vsntp NEWS 2021-02-07 version 2.1.1 1. AUTHORS.zh-tw, INSTALL.zh-tw, NEWS.zh-tw, README.zh-tw, THANKS.zh-tw, init.d/README.zh-tw, AUTHORS.zh-cn, INSTALL.zh-cn, NEWS.zh-cn, README.zh-cn, THANKS.zh-cn, init.d/README.zh-cn: Removed messy multi-lingual documents. 2. README: Revised the URL and typos. 2013-11-13 version 2.1.0 (not released) 1. vsntp.c: Removed the weird method to calculate the next time line for synchronization. It was my bad taste to synchronize at the the time of multiples of interval. When many clients are synchronized to a same server, synchronizing them at a same time will overload the server and create DDoS. Thanks to the reminder of Steven Shen . 2. AUTHORS.zh-tw, INSTALL.zh-tw, NEWS.zh-tw, README.zh-tw, THANKS.zh-tw, init.d/README.zh-tw, AUTHORS.zh-cn, INSTALL.zh-cn, NEWS.zh-cn, README.zh-cn, THANKS.zh-cn, init.d/README.zh-cn: Converted from Big5 and GB2312 to UTF-8. 3. License updated to GPLv3. 2007-03-29 version 2.0.0 1. Added alarm() in addition to sleep() as an alternative synchronization scheduler, in order to fix a problem that vsntp sleep() may stop working after MS Virtual PC 2007 was suspended for a while, as reported and suggested by Jean-Alain Le Borgne 2007-03-26. The codes are based on Jean-Alain's contribution. Thank you. Two new switches "-a" and "-s" were added for for setting the scheduler. Currently the default is -s (sleep()). If you find vsntp stops synchronization after running for some time, that the sleep() is not functioning normally on your system, you may try to switch to alarm() using the "-a" switch. 2. More debugging information were logged, in the syslog log level LOG_DEBUG with log facility LOG_DAEMON. 3. Two SysV-styled init scripts are provided for convenience in the init.d subdirectory. Check the README file in that directory for more information. 2004-01-14 version 1.1.1 Documentation fix. 1. Reference information revised. 2004-01-12 version 1.1.0 First public release. 1. Added -i and -p switch. 2. Documentation added. 2003-12-24 version 1.0.0 First version.