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<script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="0Main" script:language="StarBasic">&apos; Copyright (c) 2016-2017 imacat.
&apos; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the &quot;License&quot;);
&apos; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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&apos; 0Main: The main module for the Pokémon GO IV calculator
&apos; by imacat &lt;imacat@mail.imacat.idv.tw&gt;, 2016-11-27
Option Explicit
&apos; The base stats of a Pokémon.
Type aStats
sNo As String
sPokemonId As String
nStamina As Integer
nAttack As Integer
nDefense As Integer
mEvolved () As String
End Type
&apos; The individual values of a Pokémon.
Type aIV
fLevel As Double
nStamina As Integer
nAttack As Integer
nDefense As Integer
nTotal As Integer
nMaxCP As Integer
maEvolved () As aEvolvedStats
End Type
&apos; The calculated evolved stats of a Pokémon.
Type aEvolvedStats
nCP As Integer
nMaxCP As Integer
End Type
&apos; The parameters to find the individual values.
Type aFindIVParam
sPokemonId As String
sPokemonName As String
nCP As Integer
nHP As Integer
nStardust As Integer
nPlayerLevel As Integer
bIsNew As Boolean
nTotal As Integer
sBest As String
nMax As Integer
bIsCancelled As Boolean
End Type
Private maBaseStats () As New aStats
Private mCPM () As Double, mStardust () As Integer
&apos; subMain: The main program
Sub subMain
Dim aBaseStats As New aStats, maIVs As Variant, nI As Integer
Dim aQuery As New aFindIVParam
aQuery = fnAskParam
If aQuery.bIsCancelled Then
Exit Sub
End If
aBaseStats = fnGetBaseStats (aQuery.sPokemonId)
maIVs = fnFindIV (aBaseStats, aQuery)
If UBound (maIVs) = -1 Then
MsgBox fnGetResString (&quot;ErrorNotFound&quot;)
subSaveIV (aBaseStats, aQuery, maIVs)
End If
End Sub
&apos; fnFindIV: Finds the possible individual values of the Pokémon
Function fnFindIV ( _
aBaseStats As aStats, aQuery As aFindIVParam) As Variant
Dim nEvolved As Integer
Dim maEvBaseStats () As New aStats, aTempStats As New aStats
Dim maIV () As New aIV, aTempIV As New aIV
Dim fLevel As Double, nStamina As Integer
Dim nAttack As Integer, nDefense As integer
Dim nI As Integer, nJ As Integer
Dim fStep As Double, nN As Integer, nMaxLevel As Integer
If aQuery.sPokemonId = &quot;&quot; Then
fnFindIV = maIV
Exit Function
End If
If aQuery.bIsNew Then
fStep = 1
fStep = 0.5
End If
nEvolved = UBound (aBaseStats.mEvolved)
If nEvolved &gt; -1 Then
ReDim Preserve maEvBaseStats (nEvolved) As New aStats
For nI = 0 To nEvolved
aTempStats = fnGetBaseStats (aBaseStats.mEvolved (nI))
With maEvBaseStats (nI)
.nAttack = aTempStats.nAttack
.nDefense = aTempStats.nDefense
.nStamina = aTempStats.nStamina
End With
Next nI
End If
nN = -1
nMaxLevel = aQuery.nPlayerLevel + 1.5
If nMaxLevel &gt; 40 Then
nMaxLevel = 40
End If
For fLevel = 1 To UBound (mStardust) Step fStep
If mStardust (CInt (fLevel - 0.5)) = aQuery.nStardust Then
For nStamina = 0 To 15
If fnCalcHP (aBaseStats, fLevel, nStamina) = aQuery.nHP Then
For nAttack = 0 To 15
For nDefense = 0 To 15
If fnCalcCP (aBaseStats, fLevel, nAttack, nDefense, nStamina) = aQuery.nCP _
And Not fnFilterAppraisals (aQuery, nAttack, nDefense, nStamina) Then
nN = nN + 1
ReDim Preserve maIV (nN) As New aIV
With maIV (nN)
.fLevel = fLevel
.nAttack = nAttack
.nDefense = nDefense
.nStamina = nStamina
.nTotal = nAttack _
+ nDefense + nStamina
End With
If aQuery.nPlayerLevel &lt;&gt; 0 Then
maIV (nN).nMaxCP = fnCalcCP ( _
aBaseStats, nMaxLevel, _
nAttack, nDefense, nStamina)
End If
maIV (nN).maEvolved _
= fnGetEvolvedArray (nEvolved)
For nI = 0 To nEvolved
maIV (nN).maEvolved (nI).nCP _
= fnCalcCP ( _
maEvBaseStats (nI), _
fLevel, nAttack, _
nDefense, nStamina)
If aQuery.nPlayerLevel &lt;&gt; 0 Then
maIV (nN).maEvolved (nI).nMaxCP _
= fnCalcCP ( _
maEvBaseStats (nI), _
nMaxLevel, nAttack, _
nDefense, nStamina)
End If
Next nI
End If
Next nDefense
Next nAttack
End If
Next nStamina
End If
Next fLevel
&apos; Sorts the IVs
For nI = 0 To UBound (maIV) - 1
For nJ = nI + 1 To UBound (maIV)
If fnCompareIV (maIV (nI), maIV (nJ)) &gt; 0 Then
&apos; This is an array of data. The data are actually
&apos; allocated in sequences. maIV (nI) is not a
&apos; reference. They cannot simply be assigned.
subCopyIV (maIV (nI), aTempIV)
subCopyIV (maIV (nJ), maIV (nI))
subCopyIV (aTempIV, maIV (nJ))
End If
Next nJ
Next nI
fnFindIV = maIV
End Function
&apos; fnCompareIV: Compare two IVs for sorting
Function fnCompareIV (aIVa As aIV, aIVb As aIV) As Double
Dim nCPa As Integer, nCPb As Integer, nI As Integer
nCPa = aIVa.nMaxCP
For nI = 0 To UBound (aIVa.maEvolved)
If nCPa &lt; aIVa.maEvolved (nI).nMaxCP Then
nCPa = aIVa.maEvolved (nI).nMaxCP
End If
Next nI
nCPb = aIVb.nMaxCP
For nI = 0 To UBound (aIVb.maEvolved)
If nCPb &lt; aIVb.maEvolved (nI).nMaxCP Then
nCPb = aIVb.maEvolved (nI).nMaxCP
End If
Next nI
fnCompareIV = nCPb - nCPa
If fnCompareIV &lt;&gt; 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
nCPa = 0
For nI = 0 To UBound (aIVa.maEvolved)
If nCPa &lt; aIVa.maEvolved (nI).nCP Then
nCPa = aIVa.maEvolved (nI).nCP
End If
Next nI
nCPb = 0
For nI = 0 To UBound (aIVb.maEvolved)
If nCPb &lt; aIVb.maEvolved (nI).nCP Then
nCPb = aIVb.maEvolved (nI).nCP
End If
Next nI
fnCompareIV = nCPb - nCPa
If fnCompareIV &lt;&gt; 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
fnCompareIV = aIVb.nTotal - aIVa.nTotal
If fnCompareIV &lt;&gt; 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
fnCompareIV = aIVb.fLevel - aIVa.fLevel
If fnCompareIV &lt;&gt; 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
fnCompareIV = aIVb.nStamina - aIVa.nStamina
If fnCompareIV &lt;&gt; 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
fnCompareIV = aIVb.nAttack - aIVa.nAttack
If fnCompareIV &lt;&gt; 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
fnCompareIV = aIVb.nDefense - aIVa.nDefense
If fnCompareIV &lt;&gt; 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
End Function
&apos; subCopyIV: Copies one IV to another
Function subCopyIV (aFrom As aIV, aTo As aIV) As Double
Dim nI As Integer
With aTo
.nAttack = aFrom.nAttack
.nDefense = aFrom.nDefense
.nStamina = aFrom.nStamina
.nTotal = aFrom.nTotal
.nMaxCP = aFrom.nMaxCP
End With
aTo.maEvolved = fnGetEvolvedArray (UBound (aFrom.maEvolved))
For nI = 0 To UBound (aFrom.maEvolved)
With aTo.maEvolved (nI)
.nCP = aFrom.maEvolved (nI).nCP
.nMaxCP = aFrom.maEvolved (nI).nMaxCP
End With
Next nI
End Function
&apos; subSaveIV: Saves the found IV
Sub subSaveIV ( _
aBaseStats As aStats, aQuery As aFindIVParam, maIVs () As aIV)
Dim oDoc As Object, oSheet As Object
Dim oRange As Object, oColumns As Object, oRows As Object
Dim nI As Integer, nJ As Integer, nFront As Integer
Dim nEvolved As Integer
Dim mData (Ubound (maIVs) + 1) As Variant, mRow () As Variant
Dim mProps () As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL ( _
&quot;private:factory/scalc&quot;, &quot;_default&quot;, 0, mProps)
oSheet = oDoc.getSheets.getByIndex (0)
nEvolved = UBound (maIVs (0).maEvolved) + 1
mRow = Array ( _
&quot;No&quot;, &quot;Pokemon&quot;, &quot;CP&quot;, &quot;HP&quot;, &quot;Stardust&quot;, _
&quot;Lv&quot;, &quot;Atk&quot;, &quot;Def&quot;, &quot;Sta&quot;, &quot;IV&quot;)
nFront = UBound (mRow)
If aQuery.sPokemonId = &quot;Eevee&quot; Then
If aQuery.nPlayerLevel &lt;&gt; 0 Then
ReDim Preserve mRow (nFront + 6) As Variant
mRow (nFront + 1) = &quot;CP as &quot; _
&amp; aBaseStats.mEvolved (0)
mRow (nFront + 2) = &quot;Powered-up as &quot; _
&amp; aBaseStats.mEvolved (0)
mRow (nFront + 3) = &quot;CP as &quot; _
&amp; aBaseStats.mEvolved (1)
mRow (nFront + 4) = &quot;Powered-up as &quot; _
&amp; aBaseStats.mEvolved (1)
mRow (nFront + 5) = &quot;CP as &quot; _
&amp; aBaseStats.mEvolved (2)
mRow (nFront + 6) = &quot;Powered-up as &quot; _
&amp; aBaseStats.mEvolved (2)
ReDim Preserve mRow (nFront + 3) As Variant
mRow (nFront + 1) = &quot;CP as &quot; _
&amp; aBaseStats.mEvolved (0)
mRow (nFront + 2) = &quot;CP as &quot; _
&amp; aBaseStats.mEvolved (1)
mRow (nFront + 3) = &quot;CP as &quot; _
&amp; aBaseStats.mEvolved (2)
End If
If nEvolved = 0 Then
If aQuery.nPlayerLevel &lt;&gt; 0 Then
ReDim Preserve mRow (nFront + 1) As Variant
mRow (nFront + 1) = &quot;Powered-up&quot;
End If
If aQuery.nPlayerLevel &lt;&gt; 0 Then
ReDim Preserve mRow (nFront + nEvolved + 1) As Variant
For nJ = 0 To nEvolved - 1
mRow (nFront + nJ + 1) = &quot;CP as &quot; _
&amp; aBaseStats.mEvolved (nJ)
Next nJ
mRow (UBound (mRow)) = &quot;Powered-up as &quot; _
&amp; aBaseStats.mEvolved (nEvolved - 1)
ReDim Preserve mRow (nFront + nEvolved) As Variant
For nJ = 0 To nEvolved - 1
mRow (nFront + nJ + 1) = &quot;CP as &quot; _
&amp; aBaseStats.mEvolved (nJ)
Next nJ
End If
End If
End If
mData (0) = mRow
For nI = 0 To UBound (maIVs)
mRow = Array ( _
&quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;, _
maIVs (nI).fLevel, maIVs (nI).nAttack, _
maIVs (nI).nDefense, maIVs (nI).nStamina, _
maIVs (nI).nTotal / 45)
If aQuery.sPokemonId = &quot;Eevee&quot; Then
If aQuery.nPlayerLevel &lt;&gt; 0 Then
ReDim Preserve mRow (nFront + 6) As Variant
mRow (nFront + 1) = maIVs (nI).maEvolved (0).nCP
mRow (nFront + 2) = maIVs (nI).maEvolved (0).nMaxCP
mRow (nFront + 3) = maIVs (nI).maEvolved (1).nCP
mRow (nFront + 4) = maIVs (nI).maEvolved (1).nMaxCP
mRow (nFront + 5) = maIVs (nI).maEvolved (2).nCP
mRow (nFront + 6) = maIVs (nI).maEvolved (2).nMaxCP
ReDim Preserve mRow (nFront + 3) As Variant
mRow (nFront + 1) = maIVs (nI).maEvolved (0).nCP
mRow (nFront + 2) = maIVs (nI).maEvolved (1).nCP
mRow (nFront + 3) = maIVs (nI).maEvolved (2).nCP
End If
If nEvolved = 0 Then
If aQuery.nPlayerLevel &lt;&gt; 0 Then
ReDim Preserve mRow (nFront + 1) As Variant
mRow (nFront + 1) = maIVs (nI).nMaxCP
End If
If aQuery.nPlayerLevel &lt;&gt; 0 Then
ReDim Preserve mRow (nFront + nEvolved + 1) As Variant
For nJ = 0 To nEvolved - 1
mRow (nFront + nJ + 1) = maIVs (nI).maEvolved (nJ).nCP
Next nJ
mRow (UBound (mRow)) = maIVs (nI).maEvolved (nEvolved - 1).nMaxCP
ReDim Preserve mRow (nFront + nEvolved) As Variant
For nJ = 0 To nEvolved - 1
mRow (nFront + nJ + 1) = maIVs (nI).maEvolved (nJ).nCP
Next nJ
End If
End If
End If
mData (nI + 1) = mRow
Next nI
&apos; Fills the query information at the first row
mData (1) (0) = aBaseStats.sNo
mData (1) (1) = aQuery.sPokemonName
mData (1) (2) = aQuery.nCP
mData (1) (3) = aQuery.nHP
mData (1) (4) = aQuery.nStardust
oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition ( _
0, 0, UBound (mData (0)), UBound (mData))
oRange.setDataArray (mData)
oRange.setPropertyValue (&quot;VertJustify&quot;, _
oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition ( _
0, 1, 0, UBound (mData))
oRange.merge (True)
oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition ( _
1, 1, 1, UBound (mData))
oRange.merge (True)
oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition ( _
2, 1, 2, UBound (mData))
oRange.merge (True)
oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition ( _
3, 1, 3, UBound (mData))
oRange.merge (True)
oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition ( _
4, 1, 4, UBound (mData))
oRange.merge (True)
oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition ( _
9, 1, 9, UBound (mData))
oRange.setPropertyValue (&quot;NumberFormat&quot;, 10)
If aQuery.sPokemonId = &quot;Eevee&quot; Then
oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition ( _
10, 0, 15, 0)
If nEvolved = 0 Then
oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition ( _
10, 0, 10, 0)
oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition ( _
10, 0, 10 + nEvolved + 1, 0)
End If
End If
oRange.setPropertyValue (&quot;IsTextWrapped&quot;, True)
oRows = oSheet.getRows
oRows.getByIndex (0).setPropertyValue (&quot;Height&quot;, 840)
oColumns = oSheet.getColumns
oColumns.getByIndex (0).setPropertyValue (&quot;Width&quot;, 890)
oColumns.getByIndex (1).setPropertyValue (&quot;Width&quot;, 2310)
oColumns.getByIndex (2).setPropertyValue (&quot;Width&quot;, 890)
oColumns.getByIndex (3).setPropertyValue (&quot;Width&quot;, 890)
oColumns.getByIndex (4).setPropertyValue (&quot;Width&quot;, 1780)
oColumns.getByIndex (5).setPropertyValue (&quot;Width&quot;, 860)
oColumns.getByIndex (6).setPropertyValue (&quot;Width&quot;, 860)
oColumns.getByIndex (7).setPropertyValue (&quot;Width&quot;, 860)
oColumns.getByIndex (8).setPropertyValue (&quot;Width&quot;, 860)
oColumns.getByIndex (9).setPropertyValue (&quot;Width&quot;, 1030)
If aQuery.sPokemonId = &quot;Eevee&quot; Then
If aQuery.nPlayerLevel &lt;&gt; 0 Then
For nI = 0 To 5 Step 2
oColumns.getByIndex (10 + nI).setPropertyValue ( _
&quot;Width&quot;, 2310)
oColumns.getByIndex (10 + nI + 1).setPropertyValue ( _
&quot;Width&quot;, 2810)
Next nI
For nI = 0 To 2
oColumns.getByIndex (10 + nI).setPropertyValue ( _
&quot;Width&quot;, 2310)
Next nI
End If
If nEvolved = 0 Then
If aQuery.nPlayerLevel &lt;&gt; 0 Then
oColumns.getByIndex (10).setPropertyValue ( _
&quot;Width&quot;, 2200)
End If
For nI = 0 To nEvolved - 1
oColumns.getByIndex (10 + nI).setPropertyValue ( _
&quot;Width&quot;, 2310)
Next nI
If aQuery.nPlayerLevel &lt;&gt; 0 Then
oColumns.getByIndex ( _
10 + nEvolved).setPropertyValue ( _
&quot;Width&quot;, 2810)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
&apos; fnFilterAppraisals: Filters the IV by the appraisals.
Function fnFilterAppraisals (aQuery As aFindIVParam, _
nAttack As Integer, nDefense As Integer, _
nStamina As Integer) As Boolean
Dim nTotal As Integer, nMax As Integer, sBest As String
&apos; The stats total.
nTotal = nAttack + nDefense + nStamina
If aQuery.nTotal = 1 And Not (nTotal &gt;= 37) Then
fnFilterAppraisals = True
Exit Function
End If
If aQuery.nTotal = 2 And Not (nTotal &gt;= 30 And nTotal &lt;= 36) Then
fnFilterAppraisals = True
Exit Function
End If
If aQuery.nTotal = 3 And Not (nTotal &gt;= 23 And nTotal &lt;= 29) Then
fnFilterAppraisals = True
Exit Function
End If
If aQuery.nTotal = 4 And Not (nTotal &lt;= 22) Then
fnFilterAppraisals = True
Exit Function
End If
&apos; The best stats.
nMax = nAttack
If nDefense &gt; nMax Then
nMax = nDefense
End If
If nStamina &gt; nMax Then
nMax = nStamina
End If
If aQuery.sBest &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
sBest = &quot;&quot;
If nAttack = nMax Then
sBest = sBest &amp; &quot;Atk &quot;
End If
If nDefense = nMax Then
sBest = sBest &amp; &quot;Def &quot;
End If
If nStamina = nMax Then
sBest = sBest &amp; &quot;Sta &quot;
End If
If aQuery.sBest &lt;&gt; sBest Then
fnFilterAppraisals = True
Exit Function
End If
End If
&apos; The max stat value.
If aQuery.nMax = 1 And Not (nMax = 15) Then
fnFilterAppraisals = True
Exit Function
End If
If aQuery.nMax = 2 And Not (nMax = 13 Or nMax = 14) Then
fnFilterAppraisals = True
Exit Function
End If
If aQuery.nMax = 3 And Not (nMax &gt;= 8 And nMax &lt;= 12) Then
fnFilterAppraisals = True
Exit Function
End If
If aQuery.nMax = 4 And Not (nMax &lt;= 7) Then
fnFilterAppraisals = True
Exit Function
End If
fnFilterAppraisals = False
End Function
&apos; fnCalcCP: Calculates the combat power of the Pokémon
Function fnCalcCP (aBaseStats As aStats, fLevel As Double, _
nAttack As Integer, nDefense As Integer, _
nStamina As Integer) As Integer
Dim nCP As Integer
nCP = fnFloor ((aBaseStats.nAttack + nAttack) _
* ((aBaseStats.nDefense + nDefense) ^ 0.5) _
* ((aBaseStats.nStamina + nStamina) ^ 0.5) _
* (fnGetCPM (fLevel) ^ 2) / 10)
If nCP &lt; 10 Then
nCP = 10
End If
fnCalcCP = nCP
End Function
&apos; fnCalcHP: Calculates the hit points of the Pokémon
Function fnCalcHP (aBaseStats As aStats, _
fLevel As Double, nStamina As Integer) As Integer
Dim nHP As Integer
nHP = fnFloor ((aBaseStats.nStamina + nStamina) _
* fnGetCPM (fLevel))
If nHP &lt; 10 Then
nHP = 10
End If
fnCalcHP = nHP
End Function
&apos; fnGetBaseStats: Returns the base stats of the Pokémon.
Function fnGetBaseStats (sPokemonId As String) As aStats
Dim nI As Integer
For nI = 0 To UBound (maBaseStats)
If maBaseStats (nI).sPokemonId = sPokemonId Then
fnGetBaseStats = maBaseStats (nI)
Exit Function
End If
Next nI
End Function
&apos; fnGetCPM: Returns the combat power multiplier.
Function fnGetCPM (fLevel As Double) As Double
Dim nI As Integer
If CInt (fLevel) = fLevel Then
fnGetCPM = mCPM (fLevel)
fnGetCPM = ((mCpm (fLevel - 0.5) ^ 2 _
+ mCpm (fLevel + 0.5) ^ 2) / 2) ^ 0.5
End If
End Function
&apos; fnFloor: Returns the floor of the number
Function fnFloor (fNumber As Double) As Integer
fnFloor = CInt (fNumber - 0.5)
End Function
&apos; fnMapPokemonIdToName: Maps the Pokémon IDs to their localized names.
Function fnMapPokemonIdToName (sId As String) As String
fnMapPokemonIdToName = fnGetResString (&quot;Pokemon&quot; &amp; sId)
End Function
&apos; subReadBaseStats: Reads the base stats table.
Sub subReadBaseStats
Dim mData As Variant, nI As Integer, nJ As Integer
DIm nEvolved As Integer
If UBound (maBaseStats) = -1 Then
mData = fnGetBaseStatsData
ReDim Preserve maBaseStats (UBound (mData)) As New aStats
For nI = 0 To UBound (mData)
With maBaseStats (nI)
.sNo = mData (nI) (1)
.sPokemonId = mData (nI) (0)
.nStamina = mData (nI) (2)
.nAttack = mData (nI) (3)
.nDefense = mData (nI) (4)
End With
nEvolved = UBound (mData (nI) (5))
maBaseStats (nI).mEvolved = fnGetStringArray (nEvolved)
For nJ = 0 To nEvolved
maBaseStats (nI).mEvolved (nJ) = mData (nI) (5) (nJ)
Next nJ
Next nI
End If
End Sub
&apos; fnGetStringArray: Obtains a blank string array
Function fnGetStringArray (nUBound As Integer) As Variant
Dim mData () As String
If nUBound &gt;= 0 Then
ReDim Preserve mData (nUBound) As String
End If
fnGetStringArray = mData
End Function
&apos; fnGetEvolvedArray: Obtains a blank aEvolvedStats array
Function fnGetEvolvedArray (nUBound As Integer) As Variant
Dim mData () As New aEvolvedStats
If nUBound &gt;= 0 Then
ReDim Preserve mData (nUBound) As New aEvolvedStats
End If
fnGetEvolvedArray = mData
End Function
&apos; fnReplace: Replaces all occurrances of a term to another.
Function fnReplace ( _
sText As String, sFrom As String, sTo As String) As String
Dim sResult As String, nPos As Integer
sResult = sText
nPos = InStr (sResult, sFrom)
Do While nPos &lt;&gt; 0
sResult = Left (sResult, nPos - 1) &amp; sTo _
&amp; Right (sResult, Len (sResult) - nPos - Len (sFrom) + 1)
nPos = InStr (nPos + Len (sTo), sResult, sFrom)
fnReplace = sResult
End Function
&apos; subReadCPM: Reads the CPM table.
Sub subReadCPM
If UBound (mCPM) = -1 Then
mCPM = fnGetCPMData
End If
End Sub
&apos; subReadStardust: Reads the stardust table.
Sub subReadStardust
If UBound (mStardust) = -1 Then
mStardust = fnGetStardustData
End If
End Sub