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' Copyright (c) 2016 imacat.
' Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
' you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
' You may obtain a copy of the License at
' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
' distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
' See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
' limitations under the License.
' 1CorRel: The macros to for generating the report of the Pearsons correlation coefficient
' by imacat <>, 2016-08-10
Option Explicit
' subRunCorrelation: Runs the Pearsons correlation coefficient.
Sub subRunCorrelation As Object
Dim oRange As Object
Dim oSheets As Object, sSheetName As String
Dim oSheet As Object, mRanges As Object
Dim sExisted As String, nResult As Integer
DialogLibraries.loadLibrary "StatTool"
' Asks the user for the data range
oRange = fnAskDataRange (ThisComponent)
If IsNull (oRange) Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Specifies the data
mRanges = fnSpecifyData (oRange, _
"&3.Dlg2SpecData.txtPrompt1.Label1CorRel", _
If IsNull (mRanges) Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Checks the existing report
oSheets = ThisComponent.getSheets
sSheetName = oRange.getSpreadsheet.getName
If oSheets.hasByName (sSheetName & "_correl") Then
sExisted = "Spreadsheet """ & sSheetName & "_correl"" exists. Overwrite?"
If nResult = IDNO Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Drops the existing report
oSheets.removeByname (sSheetName & "_correl")
End If
' Reports the paired T-test.
subReportCorrelation (ThisComponent, mRanges (0), mRanges (1))
oSheet = oSheets.getByName (sSheetName & "_correl")
' Makes the report sheet active.
ThisComponent.getCurrentController.setActiveSheet (oSheet)
End Sub
' subReportCorrelation: Reports the Pearsons correlation coefficient
Sub subReportCorrelation (oDoc As Object, oDataXRange As Object, oDataYRange As Object)
Dim oSheets As Object, sSheetName As String, oTmpSheet As Object
Dim mNames () As String, nI As Integer, nSheetIndex As Integer
Dim oSheet As Object, oColumns As Object, nRow As Integer
Dim oCell As Object, oCells As Object, oCursor As Object
Dim nN As Long, sFormula As String
Dim sNotes As String, nPos As Integer
Dim nFormatN As Integer, nFormatF As Integer, nFormatP As Integer
Dim aBorderSingle As New
Dim aBorderDouble As New
Dim sCellXLabel As String, sCellsXData As String
Dim sCellYLabel As String, sCellsYData As String
Dim sCellN As String, sCellR As String, sCellP As String
oSheets = oDoc.getSheets
sSheetName = oDataXRange.getSpreadsheet.getName
mNames = oSheets.getElementNames
For nI = 0 To UBound (mNames)
If mNames (nI) = sSheetName Then
nSheetIndex = nI
End If
Next nI
oSheets.insertNewByName (sSheetName & "_correl", nSheetIndex + 1)
oSheet = oSheets.getByName (sSheetName & "_correl")
nN = oDataXRange.getRows.getCount - 1
sCellXLabel = fnGetRangeName (oDataXRange.getCellByPosition (0, 0))
sCellsXData = fnGetRangeName (oDataXRange.getCellRangeByPosition (0, 1, 0, nN))
sCellYLabel = fnGetRangeName (oDataYRange.getCellByPosition (0, 0))
sCellsYData = fnGetRangeName (oDataYRange.getCellRangeByPosition (0, 1, 0, nN))
' Obtains the format parameters for the report.
nFormatN = fnQueryFormat (oDoc, "#,##0")
nFormatF = fnQueryFormat (oDoc, "#,###.000")
nFormatP = fnQueryFormat (oDoc, "[<0.01]#.000""**"";[<0.05]#.000""*"";#.000")
aBorderSingle.OuterLineWidth = 2
aBorderDouble.OuterLineWidth = 2
aBorderDouble.InnerLineWidth = 2
aBorderDouble.LineDistance = 2
' Sets the column widths of the report.
oColumns = oSheet.getColumns
oColumns.getByIndex (0).setPropertyValue ("Width", 3060)
oColumns.getByIndex (1).setPropertyValue ("Width", 3060)
oColumns.getByIndex (2).setPropertyValue ("Width", 2080)
oColumns.getByIndex (3).setPropertyValue ("Width", 2080)
oColumns.getByIndex (4).setPropertyValue ("Width", 2080)
nRow = -2
' Correlation
nRow = nRow + 2
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow)
oCell.setString ("Pearsons Correlation")
oCell.setPropertyValue ("CellStyle", "Result2")
oCells = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (0, nRow, 4, nRow)
oCells.merge (True)
nRow = nRow + 1
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow)
oCell.setString ("X")
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.gotoEnd (True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture",
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian",
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex",
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (1, nRow)
oCell.setString ("Y")
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.gotoEnd (True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture",
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian",
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex",
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (2, nRow)
oCell.setString ("N")
oCell.setPropertyValue ("ParaAdjust",
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.gotoEnd (True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture",
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian",
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex",
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (3, nRow)
oCell.setString ("r")
oCell.setPropertyValue ("ParaAdjust",
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.gotoEnd (True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture",
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian",
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex",
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (4, nRow)
oCell.setString ("p")
oCell.setPropertyValue ("ParaAdjust",
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.gotoEnd (True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture",
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian",
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex",
' The test result.
nRow = nRow + 1
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow)
sFormula = "=" & sCellXLabel
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (1, nRow)
sFormula = "=" & sCellYLabel
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (2, nRow)
sFormula = "=COUNT(" & sCellsXData & ")"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
sCellN = fnGetLocalRangeName (oCell)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatN)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (3, nRow)
sFormula = "=CORREL(" & sCellsXData & ";" & sCellsYData & ")"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
sCellR = fnGetLocalRangeName (oCell)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatF)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (4, nRow)
sFormula = "=TDIST(ABS(" & sCellR & "*SQRT((" & sCellN & "-2)/(1-" & sCellR & "*" & sCellR & ")));" & sCellN & "-2;2)"
oCell.setFormula (sFormula)
oCell.setPropertyValue ("NumberFormat", nFormatP)
sCellP = fnGetLocalRangeName (oCell)
' The foot notes of the test.
nRow = nRow + 1
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow)
oCell.setString ("Note: *: p<.05, **: p<.01" & Chr (10) & _
"H0: ρ=0 (the populations of the two groups are irrelavent)." & Chr (10) & _
"H1: ρ≠0 (the populations of the two groups are relevant) if the probability (p) is small enough.")
oCell.setPropertyValue ("IsTextWrapped", True)
oCells = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (0, nRow, 4, nRow)
oCells.merge (True)
sNotes = oCell.getString
oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor
nPos = InStr (sNotes, "p<")
Do While nPos <> 0
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (nPos - 1, False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture",
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian",
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex",
nPos = InStr (nPos + 1, sNotes, "p<")
nPos = InStr (sNotes, "(p)")
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (nPos, False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture",
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian",
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex",
nPos = InStr (sNotes, "ρ")
Do While nPos <> 0
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (nPos - 1, False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture",
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian",
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex",
nPos = InStr (nPos + 1, sNotes, "ρ")
nPos = InStr (sNotes, "H0")
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (nPos - 1, False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture",
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian",
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex",
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapement", -33)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapementHeight", 58)
nPos = InStr (sNotes, "H1")
oCursor.gotoStart (False)
oCursor.goRight (nPos - 1, False)
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPosture",
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureAsian",
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharPostureComplex",
oCursor.goRight (1, True)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapement", -33)
oCursor.setPropertyValue ("CharEscapementHeight", 58)
' Draws the table borders.
oCells = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow - 2)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("TopBorder", aBorderDouble)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("BottomBorder", aBorderSingle)
oCells = oSheet.getCellByPosition (1, nRow - 2)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("TopBorder", aBorderDouble)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("RightBorder", aBorderSingle)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("BottomBorder", aBorderSingle)
oCells = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (2, nRow - 2, 4, nRow - 2)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("TopBorder", aBorderDouble)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("BottomBorder", aBorderSingle)
oCells = oSheet.getCellByPosition (0, nRow - 1)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("BottomBorder", aBorderDouble)
oCells = oSheet.getCellByPosition (1, nRow - 1)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("RightBorder", aBorderSingle)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("BottomBorder", aBorderDouble)
oCells = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition (2, nRow - 1, 4, nRow - 1)
oCells.setPropertyValue ("BottomBorder", aBorderDouble)
' Adds an X-Y diagram.
subAddChart (oSheet, nRow, oDataXRange, oDataYRange)
' Adds the linear regression line when there is a linear relation
If oSheet.getCellRangeByName (sCellP).getValue < 0.05 Then
' Refresh this sheet and draws the chart in advance.
oTmpSheet = oDoc.getCurrentController.getActiveSheet
oDoc.getCurrentController.setActiveSheet (oSheet)
oDoc.getCurrentController.setActiveSheet (oTmpSheet)
subAddLinearRegression(oSheet, oDataXRange, oDataYRange)
End If
End Sub
' subAddChart: Adds a chart for the data
Sub subAddChart (oSheet As Object, nRow As Integer, oDataXRange As Object, oDataYRange As Object)
Dim nI As Integer, nY As Long
Dim oCharts As Object, oChart As Object
Dim oChartDoc As Object, oDiagram As Object
Dim aPos As New
Dim mAddrs (1) As New
Dim sTitle As String
Dim oProvider As Object, oData As Object
Dim sRange As String, mData () As Object
' Finds the Y position to place the chart.
nY = 0
For nI = 0 To nRow + 1
nY = nY + oSheet.getRows.getByIndex (nI).getPropertyValue ("Height")
Next nI
' Adds the chart
With aPos
.X = 0
.Y = nY
.Width = 10000
.Height = 10000
End With
mAddrs (0) = oDataXRange.getRangeAddress
mAddrs (1) = oDataYRange.getRangeAddress
oCharts = oSheet.getCharts
oCharts.addNewByName (oSheet.getName, aPos, mAddrs, True, False)
oChart = oCharts.getByName (oSheet.getName)
oChartDoc = oChart.getEmbeddedObject
oDiagram = oChartDoc.createInstance ( _
oDiagram.setPropertyValue ("Lines", False)
oDiagram.setPropertyValue ("HasXAxisGrid", False)
oDiagram.setPropertyValue ("HasYAxisGrid", False)
sTitle = oDataXRange.getCellByPosition (0, 0).getString
oDiagram.getXAxisTitle.setPropertyValue ("String", sTitle)
sTitle = oDataYRange.getCellByPosition (0, 0).getString
oDiagram.getYAxisTitle.setPropertyValue ("String", sTitle)
'oDiagram.getXAxis.setPropertyValue ("Min", 0)
'oDiagram.getYAxis.setPropertyValue ("Min", 0)
With aPos
.X = 1500
.Y = 1000
.Width = 7500
.Height = 7500
End With
oDiagram.setDiagramPositionExcludingAxes (aPos)
oChartDoc.setDiagram (oDiagram)
' Sets the data sequences for the X-axis and Y-axis
oProvider = oChartDoc.getDataProvider
mData = oChartDoc.getDataSequences
sRange = oDataXRange.getCellByPosition(0, 0).getPropertyValue ("AbsoluteName")
oData = oProvider.createDataSequenceByRangeRepresentation (sRange)
mData (0).setLabel (oData)
sRange = oDataXRange.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 1, 0, oDataXRange.getRows.getCount - 1).getPropertyValue ("AbsoluteName")
oData = oProvider.createDataSequenceByRangeRepresentation (sRange)
oData.Role = "values-x"
mData (0).setValues (oData)
sRange = oDataYRange.getCellByPosition(0, 0).getPropertyValue ("AbsoluteName")
oData = oProvider.createDataSequenceByRangeRepresentation (sRange)
mData (1).setLabel (oData)
sRange = oDataYRange.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 1, 0, oDataYRange.getRows.getCount - 1).getPropertyValue ("AbsoluteName")
oData = oProvider.createDataSequenceByRangeRepresentation (sRange)
oData.Role = "values-y"
mData (1).setValues (oData)
oChartDoc.setPropertyValue ("HasLegend", False)
End Sub
' subAddLinearRegression: Adds the linear regression line
Sub subAddLinearRegression (oSheet As Object, oDataXRange As Object, oDataYRange As Object)
Dim oChart As Object, oChartDoc As Object
Dim oDrawPage As Object, oChartPageShape As Object
Dim oDiagramSetShape As Object, oDiagramShape As Object
Dim aDiagramSize As New
Dim aDiagramPos As New
Dim oDiagram As Object
Dim oXAxis As Object, fXMin As Double, fXMax As Double
Dim oYAxis As Object, fYMin As Double, fYMax As Double
Dim oShape As Object, mDataX As Variant, mDataY As Variant
Dim nI As Long, fSumX As Double, fSumY As Double
Dim fSumXY As Double, fSumX2 As Double, nN As Long
Dim fA As Double, fB As Double
Dim fX0 As Double, fY0 As Double, fX1 As Double, fY1 As Double
Dim aSize As New
Dim aPos As New
Dim aDash As New
oChartDoc = oSheet.getCharts.getByIndex (0).getEmbeddedObject
oChartPageShape = oChartDoc.getDrawPage.getByIndex (0)
oDiagramSetShape = oChartPageShape.getByIndex (1)
oDiagramShape = oDiagramSetShape.getByIndex (0)
aDiagramSize = oDiagramShape.getSize
aDiagramPos = oDiagramShape.getPosition
oDiagram = oChartDoc.getDiagram
oXAxis = oDiagram.getXAxis
fXMin = oXAxis.getPropertyValue ("Min")
fXMax = oXAxis.getPropertyValue ("Max")
oYAxis = oDiagram.getYAxis
fYMin = oYAxis.getPropertyValue ("Min")
fYMax = oYAxis.getPropertyValue ("Max")
mDataX = oDataXRange.getCellRangeByPosition (0, 1, 0, oDataXRange.getRows.getCount - 1).getDataArray
mDataY = oDataYRange.getCellRangeByPosition (0, 1, 0, oDataYRange.getRows.getCount - 1).getDataArray
nN = UBound (mDataX) + 1
fSumX = 0
fSumY = 0
fSumXY = 0
fSumX2 = 0
For nI = 0 To UBound (mDataX)
fSumX = fSumX + mDataX (nI) (0)
fSumY = fSumY + mDataY (nI) (0)
fSumXY = fSumXY + mDataX (nI) (0) * mDataY (nI) (0)
fSumX2 = fSumX2 + mDataX (nI) (0) * mDataX (nI) (0)
Next nI
fB = (fSumXY - fSumX * fSumY / nN) / (fSumX2 - fSumX * fSumX / nN)
fA = (fSumY / nN) - fB * (fSumX / nN)
fX0 = fXMin
fY0 = fB * fX0 + fA
If fY0 < fYMin Then
fY0 = fYMin
fX0 = (fY0 - fA) / fB
End If
If fY0 > fYMax Then
fY0 = fYMax
fX0 = (fY0 - fA) / fB
End If
fX1 = fXMax
fY1 = fB * fX1 + fA
If fY1 < fYMin Then
fY1 = fYMin
fX1 = (fY1 - fA) / fB
End If
If fY1 > fYMax Then
fY1 = fYMax
fX1 = (fY1 - fA) / fB
End If
' Adds the linear regression line.
oShape = oChartDoc.createInstance ("")
With aSize
.Width = aDiagramSize.Width * (fX1 - fX0) / (fXMax - fXMin)
.Height = -aDiagramSize.Height * (fY1 - fY0) / (fYMax - fYMin)
End With
oShape.setSize (aSize)
With aPos
.X = aDiagramPos.X + aDiagramSize.Width * fX0 / (fXMax - fXMin)
.Y = aDiagramPos.Y + aDiagramSize.Height - aDiagramSize.Height * fY0 / (fYMax - fYMin)
End With
oShape.setPosition (aPos)
oShape.setPropertyValue ("LineStyle",
With aDash
.Style =
.Dots = 1
.DotLen = 197
.Dashes = 0
.DashLen = 0
.Distance = 120
End With
oShape.setPropertyValue ("LineDash", aDash)
oShape.setPropertyValue ("LineWidth", 100)
oShape.setPropertyValue ("LineColor", RGB (255, 0, 0))
'oSheet.getDrawPage.add (oShape)
oChartDoc.getDrawPage.add (oShape)
End Sub