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mpresent Version 0.01

What’s New?


Re-release mpresent version 0.01 with license information.


SourceForge project was applied. Raw package mpresent version 0.01 was released, with only the program file, but not any documentation or license. Presented on the OpenOffice.org UNO Magic talk on COSCUP 2010.


mpresent is the Mobile OpenOffice.org Presentation Controller. It is a mobile web office application that turns your smart phone into a presentation controller. The smart phone connects to the presentation host through the TCP/IP network. Mostly this is through Wi-Fi.

mpresent is written in JSP.


System Requirement

  1. Linux or Solaris/OpenSolaris. Theorically MS-Windows should work, too, but I have not tested it yet. Please tell me if you do. mpresent requires Java and OpenOffice.org. The only platforms they both run that I know are Linux, Solaris/OpenSolaris and MS-Windows. If you successfully run it on other platforms, please let me know.

  2. OpenOffice.org, version 3.0 or above. mpresent uses the com.sun.star.presentation.Presentation2 service, which is only available since OpenOffice.org version 3.0. Most Linuxes come with OpenOffice.org 3 now. If you do not have it, or if your version is too old, you can download and install it from the OpenOffice.org website.

    Notice that the current version of Debian (Lenny) still comes with OpenOffice.org 2.4. If you are running this under Debian Lenny or earlier, you have to download and install OpenOffice.org from the OpenOffice.org website.

  3. OpenOffice.org SDK, version 3.0 or above. mpresent uses the com.sun.star.presentation.Presentation2 service, which is only available since OpenOffice.org SDK version 3.0. Most Linuxes come with OpenOffice.org 3 SDK in their package repository now.

    • If you are running Ubuntu Linux, you can install the openoffice.org-dev package.

    • If you are running Fedora Linux, you can install the openoffice.org-core and openoffice.org-ure packages.

    • If you are running OpenSUSE Linux, you can install the OpenOffice_org-ure package.

    • If you do not have it, or if your version is too old, you can download and install it from the OpenOffice.org website.

  4. JDK, version 1.5.0 or above. mpresent is written with generic types, which is a new feature since Java 1.5. Sun released the free OpenJDK since 2006. Till now, most Linux operating systems includes OpenJDK in their package repositories.

    • If you are running Debian or Ubuntu Linux, you can install the openjdk-6-jdk package.

    • If you are running Fedora or OpenSUSE Linux, you can install the java-1.6.0-openjdk package.

    • If you do not have it, or if your version is too old, you can download and install the Sun version from the Java website.

  5. Apache web server, version 2 or above. mpresent is a web application that requires a web server to run. MS-IIS web server on MS-Windows should work, but I have not tested it yet. Please tell me if you do.

    • If you are running Debian or Ubuntu Linux, you can install the apache2 package.

    • If you are running Fedora or OpenSUSE Linux, you can install the httpd package.

    • If you do not have it, or if your version is too old, you can download and install it from the Apache website.

  6. Apache Tomcat, version 5.5 or above. mpresent is a JSP application that requires a servlet container to run.

    • If you are running Debian Linux, you can install the tomcat5.5 package.

    • If you are running Ubuntu Linux, you can install the tomcat6 package.

    • If you are running Fedora or openSUSE Linux, you can install the tomcat6 package.

    • If you do not have it, or if your version is too old, you can download and install it from the Apache Tomcat website.


arclog’s official websites is at…

You can always download the newest version of arclog from…

imacat’s PGP public key is at…


If you are upgrading from arclog.pl 2.1.1dev4 or earlier, please read UPGRADE for some upgrade instruction.

Install with ExtUtils::MakeMaker

arclog uses standard Perl installation with ExtUtils::MakeMaker. Follow these steps:

% perl Makefile.PL
% make
% make test
% make install

When running make install, make sure you have the priviledge to write to the installation location. This usually requires the root priviledge.

If you are using ActivePerl under MS-Windows, you should use nmake instead of make. nmake can be obtained from the Microsoft FTP site.

If you want to install into another location, you can set the PREFIX. For example, to install into your home when you are not root:

% perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/jessica

Refer to the docuemntation of ExtUtils::MakeMaker for more installation options (by running perldoc ExtUtils::MakeMaker).

Install with Module::Build

You can install with Module::Build instead, if you prefer. Follow these steps:

% perl Build.PL
% ./Build
% ./Build test
% ./Build install

When running ./Build install, make sure you have the priviledge to write to the installation location. This usually requires the root priviledge.

If you want to install into another location, you can set the --prefix. For example, to install into your home when you are not root:

% perl Build.PL --prefix=/home/jessica

Refer to the docuemntation of Module::Build for more installation options (by running perldoc Module::Build).


./arclog [options] logfile… [output]
./arclog [-h|-v]

The log file to be archived. Specify - to read from STDIN. Multiple log files are supported. gzip or bzip2 compressed files are supported, too.


The prefix of the output files. The output files will be named as output.yyyymm, i.e., output.200101, output.200102. If not specified, the default is the same as the log file. You must specify this if you want to read from STDIN. You cannot specify - (STDIN), since this is only a name prefix, not the output file.

-c, --compress method

Specify the compression method for the archived files. Log files usually have large number of simular lines. Compress them saves you lots of disk spaces. (And this is why we want to archive them.) Currently the following compression methods are supported:

g, gzip

Compress with gzip. This is the default. arclog can use Compress::Zlib to compress instead of calling gzip. This can be safer and faster for not calling foreign binaries. But if Compress::Zlib is not installed, it will try to use gzip binary instead. If gzip binary is not available, either, but gzip compression is required, the program will fail.

b, bzip2

Compress with bzip2. arclog can use Compress::Bzip2 to compress instead of calling bzip2. This can be safer and faster for not calling foreign binaries. But if Compress::Bzip2 is not installed, it will try to use bzip2 binary instead. If bzip2 binary is not available, either, but bzip2 compression is required, the program will fail.

n, none

No compression at all. (Why? :p)


Do not compress the archived files. This is equal to --compress none.

-s, --sort

Sort the records by time (and then the record order). Sorting eats huge memory and CPU, so it is disabled by default. See the description above for a detailed illustration on sorting.


Do not sort the records. This is the default.

-o, --override mode

Whether we should overwrite the existing archived files. Currently the following modes are supported:

o, overwrite

Overwrite existing target files. You will lost these existing records. Use with care. This is helpful if you are sure the master log file has the most complete records.

a, append

Append the records to the existing target files. You may destroy the log file completely by putting irrelevant entries altogether accidently. Use with care. This is helpful if you append want to merge 2 or more log files, for ex., 2 log files of different periods.

i, ignore

Ignore any existing target file, and discard all the records of those months. You will lost these log records. Use with care. This is helpful if you are supplying log records for the missing months, or if you are merging the log records in a complex manner.

f, fail

Stop processing whenever a target file exists, to prevent destroying existing files by accident. This should be mostly wanted when run from some automatic mechanism, like crontab. So, this is the default if no terminal is found at STDIN.


Ask you what to do when a target file exists. This should be most wanted if you are running arclog interactively. So, this is the default if a terminal is found at STDIN. The answers are read from STDIN. Since you have only one STDIN, you cannot specify this mode if you want read the log file from STDIN. In that case, it will fall back to the fail mode. Also, if arclog cannot get its answer from STDIN, for ex., on a closed STDIN like crontab, it will fall back to fail mode.

-k, --keep mode

What to keep in the source file. Current the following modes are supported:

a, all

Keep the source file after records are archived.

r, restart

Restart the source log file after records are archived.

d, delete

Delete the source log file after records are archived.

t, this-month

Archive and strip records of previous months off from the log file. Keep the records of this month in the source log file, to be archived next month. This is designed to be run from crontab monthly, so this is the default.

-d, --debug

Show the detailed debugging messages.

-q, --quiet

Shihhhhhh. Only yell when errors.

-h, --help

Display the help message and exit.

-v, --version

Output version information and exit.


Copyright © 2001-2007 imacat..

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

Release Notes

Please read the NEWS for the new functions and bug fixes.


arclog is hosted on SourceForge, CPAN and Tavern IMACAT’s. For the latest infomation, see

There is a arclog mailing list hosted at SourceForge. Please submit your questions, suggestions or bug reports there. It is a Mailman mailing list. For more information, see the arclog mailing list page. Alternatively, you can send a mail to the e-mail command mailbox with the subject help for a list of available e-mail commands.