811 lines
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811 lines
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<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
<script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="3ITTest" script:language="StarBasic">' Copyright (c) 2016 imacat.
' Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
' you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
' You may obtain a copy of the License at
' http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
' distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
' See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
' limitations under the License.
' 3ITTest: The macros to for generating the report of independent T-Test
' by imacat <imacat@mail.imacat.idv.tw>, 2016-08-24
Option Explicit
' subRunIndependentTTest: Runs the independent T-test.
Sub subRunIndependentTTest As Object
Dim oRange As Object
Dim oSheets As Object, sSheetName As String
Dim oSheet As Object, mRanges As Object
Dim sExisted As String, nResult As Integer
DialogLibraries.loadLibrary "StatTool"
' Asks the user for the data range
oRange = fnAskDataRange (ThisComponent)
If IsNull (oRange) Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Specifies the data
mRanges = fnSpecifyData (oRange, _
"&10.Dlg2SpecData.txtPrompt1.Label3ITTest", _
If IsNull (mRanges) Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Checks the existing report
oSheets = ThisComponent.getSheets
sSheetName = oRange.getSpreadsheet.getName
sExisted = ""
If oSheets.hasByName (sSheetName & "_ttest") Then
sExisted = sExisted & ", """ & sSheetName & "_ttest"""
End If
If oSheets.hasByName (sSheetName & "_ttesttmp") Then
sExisted = sExisted & ", """ & sSheetName & "_ttesttmp"""
End If
If sExisted <> "" Then
sExisted = Right (sExisted, Len (sExisted) - 2)
If InStr (sExisted, ",") > 0 Then
sExisted = "Spreadsheets " & sExisted & " exist. Overwrite?"
sExisted = "Spreadsheet " & sExisted & " exists. Overwrite?"
End If
If nResult = IDNO Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Drops the existing report
If oSheets.hasByName (sSheetName & "_ttest") Then
oSheets.removeByname (sSheetName & "_ttest")
End If
If oSheets.hasByName (sSheetName & "_ttesttmp") Then
oSheets.removeByname (sSheetName & "_ttesttmp")
End If
End If
' Reports the independent T-test.
subReportIndependentTTest (ThisComponent, mRanges (0), mRanges (1))
oSheet = oSheets.getByName (sSheetName & "_ttest")
' Makes the report sheet active.
ThisComponent.getCurrentController.setActiveSheet (oSheet)
End Sub
' subReportIndependentTTest: Reports the independent T-test
Sub subReportIndependentTTest (oDoc As Object, oLabelColumn As Object, oScoreColumn As Object)
Dim oSheets As Object, sSheetName As String
Dim mNames () As String, nI As Integer, nSheetIndex As Integer
Dim oSheet As Object, oColumns As Object, nRow As Integer
Dim oCell As Object, oCells As Object, oCursor As Object, oTempDataRange As Object
Dim nN As Long, sFormula As String, sSP2 As String
Dim sNotes As String, nPos As Integer
Dim nFormatN As Integer, nFormatF As Integer, nFormatP As Integer
Dim aBorderSingle As New com.sun.star.table.BorderLine
Dim aBorderDouble As New com.sun.star.table.BorderLine
Dim sCellXLabel As String, sCellsXData As String
Dim sCellXN As String, sCellXMean As String, sCellXS As String
Dim sCellYLabel As String, sCellsYData As String
Dim sCellYN As String, sCellYMean As String, sCellYS As String
Dim sCellF As String, sCellsN As String, sCellN As String
oSheets = oDoc.getSheets
sSheetName = oLabelColumn.getSpreadsheet.getName
mNames = oSheets.getElementNames
For nI = 0 To UBound (mNames)
If mNames (nI) = sSheetName Then
nSheetIndex = nI
End If
Next nI
oSheets.insertNewByName (sSheetName & "_ttesttmp", nSheetIndex + 1)
oSheet = oSheets.getByName (sSheetName & "_ttesttmp")
oTempDataRange = fnCollectIndependentTTestData (oSheet, oLabelColumn, oScoreColumn)
oSheets.insertNewByName (sSheetName & "_ttest", nSheetIndex + 1)
oSheet = oSheets.getByName (sSheetName & "_ttest")
sCellXLabel = fnGetRangeName (oTempDataRange.getCellByPosition (0, 0))
nN = oTempDataRange.getCellByPosition (0, oTempDataRange.getRows.getCount - 3).getValue
oCells = oTempDataRange.getCellRangeByPosition (0, 1, 0, nN)
sCellsXData = fnGetRangeName (oCells)
sCellYLabel = fnGetRangeName (oTempDataRange.getCellByPosition (1, 0))
nN = oTempDataRange.getCellByPosition (1, oTempDataRange.getRows.getCount - 3).getValue
oCells = oTempDataRange.getCellRangeByPosition (1, 1, 1, nN)
sCellsYData = fnGetRangeName (oCells)
' Obtains the format parameters for the report.
nFormatN = fnQueryFormat (oDoc, "#,##0")
nFormatF = fnQueryFormat (oDoc, "#,###.000")
nFormatP = fnQueryFormat (oDoc, "[<0.01]#.000""**"";[<0.05]#.000""*"";#.000")
aBorderSingle.OuterLineWidth = 2
aBorderDouble.OuterLineWidth = 2
aBorderDouble.InnerLineWidth = 2
aBorderDouble.LineDistance = 2
' Sets the column widths of the report.
oColumns = oSheet.getColumns
oColumns.getByIndex (0).setPropertyValue ("Width", 3060)
oColumns.getByIndex (1).setPropertyValue ("Width", 2080)
oColumns.getByIndex (2).setPropertyValue ("Width", 2080)
oColumns.getByIndex (3).setPropertyValue ("Width", 2080)
oColumns.getByIndex (4).setPropertyValue ("Width", 2080)
nRow = -2
' Group description
nRow = nRow + 2
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow)
oCell.setString ("Group Description")
oCell.setPropertyValue ("CellStyle", "Result2")
oCells = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (0, nRow, 4, nRow)
oCells.merge (True)
nRow = nRow + 1
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow)
oCell.setString ("Group")
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (1, nRow)
oCell.setString ("N")
oCell.setPropertyValue ("ParaAdjust", com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.RIGHT)
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.gotoEnd (True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (2, nRow)
oCell.setString ("X")
oCell.setPropertyValue ("ParaAdjust", com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.RIGHT)
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.gotoEnd (True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharOverline", com.sun.star.awt.FontUnderline.SINGLE)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (3, nRow)
oCell.setString ("s")
oCell.setPropertyValue ("ParaAdjust", com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.RIGHT)
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.gotoEnd (True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (4, nRow)
oCell.setString ("sX")
oCell.setPropertyValue ("ParaAdjust", com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.RIGHT)
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.gotoEnd (True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapement", -33)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapementHeight", 58)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharOverline", com.sun.star.awt.FontUnderline.SINGLE)
' The first group
nRow = nRow + 1
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow)
sFormula = "=" & sCellXLabel
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (1, nRow)
sFormula = "=COUNT(" & sCellsXData & ")"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatN)
sCellXN = fnGetLocalRangeName (oCell)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (2, nRow)
sFormula = "=AVERAGE(" & sCellsXData & ")"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatF)
sCellXMean = fnGetLocalRangeName (oCell)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (3, nRow)
sFormula = "=STDEV(" & sCellsXData & ")"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatF)
sCellXS = fnGetLocalRangeName (oCell)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (4, nRow)
sFormula = "=" & sCellXS & "/SQRT(" & sCellXN & ")"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatF)
' The second group
nRow = nRow + 1
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow)
sFormula = "=" & sCellYLabel
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (1, nRow)
sFormula = "=COUNT(" & sCellsYData & ")"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatN)
sCellYN = fnGetLocalRangeName (oCell)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (2, nRow)
sFormula = "=AVERAGE(" & sCellsYData & ")"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatF)
sCellYMean = fnGetLocalRangeName (oCell)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (3, nRow)
sFormula = "=STDEV(" & sCellsYData & ")"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatF)
sCellYS = fnGetLocalRangeName (oCell)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (4, nRow)
sFormula = "=" & sCellYS & "/SQRT(" & sCellYN & ")"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatF)
' Draws the table borders.
oCells = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow - 2)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("TopBorder", aBorderDouble)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("RightBorder", aBorderSingle)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("BottomBorder", aBorderSingle)
oCells = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (1, nRow - 2, 4, nRow - 2)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("TopBorder", aBorderDouble)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("BottomBorder", aBorderSingle)
oCells = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow - 1)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("RightBorder", aBorderSingle)
oCells = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("RightBorder", aBorderSingle)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("BottomBorder", aBorderDouble)
oCells = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (1, nRow, 4, nRow)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("BottomBorder", aBorderDouble)
' Levene's test for homogeneity of variances
nRow = nRow + 2
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow)
oCell.setString ("Test for Homogeneity of Variances")
oCell.setPropertyValue ("CellStyle", "Result2")
oCells = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (0, nRow, 4, nRow)
oCells.merge (True)
nRow = nRow + 1
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow)
oCell.setString ("Test")
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (1, nRow)
oCell.setString ("F")
oCell.setPropertyValue ("ParaAdjust", com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.RIGHT)
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.gotoEnd (True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (2, nRow)
oCell.setString ("p")
oCell.setPropertyValue ("ParaAdjust", com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.RIGHT)
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.gotoEnd (True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
' The test result.
nRow = nRow + 1
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow)
oCell.setString ("Levene’s Test")
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (1, nRow)
sFormula = "=" & fnGetLeveneTest (oTempDataRange)
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatF)
sCellF = fnGetLocalRangeName (oCell)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (2, nRow)
sCellsN = fnGetRangeName (oTempDataRange.getCellRangeByPosition (0, oTempDataRange.getRows.getCount - 3, 1, oTempDataRange.getRows.getCount - 3))
sCellN = fnGetRangeName (oTempDataRange.getCellByPosition (4, oTempDataRange.getRows.getCount - 3))
sFormula = "=FDIST(" & sCellF & ";COUNT(" & sCellsN & ")-1;" & sCellN & "-COUNT(" & sCellsN & "))"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatP)
' The foot notes of the test.
nRow = nRow + 1
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow)
oCell.setString ("Note: *: p<.05, **: p<.01" & Chr (10) & _
"H0: σ1=σ2 (homogeneity; the populations of the two groups have the same variances)." & Chr (10) & _
"H1: σ1≠σ2 (heterogeneity; the populations of the two groups have different variances) if the probability (p) is small enough.")
oCell.setPropertyValue ("IsTextWrapped", True)
oCells = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (0, nRow, 4, nRow)
oCells.merge (True)
sNotes = oCell.getString
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
nPos = InStr (sNotes, "p<")
Do While nPos <> 0
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (nPos - 1, False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
nPos = InStr (nPos + 1, sNotes, "p<")
nPos = InStr (sNotes, "(p)")
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (nPos, False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
nPos = InStr (sNotes, "σ")
Do While nPos <> 0
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (nPos - 1, False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapement", -33)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapementHeight", 58)
nPos = InStr (nPos + 1, sNotes, "σ")
nPos = InStr (sNotes, "H0")
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (nPos - 1, False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapement", -33)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapementHeight", 58)
nPos = InStr (sNotes, "H1")
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (nPos - 1, False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapement", -33)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapementHeight", 58)
' Draws the table borders.
oCells = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow - 2)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("TopBorder", aBorderDouble)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("RightBorder", aBorderSingle)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("BottomBorder", aBorderSingle)
oCells = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (1, nRow - 2, 2, nRow - 2)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("TopBorder", aBorderDouble)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("BottomBorder", aBorderSingle)
oCells = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow - 1)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("RightBorder", aBorderSingle)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("BottomBorder", aBorderDouble)
oCells = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (1, nRow - 1, 2, nRow - 1)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("BottomBorder", aBorderDouble)
' The independent samples T-test
nRow = nRow + 2
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow)
oCell.setString ("Independent Samples T-Test")
oCell.setPropertyValue ("CellStyle", "Result2")
oCells = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (0, nRow, 4, nRow)
oCells.merge (True)
nRow = nRow + 1
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow)
oCell.setString ("Type")
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (1, nRow)
oCell.setString ("t")
oCell.setPropertyValue ("ParaAdjust", com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.RIGHT)
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.gotoEnd (True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (2, nRow)
oCell.setString ("df")
oCell.setPropertyValue ("ParaAdjust", com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.RIGHT)
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.gotoEnd (True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (3, nRow)
oCell.setString ("p")
oCell.setPropertyValue ("ParaAdjust", com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.RIGHT)
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.gotoEnd (True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (4, nRow)
oCell.setString ("X1-X2")
oCell.setPropertyValue ("ParaAdjust", com.sun.star.style.ParagraphAdjust.RIGHT)
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharOverline", com.sun.star.awt.FontUnderline.SINGLE)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapement", -33)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapementHeight", 58)
oCursor.goRight (1, False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharOverline", com.sun.star.awt.FontUnderline.SINGLE)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapement", -33)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapementHeight", 58)
' The test of the homogeneity of variances.
nRow = nRow + 1
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow)
oCell.setString ("Homogeneity")
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (1, nRow)
sSP2 = "((SUMPRODUCT(" & sCellsXData & ";" & sCellsXData & ")-POWER(SUM(" & sCellsXData & ");2)/" & sCellXN & "+SUMPRODUCT(" & sCellsYData & ";" & sCellsYData & ")-POWER(SUM(" & sCellsYData & ");2)/" & sCellYN & ")/(" & sCellXN & "+" & sCellYN & "-2))"
sFormula = "=(" & sCellXMean & "-" & sCellYMean & ")/SQRT(" & sSP2 & "*(1/" & sCellXN & "+1/" & sCellYN & "))"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatF)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (2, nRow)
sFormula = "=" & sCellXN & "+" & sCellYN & "-2"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatN)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (3, nRow)
sFormula = "=TTEST(" & sCellsXData & ";" & sCellsYData & ";2;2)"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatP)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (4, nRow)
sFormula = "=" & sCellXMean & "-" & sCellYMean
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatF)
' The test of the heterogeneity of variances.
nRow = nRow + 1
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow)
oCell.setString ("Heterogeneity")
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (1, nRow)
sFormula = "=(" & sCellXMean & "-" & sCellYMean & ")/SQRT(POWER(" & sCellXS & ";2)/" & sCellXN & "+POWER(" & sCellYS & ";2)/" & sCellYN & ")"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatF)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (2, nRow)
sFormula = "=POWER(POWER(" & sCellXS & ";2)/" & sCellXN & "+POWER(" & sCellYS & ";2)/" & sCellYN & ";2)/(POWER(" & sCellXS & ";4)/(POWER(" & sCellXN & ";2)*(" & sCellXN & "-1))+POWER(" & sCellYS & ";4)/(POWER(" & sCellYN & ";2)*(" & sCellYN & "-1)))"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatF)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (3, nRow)
sFormula = "=TTEST(" & sCellsXData & ";" & sCellsYData & ";2;3)"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatP)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (4, nRow)
sFormula = "=" & sCellXMean & "-" & sCellYMean
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatF)
' The foot notes of the test.
nRow = nRow + 1
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow)
oCell.setString ("Note: *: p<.05, **: p<.01" & Chr (10) & _
"H0: μ1=μ2 (the populations of the two groups have the same means)." & Chr (10) & _
"H1: μ1≠μ2 (the populations of the two groups have different means) if the probability (p) is small enough.")
oCell.setPropertyValue ("IsTextWrapped", True)
oCells = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (0, nRow, 4, nRow)
oCells.merge (True)
sNotes = oCell.getString
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
nPos = InStr (sNotes, "p<")
Do While nPos <> 0
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (nPos - 1, False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
nPos = InStr (nPos + 1, sNotes, "p<")
nPos = InStr (sNotes, "(p)")
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (nPos, False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
nPos = InStr (sNotes, "μ")
Do While nPos <> 0
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (nPos - 1, False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapement", -33)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapementHeight", 58)
nPos = InStr (nPos + 1, sNotes, "μ")
nPos = InStr (sNotes, "H0")
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (nPos - 1, False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapement", -33)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapementHeight", 58)
nPos = InStr (sNotes, "H1")
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (nPos - 1, False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapement", -33)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapementHeight", 58)
' Draws the table borders.
oCells = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow - 3)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("TopBorder", aBorderDouble)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("RightBorder", aBorderSingle)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("BottomBorder", aBorderSingle)
oCells = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (1, nRow - 3, 4, nRow - 3)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("TopBorder", aBorderDouble)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("BottomBorder", aBorderSingle)
oCells = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow - 2)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("RightBorder", aBorderSingle)
oCells = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow - 1)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("RightBorder", aBorderSingle)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("BottomBorder", aBorderDouble)
oCells = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (1, nRow - 1, 4, nRow - 1)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("BottomBorder", aBorderDouble)
End Sub
' fnCollectIndependentTTestData: Collects the data for the independent T-test.
Function fnCollectIndependentTTestData (oReportSheet As Object, oLabelColumn As Object, oScoreColumn As Object) As Object
Dim nRow As Long, nNRow As Long, sCellZMean As String, sCellsN As String
Dim oCell As Object, oCells As Object, oCursor As Object
Dim sCell As String, sLabel As String, sFormula As String
Dim sCellXLabel As String, sCellsXData As String, sCellXMean As String
Dim sXLabel As String, nNX As Long
Dim sCellsXZData As String, sCellXZMean As String
Dim sCellYLabel As String, sCellsYData As String, sCellYMean As String
Dim sYLabel As String, nNY As Long
Dim sCellsYZData As String, sCellYZMean As String
sCellXLabel = ""
sCellYLabel = ""
For nRow = 1 To oLabelColumn.getRows.getCount - 1
oCell = oLabelColumn.getCellByPosition (0, nRow)
sLabel = oCell.getString
If sLabel <> "" Then
If sCellXLabel = "" Then
sCellXLabel = fnGetRangeName (oCell)
sXLabel = sLabel
If sLabel <> sXLabel And sCellYLabel = "" Then
sCellYLabel = fnGetRangeName (oCell)
sYLabel = sLabel
nRow = oLabelColumn.getRows.getCount - 1
End If
End If
End If
Next nRow
' The data labels
oCell = oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (0, 0)
sFormula = "=" & sCellXLabel
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell = oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (1, 0)
sFormula = "=" & sCellYLabel
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
' The data
nNX = 0
nNY = 0
For nRow = 1 To oLabelColumn.getRows.getCount - 1
If oLabelColumn.getCellByPosition (0, nRow).getString = sXLabel Then
nNX = nNX + 1
sFormula = "=" & fnGetRangeName (oScoreColumn.getCellByPosition (0, nRow))
oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nNX).setFormula (sFormula)
If oLabelColumn.getCellByPosition (0, nRow).getString = sYLabel Then
nNY = nNY + 1
sFormula = "=" & fnGetRangeName (oScoreColumn.getCellByPosition (0, nRow))
oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (1, nNY).setFormula (sFormula)
End If
End If
Next nRow
' Collects the data
sCellsXData = fnGetLocalRangeName (oReportSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (0, 1, 0, nNX))
sCellsYData = fnGetLocalRangeName (oReportSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (1, 1, 1, nNY))
If nNX > nNY Then
nNRow = nNX + 1
nNRow = nNY + 1
End If
oCell = oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nNRow)
sFormula = "=COUNT(" & sCellsXData & ")"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell = oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (1, nNRow)
sFormula = "=COUNT(" & sCellsYData & ")"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell = oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nNRow + 1)
sFormula = "=AVERAGE(" & sCellsXData & ")"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
sCellXMean = fnGetLocalRangeName (oCell)
oCell = oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (1, nNRow + 1)
sFormula = "=AVERAGE(" & sCellsYData & ")"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
sCellYMean = fnGetLocalRangeName (oCell)
oCells = oReportSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (0, nNRow, 1, nNRow)
sCellsN = fnGetLocalRangeName (oCells)
' Calculates the Z values
sCell = fnGetLocalRangeName (oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (0, 0))
sFormula = "=""Z""&" & sCell
oCell = oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (2, 0)
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.gotoEnd (True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapement", -33)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapementHeight", 58)
For nRow = 1 To nNX
sCell = fnGetLocalRangeName (oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow))
sFormula = "=ABS(" & sCell & "-" & sCellXMean & ")"
oCell = oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (2, nRow)
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
Next nRow
sCellsXZData = fnGetLocalRangeName (oReportSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (2, 1, 2, nNX))
oCell = oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (2, nNRow + 1)
sFormula = "=AVERAGE(" & sCellsXZData & ")"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
sCellXZMean = fnGetLocalRangeName (oCell)
sCell = fnGetLocalRangeName (oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (1, 0))
sFormula = "=""Z""&" & sCell
oCell = oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (3, 0)
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.gotoEnd (True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapement", -33)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapementHeight", 58)
For nRow = 1 To nNY
sCell = fnGetLocalRangeName (oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (1, nRow))
sFormula = "=ABS(" & sCell & "-" & sCellYMean & ")"
oCell = oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (3, nRow)
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
Next nRow
sCellsYZData = fnGetLocalRangeName (oReportSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (3, 1, 3, nNY))
oCell = oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (3, nNRow + 1)
sFormula = "=AVERAGE(" & sCellsYZData & ")"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
sCellYZMean = fnGetLocalRangeName (oCell)
' Calculates the total average
oCell = oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (4, nNRow)
sFormula = "=SUM(" & sCellsN & ")"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell = oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (4, nNRow + 1)
sFormula = "=AVERAGE(" & sCellsXZData & ";" & sCellsYZData & ")"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
sCellZMean = fnGetLocalRangeName (oCell)
' Calculates the difference of the Z values to their means
sCell = fnGetLocalRangeName (oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (0, 0))
sFormula = "=""dZ""&" & sCell
oCell = oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (4, 0)
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapement", -33)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapementHeight", 58)
oCursor.gotoEnd (True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapement", -44)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapementHeight", 34)
For nRow = 1 To nNX
sCell = fnGetLocalRangeName (oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (2, nRow))
sFormula = "=" & sCell & "-" & sCellXZMean
oCell = oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (4, nRow)
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
Next nRow
sCell = fnGetLocalRangeName (oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (1, 0))
sFormula = "=""dZ""&" & sCell
oCell = oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (5, 0)
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex", com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapement", -33)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapementHeight", 58)
oCursor.gotoEnd (True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapement", -44)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapementHeight", 34)
For nRow = 1 To nNY
sCell = fnGetLocalRangeName (oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (3, nRow))
sFormula = "=" & sCell & "-" & sCellYZMean
oCell = oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (5, nRow)
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
Next nRow
' Calculates the difference of the Z means to the total mean
sCell = fnGetLocalRangeName (oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (2, nNRow + 1))
sFormula = "=" & sCell & "-" & sCellZMean
oCell = oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (2, nNRow + 2)
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
sCell = fnGetLocalRangeName (oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (3, nNRow + 1))
sFormula = "=" & sCell & "-" & sCellZMean
oCell = oReportSheet.getCellByPosition (3, nNRow + 2)
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
fnCollectIndependentTTestData = oReportSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (0, 0, 5, nNRow + 2)
End Function
' fnGetLeveneTest: Returns the Levene's test result.
Function fnGetLeveneTest (oZDataRange As Object) As String
Dim nK As Integer, nRows As Integer
Dim oCell As Object, oCells As Object
Dim sCellN As String, sCellsN As String
Dim sCellsDZMean As String, sCellsDZData As String
nRows = oZDataRange.getRows.getCount
nK = oZDataRange.getColumns.getCount / 3
oCell = oZDataRange.getCellByPosition (nK * 2, nRows - 3)
sCellN = fnGetRangeName (oCell)
oCells = oZDataRange.getCellRangeByPosition (0, nRows - 3, nK - 1, nRows - 3)
sCellsN = fnGetRangeName (oCells)
oCells = oZDataRange.getCellRangeByPosition (nK, nRows - 1, nK * 2 - 1, nRows - 1)
sCellsDZMean = fnGetRangeName (oCells)
oCells = oZDataRange.getCellRangeByPosition (nK * 2, 1, nK * 3 - 1, nRows - 4)
sCellsDZData = fnGetRangeName (oCells)
fnGetLeveneTest = "((" & sCellN & "-COUNT(" & sCellsN & "))/(COUNT(" & sCellsN & ")-1))*(SUMPRODUCT(" & sCellsN & ";" & sCellsDZMean & ";" & sCellsDZMean & ")/SUMPRODUCT(" & sCellsDZData & ";" & sCellsDZData & "))"
End Function
</script:module> |