated with 9Load.subReadDataSheets ()
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Sub subReadDataSheets
& "' See the License for the specific language governing permissions and" & Chr (10) _
& "' limitations under the License." & Chr (10) _
& Chr (10) _
& "' 1Data: The Pokémon GO data for IV calculation" & Chr (10) _
& "' 2Data: The Pokémon GO data for IV calculation" & Chr (10) _
& "' by imacat <>, " & Format (Date (), "yyyy-mm-dd") & Chr (10) _
& "' Generated with 9Load.subReadDataSheets ()" & Chr (10) _
& Chr (10) _
@ -89,21 +89,7 @@ Function fnAskParam As aFindIVParam
Dim bIsBestHP As Boolean
Dim aQuery As New aFindIVParam
DialogLibraries.loadLibrary "PokemonGoIV"
oDialog = CreateUnoDialog (DialogLibraries.PokemonGoIV.DlgMain)
oDialog.getControl ("lstTotal").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("txtBestHead").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("txtBestTail").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("lstMax").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("imgPokemon").getModel.setPropertyValue ( _
"ImageURL", fnGetImageUrl ("Unknown"))
oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLogo").getModel.setPropertyValue ( _
"ImageURL", fnGetImageUrl ("Unknown"))
oDialog = fnLoadParamDialog
If oDialog.execute = 0 Then
aQuery.bIsCancelled = True
fnAskParam = aQuery
@ -171,387 +157,6 @@ Function fnAskParam As aFindIVParam
fnAskParam = aQuery
End Function
' subBtnOKCheck: Checks whether the required columns are filled.
Sub subBtnOKCheck (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object
Dim oPokemon As Object, oCP As Object
Dim oHP As Object, oStardust As Object, oOK As Object
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
oPokemon = oDialog.getControl ("lstPokemon")
oCP = oDialog.getControl ("numCP")
oHP = oDialog.getControl ("numHP")
oStardust = oDialog.getControl ("lstStardust")
oOK = oDialog.getControl ("btnOK")
If oPokemon.getSelectedItemPos <> -1 _
And oCP.getText <> "" _
And oHP.getText <> "" _
And oStardust.getSelectedItemPos <> -1 Then
oOK.setEnable (True)
oOK.setEnable (False)
End If
End Sub
' subLstPokemonSelected: When the Pokémon is selected.
Sub subLstPokemonSelected (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object, nSelected As Integer
Dim oImageModel As Object, sImageId As String
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
' Updates the Pokémon image.
nSelected = oDialog.getControl ("lstPokemon").getSelectedItemPos
sImageId = "Pokemon" & maBaseStats (nSelected).sPokemon
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgPokemon").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl (sImageId))
' Updates the text of the stats total appraisal.
subUpdateTotalAppraisal (oDialog, True)
' Checks if the required columns are filled.
subBtnOKCheck (oEvent)
End Sub
' subRdoTeamValorItemChanged: When Team Valor is selected.
Sub subRdoTeamValorItemChanged (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object, oList As Object, oText As Object
Dim oImageModel As Object
Dim mItems () As String
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLogo").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLogoValor"))
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLeader").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLeaderCandela"))
oText = oDialog.getControl ("txtLeaderAppraise")
oText.setVisible (True)
oText.setText (fnGetResString ("AppraiseFromCandela"))
' Updates the text of the stats total appraisal.
subUpdateTotalAppraisal (oDialog, False)
' Updates the text of the best stat appraisal.
subUpdateBestStatAppraisal (oDialog, _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorBest"), _
CInt (fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorBestHeadWidth")))
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorMax15"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorMax13Or14"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorMax8To12"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorMaxUpTo7"))
oList = oDialog.getControl ("lstMax")
oList.removeItems (0, oList.getItemCount())
oList.addItems (mItems, 0)
oList.setVisible (True)
End Sub
' subRdoTeamMysticItemChanged: When Team Mystic is selected.
Sub subRdoTeamMysticItemChanged (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object, oList As Object, oText As Object
Dim oImageModel As Object
Dim mItems () As String
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLogo").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLogoMystic"))
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLeader").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLeaderBlanche"))
oText = oDialog.getControl ("txtLeaderAppraise")
oText.setVisible (True)
oText.setText (fnGetResString ("AppraiseFromBlanche"))
' Updates the text of the stats total appraisal.
subUpdateTotalAppraisal (oDialog, False)
' Updates the text of the best stat appraisal.
subUpdateBestStatAppraisal (oDialog, _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticBest"), _
CInt (fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticBestHeadWidth")))
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticMax15"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticMax13Or14"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticMax8To12"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticMaxUpTo7"))
oList = oDialog.getControl ("lstMax")
oList.removeItems (0, oList.getItemCount())
oList.addItems (mItems, 0)
oList.setVisible (True)
End Sub
' subRdoTeamInstinctItemChanged: When Team Instinct is selected.
Sub subRdoTeamInstinctItemChanged (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object, oList As Object, oText As Object
Dim oImageModel As Object
Dim mItems () As String
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLogo").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLogoInstinct"))
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLeader").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLeaderSpark"))
oText = oDialog.getControl ("txtLeaderAppraise")
oText.setVisible (True)
oText.setText (fnGetResString ("AppraiseFromSpark"))
' Updates the text of the stats total appraisal.
subUpdateTotalAppraisal (oDialog, False)
' Updates the text of the best stat appraisal.
subUpdateBestStatAppraisal (oDialog, _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctBest"), _
CInt (fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctBestHeadWidth")))
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctMax15"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctMax13Or14"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctMax8To12"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctMaxUpTo7"))
oList = oDialog.getControl ("lstMax")
oList.removeItems (0, oList.getItemCount())
oList.addItems (mItems, 0)
oList.setVisible (True)
End Sub
' subUpdateBestStatAppraisal: Updates the text of the best stat appraisal.
Sub subUpdateBestStatAppraisal (oDialog As Object, _
sAppraisal As String, nHeadWidth As Integer)
Dim oText As Object, oList As Object, nX As Integer
Dim sHead As String, sTail As String, nTailWidth As Integer
Dim nDialogWidth As Integer
Dim nPos As Integer
Dim mItems () As String
nPos = InStr (sAppraisal, "[Stat]")
sHead = Left (sAppraisal, nPos - 1)
sTail = Right (sAppraisal, _
Len (sAppraisal) - nPos - Len ("[Stat]") + 1)
nDialogWidth = oDialog.getModel.getPropertyValue ("Width")
oText = oDialog.getControl ("txtBestHead")
oText.getModel.setPropertyValue ("Width", nHeadWidth)
oText.setVisible (True)
oText.setText (sHead)
nX = oText.getModel.getPropertyValue ("PositionX") + nHeadWidth
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("StatAttack"), _
fnGetResString ("StatDefense"), _
fnGetResString ("StatHP"))
oList = oDialog.getControl ("lstBest")
oList.removeItems (0, oList.getItemCount())
oList.addItems (mItems, 0)
oList.getModel.setPropertyValue ("PositionX", nX)
oList.getModel.setPropertyValue ("Width", _
CInt (fnGetResString ("BestStatWidth")))
oList.setVisible (True)
nX = nX + oList.getModel.getPropertyValue ("Width")
nTailWidth = nDialogWidth - nX - 10
oText = oDialog.getControl ("txtBestTail")
oText.getModel.setPropertyValue ("PositionX", nX)
oText.getModel.setPropertyValue ("Width", nTailWidth)
oText.setVisible (True)
oText.setText (sTail)
oList = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oList.setVisible (False)
oList = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oList.setVisible (False)
End Sub
' subLstBestItemChanged: When the best stat is selected.
Sub subLstBestItemChanged (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object, oCheckBox As Object, sBestToo As String
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamValor").getState Then
sBestToo = fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorBestToo")
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 0 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 1 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 2 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamMystic").getState Then
sBestToo = fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticBestToo")
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 0 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 1 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 2 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamInstinct").getState Then
sBestToo = fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctBestToo")
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 0 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 1 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 2 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
End If
End Sub
' subUpdateTotalAppraisal: Updates the text of the stats total
' appraisal.
Sub subUpdateTotalAppraisal ( _
oDialog As Object, bIsKeepSelected As Boolean)
Dim sPokemon As String, oList As Object, nSelected As Integer
Dim mItems () As String, nI As Integer
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamValor").getState Then
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorTotal37OrHigher"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorTotal30To36"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorTotal23To29"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorTotalUpTo22"))
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamMystic").getState Then
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticTotal37OrHigher"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticTotal30To36"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticTotal23To29"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticTotalUpTo22"))
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamInstinct").getState Then
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctTotal37OrHigher"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctTotal30To36"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctTotal23To29"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctTotalUpTo22"))
End If
' The team was not selected yet.
If UBound (mItems) = -1 Then
Exit sub
End If
sPokemon = oDialog.getControl ("lstPokemon").getSelectedItem
If sPokemon <> "" Then
For nI = 0 To UBound (mItems)
mItems (nI) = fnReplace (mItems (nI), _
"[Pokémon]", sPokemon)
Next nI
End If
oList = oDialog.getControl ("lstTotal")
If bIsKeepSelected Then
nSelected = oList.getSelectedItemPos
End If
oList.removeItems (0, oList.getItemCount())
oList.addItems (mItems, 0)
If bIsKeepSelected Then
oList.selectItemPos (nSelected, True)
End If
oList.setVisible (True)
End Sub
' fnFindIV: Finds the possible individual values of the Pokémon
Function fnFindIV ( _
aBaseStats As aStats, aQuery As aFindIVParam) As Variant
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="1Dialog" script:language="StarBasic">' Copyright (c) 2016-2017 imacat.
' Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
' you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
' You may obtain a copy of the License at
' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
' distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
' See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
' limitations under the License.
' 1Dialog: The Dialog UI processor
' by imacat <>, 2017-02-24
Option Explicit
' fnLoadParamDialog: Loads the parameter dialog.
Function fnLoadParamDialog As Object
Dim oDialog As Object
DialogLibraries.loadLibrary "PokemonGoIV"
oDialog = CreateUnoDialog (DialogLibraries.PokemonGoIV.DlgMain)
oDialog.getControl ("lstTotal").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("txtBestHead").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("txtBestTail").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("lstMax").setVisible (False)
oDialog.getControl ("imgPokemon").getModel.setPropertyValue ( _
"ImageURL", fnGetImageUrl ("Unknown"))
oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLogo").getModel.setPropertyValue ( _
"ImageURL", fnGetImageUrl ("Unknown"))
fnLoadParamDialog = oDialog
End Function
' subBtnOKCheck: Checks whether the required columns are filled.
Sub subBtnOKCheck (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object
Dim oPokemon As Object, oCP As Object
Dim oHP As Object, oStardust As Object, oOK As Object
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
oPokemon = oDialog.getControl ("lstPokemon")
oCP = oDialog.getControl ("numCP")
oHP = oDialog.getControl ("numHP")
oStardust = oDialog.getControl ("lstStardust")
oOK = oDialog.getControl ("btnOK")
If oPokemon.getSelectedItemPos <> -1 _
And oCP.getText <> "" _
And oHP.getText <> "" _
And oStardust.getSelectedItemPos <> -1 Then
oOK.setEnable (True)
oOK.setEnable (False)
End If
End Sub
' subLstPokemonSelected: When the Pokémon is selected.
Sub subLstPokemonSelected (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object, nSelected As Integer
Dim oImageModel As Object, sImageId As String
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
' Updates the Pokémon image.
nSelected = oDialog.getControl ("lstPokemon").getSelectedItemPos
sImageId = "Pokemon" & maBaseStats (nSelected).sPokemon
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgPokemon").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl (sImageId))
' Updates the text of the stats total appraisal.
subUpdateTotalAppraisal (oDialog, True)
' Checks if the required columns are filled.
subBtnOKCheck (oEvent)
End Sub
' subRdoTeamValorItemChanged: When Team Valor is selected.
Sub subRdoTeamValorItemChanged (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object, oList As Object, oText As Object
Dim oImageModel As Object
Dim mItems () As String
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLogo").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLogoValor"))
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLeader").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLeaderCandela"))
oText = oDialog.getControl ("txtLeaderAppraise")
oText.setVisible (True)
oText.setText (fnGetResString ("AppraiseFromCandela"))
' Updates the text of the stats total appraisal.
subUpdateTotalAppraisal (oDialog, False)
' Updates the text of the best stat appraisal.
subUpdateBestStatAppraisal (oDialog, _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorBest"), _
CInt (fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorBestHeadWidth")))
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorMax15"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorMax13Or14"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorMax8To12"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorMaxUpTo7"))
oList = oDialog.getControl ("lstMax")
oList.removeItems (0, oList.getItemCount())
oList.addItems (mItems, 0)
oList.setVisible (True)
End Sub
' subRdoTeamMysticItemChanged: When Team Mystic is selected.
Sub subRdoTeamMysticItemChanged (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object, oList As Object, oText As Object
Dim oImageModel As Object
Dim mItems () As String
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLogo").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLogoMystic"))
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLeader").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLeaderBlanche"))
oText = oDialog.getControl ("txtLeaderAppraise")
oText.setVisible (True)
oText.setText (fnGetResString ("AppraiseFromBlanche"))
' Updates the text of the stats total appraisal.
subUpdateTotalAppraisal (oDialog, False)
' Updates the text of the best stat appraisal.
subUpdateBestStatAppraisal (oDialog, _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticBest"), _
CInt (fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticBestHeadWidth")))
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticMax15"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticMax13Or14"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticMax8To12"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticMaxUpTo7"))
oList = oDialog.getControl ("lstMax")
oList.removeItems (0, oList.getItemCount())
oList.addItems (mItems, 0)
oList.setVisible (True)
End Sub
' subRdoTeamInstinctItemChanged: When Team Instinct is selected.
Sub subRdoTeamInstinctItemChanged (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object, oList As Object, oText As Object
Dim oImageModel As Object
Dim mItems () As String
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLogo").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLogoInstinct"))
oImageModel = oDialog.getControl ("imgTeamLeader").getModel
oImageModel.setPropertyValue ("ImageURL", _
fnGetImageUrl ("TeamLeaderSpark"))
oText = oDialog.getControl ("txtLeaderAppraise")
oText.setVisible (True)
oText.setText (fnGetResString ("AppraiseFromSpark"))
' Updates the text of the stats total appraisal.
subUpdateTotalAppraisal (oDialog, False)
' Updates the text of the best stat appraisal.
subUpdateBestStatAppraisal (oDialog, _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctBest"), _
CInt (fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctBestHeadWidth")))
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctMax15"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctMax13Or14"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctMax8To12"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctMaxUpTo7"))
oList = oDialog.getControl ("lstMax")
oList.removeItems (0, oList.getItemCount())
oList.addItems (mItems, 0)
oList.setVisible (True)
End Sub
' subUpdateBestStatAppraisal: Updates the text of the best stat appraisal.
Sub subUpdateBestStatAppraisal (oDialog As Object, _
sAppraisal As String, nHeadWidth As Integer)
Dim oText As Object, oList As Object, nX As Integer
Dim sHead As String, sTail As String, nTailWidth As Integer
Dim nDialogWidth As Integer
Dim nPos As Integer
Dim mItems () As String
nPos = InStr (sAppraisal, "[Stat]")
sHead = Left (sAppraisal, nPos - 1)
sTail = Right (sAppraisal, _
Len (sAppraisal) - nPos - Len ("[Stat]") + 1)
nDialogWidth = oDialog.getModel.getPropertyValue ("Width")
oText = oDialog.getControl ("txtBestHead")
oText.getModel.setPropertyValue ("Width", nHeadWidth)
oText.setVisible (True)
oText.setText (sHead)
nX = oText.getModel.getPropertyValue ("PositionX") + nHeadWidth
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("StatAttack"), _
fnGetResString ("StatDefense"), _
fnGetResString ("StatHP"))
oList = oDialog.getControl ("lstBest")
oList.removeItems (0, oList.getItemCount())
oList.addItems (mItems, 0)
oList.getModel.setPropertyValue ("PositionX", nX)
oList.getModel.setPropertyValue ("Width", _
CInt (fnGetResString ("BestStatWidth")))
oList.setVisible (True)
nX = nX + oList.getModel.getPropertyValue ("Width")
nTailWidth = nDialogWidth - nX - 10
oText = oDialog.getControl ("txtBestTail")
oText.getModel.setPropertyValue ("PositionX", nX)
oText.getModel.setPropertyValue ("Width", nTailWidth)
oText.setVisible (True)
oText.setText (sTail)
oList = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oList.setVisible (False)
oList = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oList.setVisible (False)
End Sub
' subLstBestItemChanged: When the best stat is selected.
Sub subLstBestItemChanged (oEvent As object)
Dim oDialog As Object, oCheckBox As Object, sBestToo As String
oDialog = oEvent.Source.getContext
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamValor").getState Then
sBestToo = fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorBestToo")
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 0 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 1 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 2 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamMystic").getState Then
sBestToo = fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticBestToo")
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 0 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 1 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 2 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamInstinct").getState Then
sBestToo = fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctBestToo")
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 0 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 1 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatHP")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("lstBest").getSelectedItemPos = 2 Then
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest2")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatAttack")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
oCheckBox = oDialog.getControl ("cbxBest3")
oCheckBox.setLabel (fnReplace ( _
sBestToo, "[Stat]", fnGetResString ("StatDefense")))
oCheckBox.setVisible (True)
oCheckBox.setState (0)
End If
End If
End Sub
' subUpdateTotalAppraisal: Updates the text of the stats total
' appraisal.
Sub subUpdateTotalAppraisal ( _
oDialog As Object, bIsKeepSelected As Boolean)
Dim sPokemon As String, oList As Object, nSelected As Integer
Dim mItems () As String, nI As Integer
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamValor").getState Then
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorTotal37OrHigher"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorTotal30To36"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorTotal23To29"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalValorTotalUpTo22"))
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamMystic").getState Then
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticTotal37OrHigher"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticTotal30To36"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticTotal23To29"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalMysticTotalUpTo22"))
End If
If oDialog.getControl ("rdoTeamInstinct").getState Then
mItems = Array ( _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctTotal37OrHigher"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctTotal30To36"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctTotal23To29"), _
fnGetResString ("AppraisalInstinctTotalUpTo22"))
End If
' The team was not selected yet.
If UBound (mItems) = -1 Then
Exit sub
End If
sPokemon = oDialog.getControl ("lstPokemon").getSelectedItem
If sPokemon <> "" Then
For nI = 0 To UBound (mItems)
mItems (nI) = fnReplace (mItems (nI), _
"[Pokémon]", sPokemon)
Next nI
End If
oList = oDialog.getControl ("lstTotal")
If bIsKeepSelected Then
nSelected = oList.getSelectedItemPos
End If
oList.removeItems (0, oList.getItemCount())
oList.addItems (mItems, 0)
If bIsKeepSelected Then
oList.selectItemPos (nSelected, True)
End If
oList.setVisible (True)
End Sub
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
' See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
' limitations under the License.
' 1Data: The Pokémon GO data for IV calculation
' 2Data: The Pokémon GO data for IV calculation
' by imacat <>, 2017-02-14
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& "' See the License for the specific language governing permissions and" & Chr (10) _
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& "' Generated with 9Load.subReadDataSheets ()" & Chr (10) _
& Chr (10) _
@ -171,16 +171,16 @@
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@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
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@ -260,13 +260,13 @@
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<script:event script:event-name="on-itemstatechange" script:macro-name="" script:language="Script"/>
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@ -274,7 +274,7 @@
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Reference in New Issue
Block a user