The Mia! Accounting Django Application
This is the last release of Django. It will be replaced by a new Flask release, starting from scratch. Do not upgrade to the next release, as it will not work.
This was my first large Python project, and at that time, I had zero experience with Django. I ended up in a mess with Django MVT. The code is unnecessarily complicated, and I do not actually know how the views work anymore.
If you are new to the Mia! Accounting project, please skip this and try the new release. You may contact me if you have problems with the existing installation, but I may not be able to help you.
mia-accounting is a Django accounting application. It was rewritten from my own private accounting application in Perl/mod_perl in 2007. The revision aims to be mobile-friendly with Bootstrap, with a modern back-end framework and front-end technology like jQuery. The first revision was in Perl/Mojolicious in 2019. This is the second revision in Python/Django in 2020.
The Mia! Accounting Django application comes with two parts:
- The accounting application contains the main accounting application.
- The mia_core application contains core shared libraries that are used by the accounting application and my other applications.
You may try it in live demonstration at:
- URL:
- Username: admin
- Password: 12345
The Mia! Accounting Django application requires Python 3.7 and Django 3.1.
Install mia-accounting-django with pip.
pip install mia-accounting-django
Add these two applications in the INSTALL_APPS section of your
INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'mia_core.apps.MiaCoreConfig', 'accounting.apps.AccountingConfig', ... ]
Make sure the locale middleware is in the MIDDLEWARE section of your, and add it if it is not added yet.
MIDDLEWARE = [ ... 'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware', ... ]
Add the accounting application in the urlpatterns in your
urlpatterns = [ ... path('accounting/', decorator_include(login_required, 'accounting.urls')), ... ]
Make sure i18n and jsi18n are also in the urlpatterns of your, and add them if they are not added yet.
urlpatterns = [ ... path('i18n/', include("django.conf.urls.i18n")), path('jsi18n/', JavaScriptCatalog.as_view(), name='javascript-catalog'), ... ]
Add the following to the very beginning of your base template base.html, before your first real HTML tag.
{% load mia_core %} {% init_libs %} {% block settings %}{% endblock %}
Add the CSS and JavaScripts in the <head>...</head> section of your base template base.html.
{% for css in libs.css %} <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% if css|is_static_url %}{% static css %}{% else %}{{ css }}{% endif %}" /> {% endfor %} {% for js in libs.js %} <script src="{% if js|is_static_url %}{% static js %}{% else %}{{ js }}{% endif %}"></script> {% endfor %}
Database Initialization
Run the management commands to initialize the database.
./ migrate accounting ./ accounting_accounts
Optionally you can populate the database with some sample data.
./ accounting_sample
Restart Your Web Server
And you are done.
Management Commands
The following management commands are added by the Mia! Accounting Django application to
% ./ accounting_accounts [--user USER]
Fills the database with the accounting accounts.
--user USER
An optional user to specify which user these initial accounts belongs to. When omitted, the first user found in the system will be used.
% ./ accounting_sample [--user USER]
Fills the database with sample accounting data.
--user USER
An optional user to specify which user these initial accounts belongs to. When omitted, the first user found in the system will be used.
% ./ make_trans --domain DOMAIN APP_DIR1 [APP_DIR2 ...]
Updates the revision date, converts the Traditional Chinese translation into Simplified Chinese, and then calls the compilemessages command.
--domain DOMAIN
The message domain, either django or djangojs.
One or more application directories that contains their locale subdirectories.
Advanced Settings
The following advanced settings are available in
# Settings for the accounting application ACCOUNTING = { # The default cash account, for ex., "0" (current assets and liabilities), # "1111" (cash on hand), "1113" (cash in banks) or any "DEFAULT_CASH_ACCOUNT": "1111", # The shortcut cash accounts "CASH_SHORTCUT_ACCOUNTS": ["0", "1111"], # The default ledger account "DEFAULT_LEDGER_ACCOUNT": "1111", # The payable accounts to track "PAYABLE_ACCOUNTS": ["2141"], # The asset accounts to track "EQUIPMENT_ACCOUNTS": ["1441"], } # The local static CSS and JavaScript libraries # The default is to use the libraries from CDN. You may set them to use the # local static copies of these libraries STATIC_LIBS = { "jquery": {"css": [], "js": ["jquery/jquery-3.5.1.min.js"]}, "bootstrap4": {"css": ["bootstrap4/css/bootstrap.min.css"], "js": ["bootstrap4/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"]}, "font-awesome-5": {"css": ["font-awesome-5/css/all.min.css"], "js": []}, "bootstrap4-datatables": { "css": ["datatables/css/jquery.dataTables.min.css", "datatables/css/dataTables.bootstrap4.min.css"], "js": ["datatables/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js", "datatables/js/dataTables.bootstrap4.min.js"]}, "jquery-ui": {"css": ["jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.css"], "js": ["jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.js"]}, "bootstrap4-tempusdominus": { "css": [("tempusdominus-bootstrap-4/css/" "tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.css")], "js": ["moment/moment-with-locales.min.js", ("tempusdominus-bootstrap-4/js/" "tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js")]}, "decimal.js": {"css": [], "js": ["decimal/decimal.min.js"]}, } # The default static stylesheets to include. Default is none. DEFAULT_CSS = ["css/app.css"] # The default static JavaScript to include. Default is none. DEFAULT_JS = ["js/app.js"] # The regular accounts in the summary helper. They should be lists of tuples # of (generic title, summary format, account code). # # The following variables are available. Variables are surrounded in brackets. # # month_no: The numeric month of the current date # month_name: The month name of the current date # last_month_no: The numeric previous month of the current date # last_month_name: The previous month name of the current date # last_bimonthly_from_no: The first month number of the last bimonthly period # last_bimonthly_from_name: The first month name of the last bimonthly period # last_bimonthly_to_no: The second month number of the last bimonthly period # last_bimonthly_to_name: The second month name of the last bimonthly period # REGULAR_ACCOUNTS = { "debit": [ ("Rent", "Rent for (month_name)", "6252"), ("Gas bill", "Gas bill for (last_bimonthly_from_name)-(last_bimonthly_to_name)", "6261"), ], "credit": [ ("Payroll", "Payroll for (last_month_name)", "46116"), ], }
Bugs and Supports
The Mia! Accounting Django application is hosted on GitHub.
Address all bugs and support requests to
Copyright (c) 2020-2023 imacat.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.