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reslog Version 3.16

What’s New?


reslog version 3.16 is released. This release fixed a bug with empty files created with Compress::Bzip2. Download reslog version 3.16.


reslog version 3.15 is released. Fixed the minimal required Perl version in the Makefile.PL installation. Upgrade is not necessary if you have installed reslog version 3.13 or later. Download reslog version 3.15.


reslog version 3.14 is released. There are several documentation and test suite fixes. Upgrade is not necessary if you have installed reslog version 3.13. Download reslog version 3.14.


reslog version 3.13 is released. There are many code enhancements, bug fixes, test suite enhancements and documentation fixes. Download reslog version 3.13.


reslog version 3.12 is released. Fixed the error when there is no IP to be resolved. Download reslog version 3.12.


reslog version 3.11 is released. Fixed the problem with non-threaded Perl. Fixed the bug checking STDIN file type with the file program. Moved files back to the Perl default installation directories. Added support for installation with Module::Build. Download reslog version 3.11.


reslog version 3.10 is released. Documentation fixes. Download reslog version 3.10.


reslog version 3.09 is released. License updated to GPLv3, and various fixes. Download reslog version 3.09.


reslog version 3.08 is released. Documentation fixes. Download reslog version 3.08.


reslog version 3.07 is released. Clean up the code so that it works on more platforms. Now it works on Linux, MS-Windows, Cygwin, Solaris, FreeBSD and MacOSX Darwin. Download reslog version 3.07.


reslog version 3.06 is released. Rewrite the test suite so that the result is more correct, accuate and meaningful. Download reslog version 3.06.


reslog version 3.05 is released. Fixed a bug that unavailable STDIN may cause error. Download reslog version 3.05.


reslog version 3.04 is released. Fixed a typo when loading File::MMagic. Download reslog version 3.04.


reslog version 3.03 is released. Default installation directory moved back to /sbin. make upgrade is added to remove files from the old versions. flock() policy is redesigned for consistency and less errors. Download reslog version 3.03.


reslog version 3.02 is released. Resolver is now independent from the main program. Successfully tested and run on MS-Windows and Cygwin. Several small bugs are solved. Download reslog version 3.02.


reslog version 3.01 is released. A serious bug that --suffix and --trim-suffix was obtaining wrong value is fixed. You should upgrade to version 3.01 immediately if you were using 3.00. Download reslog version 3.01.


reslog version 3.00 is released. I rewrote everything. The code is now object-oriented. ithreads Threading support is added so that it is really fast now. bzip2 compression is supported. Compressing and decompressing using gzip and bzip2 executables without installing Compress::Zlib and Compress::Bzip2 is now possible, although discouraged. Certain file name suffix can be removed before outputing the result file, so that it can be line-up with other log file filters. Download reslog version 3.00.


reslog.pl version 2.1.0dev2 is released. This release corrects several documentation errors. It also adds SourceForge in the documentations as one of the sources of reslog.pl. You can think of it as a Source Forge Memorial Release. :p You don’t have to upgrade to this version in a rush. Download reslog.pl version 2.1.0dev2.


reslog.pl is hosted at SourceForge now! Congratulations! (Although I’m still trying hard to get it working at this time… ^^; )


reslog.pl version 2.1.0dev1 is released. This release fixes the problem that it wouldn’t run with Perl 5.8.0. I marked it as dev because I wish I can implement Compress::Bzip2 and ExtUtils::MakeMaker in the 2.1.0 stable release. But it is is in fact very stable. Download reslog.pl version 2.1.0dev1.


reslog reverse-resolves IP in the Apache log files. These log files can then be analyzed by another program, like Analog. You can think of it as a replacement of Apache HostNameLookups directive, in the sense that it resolves the client IP altogether once a day.


System Requirement

  1. Perl, version 5.8.0 or above. reslog uses 3-argument open() to duplicate filehandles, which is only supported since 5.8.0. I have not successfully port this onto earlier versions yet. Please tell me if you made it. You can run perl -v to see your current Perl version. If you do not have Perl, or if you have an older version of Perl, you can download and install/upgrade it from Perl website. If you are using MS-Windows, you can download and install ActiveState ActivePerl.

  2. Required Perl modules: None.

  3. Optional Perl modules:


    This is used to check the file type. If this is not available, reslog will look for the file executable instead. If that is not available, too, reslog will judge the file type by its name suffix (extension). In that case reslog will fail when reading from STDIN. You can download and install File::MMagic from the CPAN archive, or install it with the CPAN shell by running cpan File::MMagic, or install it with the CPANPLUS shell by running cpanp i Term::ReadKey. Debian/Ubandu Linux users can install it by running apt-get install libfile-mmagic-perl. Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS Linux users can install it by running yum install perl-File-MMagic. FreeBSD users can install it by running ports install p5-File-MMagic. ActivePerl users can install it by running ppm install File::MMagic. The alternative file.exe for MS-Windows can be obtained from the GnuWin32 home page. Be sure to save it as file.exe somewhere in your PATH.

    It is preferred to use File::MMagic. The file executable seems to make mistakes occationally.


    This is used to support read/write of gzip compressed files. It is only needed when gzip compressed files are encountered. If it is not available when needed, reslog will try to use the gzip executable instead. If that is not available, too, reslog will fail. You can download and install Compress::Zlib from the CPAN archive, or install it with the CPAN shell by running cpan Compress::Zlib, or install it with the CPANPLUS shell by running cpanp i Compress::Zlib. Debian/Ubandu Linux users can install it by running apt-get install libcompress-zlib-perl. Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS Linux users can install it by running yum install perl-Compress-Zlib. FreeBSD users can install it by running ports install p5-Compress-Zlib. ActivePerl users can install it by running ppm install Compress::Zlib. The alternative gzip.exe for MS-Windows can be obtained from the gzip home page. Be sure to save it as gzip.exe somewhere in your PATH.

    Compress::Bzip2, version 2 or above

    This is used to support read/write of bzip2 compressed files. It is only needed when bzip2 compressed files are encountered. If it is not available when needed, reslog will try to use the bzip2 executable instead. If that is not available, too, reslog will fail. Notice that older versions before 2 does not work, since file I/O compression were not implemented yet. You can download and install Compress::Bzip2 from the CPAN archive, or install it with the CPAN shell by running cpan Compress::Bzip2, or install it with the CPANPLUS shell by running cpanp i Compress::Bzip2. Debian/Ubandu Linux users can install it by running apt-get install libcompress-bzip2-perl. Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS Linux users can install it by running yum install perl-Compress-Bzip2. FreeBSD users can install it by running ports install p5-Compress-Bzip2. ActivePerl users can install it by running ppm install Compress::Bzip2. The alternative bzip2.exe for MS-Windows can be obtained from the bzip2 home page. Be sure to save it as bzip2.exe somewhere in your PATH.


    This is used to display the progress bar. Without this reslog won’t display the progress bar, but nothing else is different. The progress bar is a good visual representation of what reslog is currently doing. You can download and install Term::ReadKey from the CPAN archive, or install it with the CPAN shell by running cpan Term::ReadKey, or install it with the CPANPLUS shell by running cpanp i Term::ReadKey. Debian/Ubandu Linux users can install it by running apt-get install libterm-readkey-perl. Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS Linux users can install it by running yum install perl-TermReadKey. FreeBSD users can install it by running ports install p5-Term-ReadKey. ActivePerl users can install it by running ppm install Term::ReadKey.


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If you are upgrading from reslog 3.10 or earlier, or if you are upgrading from reslog.pl 3.02 or earlier, please read UPGRADE for some upgrade instruction.

Install with ExtUtils::MakeMaker

reslog uses standard Perl installation with ExtUtils::MakeMaker. Follow these steps:

% perl Makefile.PL
% make
% make test
% make install

When running make install, make sure you have the priviledge to write to the installation location. This usually requires the root priviledge.

If you are using ActivePerl under MS-Windows, you should use nmake instead of make. nmake can be obtained from the Microsoft FTP site.

If you want to install into another location, you can set the PREFIX. For example, to install into your home when you are not root:

% perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/jessica

Refer to the docuemntation of ExtUtils::MakeMaker for more installation options (by running perldoc ExtUtils::MakeMaker).

Install with Module::Build

You can install with Module::Build instead, if you prefer. Follow these steps:

% perl Build.PL
% ./Build
% ./Build test
% ./Build install

When running ./Build install, make sure you have the priviledge to write to the installation location. This usually requires the root priviledge.

If you want to install into another location, you can set the --prefix. For example, to install into your home when you are not root:

% perl Build.PL --prefix=/home/jessica

Refer to the docuemntation of Module::Build for more installation options (by running perldoc Module::Build).


./reslog [options] [logfile…]
./reslog [-h|-v]

The log file to be resolved. Multiple log files are supported. If not specified, it will read from STDIN and output to STDOUT. You can also specify - to read from STDIN. Result of STDIN will go to STDOUT. gzip or bzip2 compressed files are supported, too.

-k, --keep mode

What to keep in the source file. Currently the following modes are supported:

a, all

Keep the source file after records are archived.

r, restart

Restart the source file after records are resolved.

d, delete

Delete the source file after records are resolved. This is the default.

-o, --override mode

Whether we should overwrite the existing resolved files. Currently the following modes are supported:

o, overwrite

Overwrite existing target files.

a, append

Append the records to existing target files.

f, fail

Stop processing whenever a target file exists, to prevent destroying existing files by accident. This is the default.

-s, --suffix suf

The suffix to be appended to the output file. If not specified, the default is .resolved.

-t, --trim-suffix suf

The suffix to be trimmed from the input file name before appending the above suffix. Default is none. If you are running several log file filters, this can help you trim the suffix of the previous one.

-n, --num-threads num

Number of threads to run simultaneously. The default is 10. Use 0 to disable threading. Your system must support threading itself. This option has no effect for systems that do not support threading.

-c, --stdout

Output the result to STDOUT.

-d, --debug

Show the detailed debugging messages. More -d to be more detailed.

-q, --quiet

Shihhhhhh. Only yell when errors.

-h, --help

Display the help message and exit.

-v, --version

Output version information and exit.


Copyright © 2001-2007 imacat.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

Release Notes

Please read the NEWS for the new functions and bug fixes.


reslog is hosted on SourceForge, CPAN and Tavern IMACAT’s. For the latest infomation, see

There is a reslog mailing list hosted at SourceForge. Please submit your questions, suggestions or bug reports there. It is a Mailman mailing list. For more information, see the reslog mailing list page. Alternatively, you can send a mail to the e-mail command mailbox with the subject help for a list of available e-mail commands.