# The Mia! Accounting Project. # Author: imacat@mail.imacat.idv.tw (imacat), 2023/4/10 # Copyright (c) 2023 imacat. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """The test for the console commands. """ import csv import unittest from typing import Any import sqlalchemy as sa from click.testing import Result from flask import Flask from flask.testing import FlaskCliRunner from sqlalchemy.sql.ddl import DropTable from test_site import db from testlib import create_test_app class ConsoleCommandTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """The console command test case.""" def setUp(self) -> None: """Sets up the test. This is run once per test. :return: None. """ self.app: Flask = create_test_app() with self.app.app_context(): # Drop every accounting table, to see if accounting-init recreates # them correctly. tables: list[sa.Table] \ = [db.metadata.tables[x] for x in db.metadata.tables if x.startswith("accounting_")] for table in tables: db.session.execute(DropTable(table)) db.session.commit() inspector: sa.Inspector = sa.inspect(db.session.connection()) self.assertEqual(len({x for x in inspector.get_table_names() if x.startswith("accounting_")}), 0) def test_init(self) -> None: """Tests the "accounting-init" console command. :return: None. """ runner: FlaskCliRunner = self.app.test_cli_runner() with self.app.app_context(): result: Result = runner.invoke( args=["accounting-init-db", "-u", "editor"]) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0, result.output + str(result.exception)) self.__test_base_account_data() self.__test_account_data() self.__test_currency_data() def __test_base_account_data(self) -> None: """Tests the base account data. :return: None. """ from accounting import data_dir from accounting.models import BaseAccount with open(data_dir / "base_accounts.csv") as fp: data: dict[dict[str, Any]] \ = {x["code"]: {"code": x["code"], "title": x["title"], "l10n": {y[5:]: x[y] for y in x if y.startswith("l10n-")}} for x in csv.DictReader(fp)} with self.app.app_context(): accounts: list[BaseAccount] = BaseAccount.query.all() self.assertEqual(len(accounts), len(data)) for account in accounts: self.assertIn(account.code, data) self.assertEqual(account.title_l10n, data[account.code]["title"]) l10n: dict[str, str] = {x.locale: x.title for x in account.l10n} self.assertEqual(len(l10n), len(data[account.code]["l10n"])) for locale in l10n: self.assertIn(locale, data[account.code]["l10n"]) self.assertEqual(l10n[locale], data[account.code]["l10n"][locale]) def __test_account_data(self) -> None: """Tests the account data. :return: None. """ from accounting.models import BaseAccount, Account, AccountL10n with self.app.app_context(): bases: list[BaseAccount] = BaseAccount.query\ .filter(sa.func.char_length(BaseAccount.code) == 4).all() accounts: list[Account] = Account.query.all() l10n: list[AccountL10n] = AccountL10n.query.all() self.assertEqual({x.code for x in bases}, {x.base_code for x in accounts}) self.assertEqual(len(accounts), len(bases)) self.assertEqual(len(l10n), len(bases) * 2) base_dict: dict[str, BaseAccount] = {x.code: x for x in bases} for account in accounts: base: BaseAccount = base_dict[account.base_code] self.assertEqual(account.no, 1) self.assertEqual(account.title_l10n, base.title_l10n) self.assertEqual({x.locale: x.title for x in account.l10n}, {x.locale: x.title for x in base.l10n}) def __test_currency_data(self) -> None: """Tests the currency data. :return: None. """ from accounting import data_dir from accounting.models import Currency with open(data_dir / "currencies.csv") as fp: data: dict[dict[str, Any]] \ = {x["code"]: {"code": x["code"], "name": x["name"], "l10n": {y[5:]: x[y] for y in x if y.startswith("l10n-")}} for x in csv.DictReader(fp)} with self.app.app_context(): currencies: list[Currency] = Currency.query.all() self.assertEqual(len(currencies), len(data)) for currency in currencies: self.assertIn(currency.code, data) self.assertEqual(currency.name_l10n, data[currency.code]["name"]) l10n: dict[str, str] = {x.locale: x.name for x in currency.l10n} self.assertEqual(len(l10n), len(data[currency.code]["l10n"])) for locale in l10n: self.assertIn(locale, data[currency.code]["l10n"]) self.assertEqual(l10n[locale], data[currency.code]["l10n"][locale])