依瑪貓 f0c756b917 * Added Pokémons from Johto region (generation 2), whose ID are from 152 to 251, without images yet.
* Moved fnMapPokemonNameToId from 0Main to 9Load, because it is only used in 9Load.
* Separated sPokemonId from sPokemonName in the data structure, to fix the confusion for Farfetch'd, Nidoran♀, Nidoran♂, and Mr. Mime.
* Advanced to 0.4.0.
* Updated the update information.
2017-03-01 23:11:17 +08:00

256 lines
8.4 KiB

' Copyright (c) 2016-2017 imacat.
' Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
' you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
' You may obtain a copy of the License at
' http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
' distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
' See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
' limitations under the License.
' 9Load: The Pokémon GO data sheets loader
' by imacat <imacat@mail.imacat.idv.tw>, 2016-11-28
Option Explicit
' subReadDataSheets: Reads the data sheets and shows the data as
' OpenOffice Basic arrays
Sub subReadDataSheets
Dim sOutput as String, mData As Variant
sOutput = "" _
& "' Copyright (c) 2016-" & Year (Now) & " imacat." & Chr (10) _
& "' " & Chr (10) _
& "' Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ""License"");" & Chr (10) _
& "' you may not use this file except in compliance with the License." & Chr (10) _
& "' You may obtain a copy of the License at" & Chr (10) _
& "' " & Chr (10) _
& "' http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0" & Chr (10) _
& "' " & Chr (10) _
& "' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software" & Chr (10) _
& "' distributed under the License is distributed on an ""AS IS"" BASIS," & Chr (10) _
& "' WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied." & Chr (10) _
& "' See the License for the specific language governing permissions and" & Chr (10) _
& "' limitations under the License." & Chr (10) _
& Chr (10) _
& "' 2Data: The Pokémon GO data for IV calculation" & Chr (10) _
& "' by imacat <imacat@mail.imacat.idv.tw>, " & Format (Date (), "yyyy-mm-dd") & Chr (10) _
& "' Generated with 9Load.subReadDataSheets ()" & Chr (10) _
& Chr (10) _
& "Option Explicit"
sOutput = sOutput & Chr (10) & Chr (10) & fnReadBaseStatsSheet
sOutput = sOutput & Chr (10) & Chr (10) & fnReadCPMSheet
sOutput = sOutput & Chr (10) & Chr (10) & fnReadStardustSheet
subShowBasicData (sOutput)
End Sub
' subShowBasicData: Shows the data table as Basic arrays
Sub subShowBasicData (sContent As String)
Dim oDialog As Object, oDialogModel As Object
Dim oEditModel As Object, oButtonModel As Object
' Creates a dialog
oDialogModel = CreateUnoService ( _
oDialogModel.setPropertyValue ("PositionX", 100)
oDialogModel.setPropertyValue ("PositionY", 100)
oDialogModel.setPropertyValue ("Height", 130)
oDialogModel.setPropertyValue ("Width", 200)
oDialogModel.setPropertyValue ("Title", "Pokémon GO Data")
' Adds the content area
oEditModel = oDialogModel.createInstance ( _
oEditModel.setPropertyValue ("PositionX", 5)
oEditModel.setPropertyValue ("PositionY", 5)
oEditModel.setPropertyValue ("Height", 100)
oEditModel.setPropertyValue ("Width", 190)
oEditModel.setPropertyValue ("MultiLine", True)
oEditModel.setPropertyValue ("Text", sContent)
oEditModel.setPropertyValue ("ReadOnly", True)
oDialogModel.insertByName ("edtContent", oEditModel)
' Adds the OK button.
oButtonModel = oDialogModel.createInstance ( _
oButtonModel.setPropertyValue ("PositionX", 70)
oButtonModel.setPropertyValue ("PositionY", 110)
oButtonModel.setPropertyValue ("Height", 15)
oButtonModel.setPropertyValue ("Width", 60)
oButtonModel.setPropertyValue ("PushButtonType", _
oButtonModel.setPropertyValue ("DefaultButton", True)
oDialogModel.insertByName ("btnOK", oButtonModel)
' Adds the dialog model to the control and runs it.
oDialog = CreateUnoService ("com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog")
oDialog.setModel (oDialogModel)
oDialog.setVisible (True)
End Sub
' fnReadBaseStatsSheet: Reads the base stats sheet.
Function fnReadBaseStatsSheet As String
Dim oSheet As Object, oRange As Object, mData As Variant
Dim nI As Integer, sOutput As String
Dim nJ As Integer, nStart As Integer, nEnd As Integer
Dim sEvolveForms As String
oSheet = ThisComponent.getSheets.getByName ("basestat")
oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName ("BaseStats")
mData = oRange.getDataArray
sOutput = "" _
& "' fnGetBaseStatsData: Returns the base stats data." & Chr (10) _
& "Function fnGetBaseStatsData As Variant" & Chr (10) _
& Chr (9) & "fnGetBaseStatsData = Array( _" & Chr (10)
For nI = 1 To UBound (mData) - 1
sEvolveForms = fnFindEvolveForms (mData (nI))
sOutput = sOutput _
& Chr (9) & Chr (9) & "Array (""" _
& fnMapPokemonNameToId (mData (nI) (0)) _
& """, """ & mData (nI) (1) _
& """, " & mData (nI) (3) _
& ", " & mData (nI) (4) _
& ", " & mData (nI) (5) _
& ", " & sEvolveForms & "), _" & Chr (10)
Next nI
nI = UBound (mData)
sEvolveForms = fnFindEvolveForms (mData (nI))
sOutput = sOutput _
& Chr (9) & Chr (9) & "Array (""" _
& fnMapPokemonNameToId (mData (nI) (0)) _
& """, """ & mData (nI) (1) _
& """, " & mData (nI) (3) _
& ", " & mData (nI) (4) _
& ", " & mData (nI) (5) _
& ", " & sEvolveForms & "))" & Chr (10) _
& "End Function"
fnReadBaseStatsSheet = sOutput
End Function
' fnFindEvolveForms: Finds the evolved forms of the Pokémons.
Function fnFindEvolveForms (mData () As Variant) As String
Dim nJ As Integer, nStart As Integer, nEnd As Integer
Dim sEvolveForms As String
If mData (0) = "Eevee" Then
sEvolveForms = "Array (""Vaporeon"", ""Jolteon"", ""Flareon"")"
For nJ = 6 To 8
If mData (nJ) = mData (0) Then
nStart = nJ + 1
nJ = 9
End If
Next nJ
If nStart = 9 Then
nEnd = 8
For nJ = nStart To 8
If mData (nJ) = "" Then
nEnd = nJ - 1
nJ = 9
If nJ = 8 Then
nEnd = 8
nJ = 9
End If
End If
Next nJ
End If
If nEnd = nStart - 1 Then
sEvolveForms = "Array ()"
sEvolveForms = """" _
& fnMapPokemonNameToId (mData (nStart)) & """"
For nJ = nStart + 1 To nEnd
sEvolveForms = sEvolveForms _
& ", """ _
& fnMapPokemonNameToId (mData (nJ)) & """"
Next nJ
sEvolveForms = "Array (" & sEvolveForms & ")"
End If
End If
fnFindEvolveForms = sEvolveForms
End Function
' fnMapPokemonNameToId: Maps the English Pokémon names to their IDs.
Function fnMapPokemonNameToId (sName As String) As String
Dim sId As String
sId = ""
If sName = "Farfetch'd" Then
sId = "Farfetchd"
End If
If sName = "Nidoran♀" Then
sId = "NidoranFemale"
End If
If sName = "Nidoran♂" Then
sId = "NidoranMale"
End If
If sName = "Mr. Mime" Then
sId = "MrMime"
End If
If sName = "Ho-Oh" Then
sId = "HoOh"
End If
If sId = "" Then
sId = sName
End If
fnMapPokemonNameToId = sId
End Function
' fnReadCPMSheet: Reads the combat power multiplier sheet.
Function fnReadCPMSheet As String
Dim oSheet As Object, oRange As Object, mData As Variant
Dim nI As Integer, sOutput As String
oSheet = ThisComponent.getSheets.getByName ("cpm")
oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName ("CPM")
mData = oRange.getDataArray
sOutput = "" _
& "' fnGetCPMData: Returns the combat power multiplier data." & Chr (10) _
& "Function fnGetCPMData As Variant" & Chr (10) _
& Chr (9) & "fnGetCPMData = Array( _" & Chr (10) _
& Chr (9) & Chr (9) & "-1, _" & Chr (10)
For nI = 1 To UBound (mData) - 2 Step 2
sOutput = sOutput _
& Chr (9) & Chr (9) & mData (nI) (1) & ", _" & Chr (10)
Next nI
nI = UBound (mData) - 2
sOutput = sOutput _
& Chr (9) & Chr (9) & mData (nI) (1) & ")" & Chr (10) _
& "End Function"
fnReadCPMSheet = sOutput
End Function
' fnReadStardustSheet: Reads the stardust sheet.
Function fnReadStardustSheet As String
Dim oSheet As Object, oRange As Object, mData As Variant
Dim nI As Integer, sOutput As String
oSheet = ThisComponent.getSheets.getByName ("lvup")
oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName ("A2:D81")
mData = oRange.getDataArray
sOutput = "" _
& "' fnGetStardustData: Returns the stardust data." & Chr (10) _
& "Function fnGetStardustData As Variant" & Chr (10) _
& Chr (9) & "fnGetStardustData = Array( _" & Chr (10) _
& Chr (9) & Chr (9) & "-1, _" & Chr (10)
For nI = 1 To UBound (mData) - 1 Step 2
sOutput = sOutput _
& Chr (9) & Chr (9) & mData (nI) (2) & ", _" & Chr (10)
Next nI
nI = UBound (mData)
sOutput = sOutput _
& Chr (9) & Chr (9) & mData (nI) (2) & ")" & Chr (10) _
& "End Function"
fnReadStardustSheet = sOutput
End Function