/* The Mia! Accounting Flask Project * transaction-transfer-form.js: The JavaScript for the transfer transaction form */ /* Copyright (c) 2023 imacat. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* Author: imacat@mail.imacat.idv.tw (imacat) * First written: 2023/2/25 */ // Initializes the page JavaScript. document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { initializeCurrencyForms(); initializeJournalEntries(); initializeAccountSelectors(); initializeFormValidation(); }); /** * Escapes the HTML special characters and returns. * * @param s {string} the original string * @returns {string} the string with HTML special character escaped * @private */ function escapeHtml(s) { return String(s) .replaceAll("&", "&") .replaceAll("<", "<") .replaceAll(">", ">") .replaceAll("\"", """); } /** * Formats a Decimal number. * * @param number {Decimal} the Decimal number * @returns {string} the formatted Decimal number */ function formatDecimal(number) { if (number.equals(new Decimal("0"))) { return "-"; } const frac = number.modulo(1); const whole = Number(number.minus(frac)).toLocaleString(); return whole + String(frac).substring(1); } /** * Initializes the currency forms. * * @private */ function initializeCurrencyForms() { const form = document.getElementById("accounting-form"); const btnNew = document.getElementById("accounting-btn-new-currency"); const currencyList = document.getElementById("accounting-currency-list"); const deleteButtons = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("accounting-btn-delete-currency")); const onReorder = function () { const currencies = Array.from(currencyList.children); for (let i = 0; i < currencies.length; i++) { const no = document.getElementById(currencies[i].dataset.prefix + "-no"); no.value = String(i + 1); } }; btnNew.onclick = function () { const currencies = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("accounting-currency")); let maxIndex = 0; currencies.forEach(function (currency) { const index = parseInt(currency.dataset.index); if (maxIndex < index) { maxIndex = index; } }); const newIndex = String(maxIndex + 1); const html = form.dataset.currencyTemplate .replaceAll("CURRENCY_INDEX", escapeHtml(newIndex)); currencyList.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", html); const newEntryButtons = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("accounting-currency-" + newIndex + "-btn-new-entry")); const btnDelete = document.getElementById("accounting-btn-delete-currency-" + newIndex); newEntryButtons.forEach(initializeNewEntryButton); initializeBtnDeleteCurrency(btnDelete); resetDeleteCurrencyButtons(); initializeDragAndDropReordering(currencyList, onReorder); }; deleteButtons.forEach(initializeBtnDeleteCurrency); initializeDragAndDropReordering(currencyList, onReorder); } /** * Initializes the button to delete a currency. * * @param button {HTMLButtonElement} the button to delete a currency. * @private */ function initializeBtnDeleteCurrency(button) { const target = document.getElementById(button.dataset.target); button.onclick = function () { target.parentElement.removeChild(target); resetDeleteCurrencyButtons(); }; } /** * Resets the status of the delete currency buttons. * * @private */ function resetDeleteCurrencyButtons() { const buttons = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("accounting-btn-delete-currency")); if (buttons.length > 1) { buttons.forEach(function (button) { button.classList.remove("d-none"); }); } else { buttons[0].classList.add("d-none"); } } /** * Initializes the journal entry forms. * * @private */ function initializeJournalEntries() { const newButtons = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("accounting-btn-new-entry")); const entryLists = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("accounting-entry-list")); const entries = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("accounting-entry")) const deleteButtons = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("accounting-btn-delete-entry")); newButtons.forEach(initializeNewEntryButton); entryLists.forEach(initializeJournalEntryListReorder); entries.forEach(initializeJournalEntry); deleteButtons.forEach(initializeDeleteJournalEntryButton); initializeJournalEntryFormModal(); } /** * Initializes the button to add a new journal entry. * * @param button {HTMLButtonElement} the button to add a new journal entry */ function initializeNewEntryButton(button) { const entryForm = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form"); const formAccountControl = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-account-control"); const formAccount = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-account"); const formAccountError = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-account-error") const formSummary = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-summary"); const formSummaryError = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-summary-error"); const formAmount = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-amount"); const formAmountError = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-amount-error"); button.onclick = function () { entryForm.dataset.currencyIndex = button.dataset.currencyIndex; entryForm.dataset.entryType = button.dataset.entryType; entryForm.dataset.entryIndex = button.dataset.entryIndex; formAccountControl.classList.remove("accounting-not-empty") formAccountControl.classList.remove("is-invalid"); formAccountControl.dataset.bsTarget = button.dataset.accountModal; formAccount.innerText = ""; formAccount.dataset.code = ""; formAccount.dataset.text = ""; formAccountError.innerText = ""; formSummary.value = ""; formSummary.classList.remove("is-invalid"); formSummaryError.innerText = "" formAmount.value = ""; formAmount.classList.remove("is-invalid"); formAmountError.innerText = ""; }; } /** * Initializes the reordering of a journal entry list. * * @param entryList {HTMLUListElement} the journal entry list. */ function initializeJournalEntryListReorder(entryList) { initializeDragAndDropReordering(entryList, function () { const entries = Array.from(entryList.children); for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { const no = document.getElementById(entries[i].dataset.prefix + "-no"); no.value = String(i + 1); } }); } /** * Initializes the journal entry. * * @param entry {HTMLLIElement} the journal entry. */ function initializeJournalEntry(entry) { const entryForm = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form"); const accountCode = document.getElementById(entry.dataset.prefix + "-account-code"); const summary = document.getElementById(entry.dataset.prefix + "-summary"); const amount = document.getElementById(entry.dataset.prefix + "-amount"); const control = document.getElementById(entry.dataset.prefix + "-control"); const formAccountControl = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-account-control"); const formAccount = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-account"); const formSummary = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-summary"); const formAmount = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-amount"); control.onclick = function () { entryForm.dataset.currencyIndex = entry.dataset.currencyIndex; entryForm.dataset.entryType = entry.dataset.entryType; entryForm.dataset.entryIndex = entry.dataset.entryIndex; if (accountCode.value === "") { formAccountControl.classList.remove("accounting-not-empty"); } else { formAccountControl.classList.add("accounting-not-empty"); } formAccountControl.dataset.bsTarget = entry.dataset.accountModal; formAccount.innerText = accountCode.dataset.text; formAccount.dataset.code = accountCode.value; formAccount.dataset.text = accountCode.dataset.text; formSummary.value = summary.value; formAmount.value = amount.value; validateJournalEntryForm(); }; } /** * Initializes the journal entry form modal. * * @private */ function initializeJournalEntryFormModal() { const entryForm = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form"); const formAccountControl = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-account-control"); const formAccount = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-account"); const formSummary = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-summary"); const formAmount = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-amount"); const modal = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-modal"); formAccountControl.onclick = function () { const prefix = "accounting-" + entryForm.dataset.entryType + "-account"; const query = document.getElementById(prefix + "-selector-query") const more = document.getElementById(prefix + "-more"); const options = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName(prefix + "-option")); const btnClear = document.getElementById(prefix + "-btn-clear"); query.value = ""; more.classList.remove("d-none"); filterAccountOptions(prefix); options.forEach(function (option) { if (option.dataset.code === formAccount.dataset.code) { option.classList.add("active"); } else { option.classList.remove("active"); } }); if (formAccount.dataset.code === "") { btnClear.classList.add("btn-secondary"); btnClear.classList.remove("btn-danger"); btnClear.disabled = true; } else { btnClear.classList.add("btn-danger"); btnClear.classList.remove("btn-secondary"); btnClear.disabled = false; } }; formSummary.onchange = validateJournalEntrySummary; formAmount.onchange = validateJournalEntryAmount; entryForm.onsubmit = function () { if (validateJournalEntryForm()) { saveJournalEntryForm(); bootstrap.Modal.getInstance(modal).hide(); } return false; } } /** * Validates the journal entry form modal. * * @return {boolean} true if the form is valid, or false otherwise. * @private */ function validateJournalEntryForm() { let isValid = true; isValid = validateJournalEntryAccount() && isValid; isValid = validateJournalEntrySummary() && isValid; isValid = validateJournalEntryAmount() && isValid return isValid; } /** * Validates the account in the journal entry form modal. * * @return {boolean} true if valid, or false otherwise * @private */ function validateJournalEntryAccount() { const field = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-account"); const error = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-account-error"); const control = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-account-control"); if (field.dataset.code === "") { control.classList.add("is-invalid"); error.innerText = A_("Please select the account."); return false; } control.classList.remove("is-invalid"); error.innerText = ""; return true; } /** * Validates the summary in the journal entry form modal. * * @return {boolean} true if valid, or false otherwise * @private */ function validateJournalEntrySummary() { const field = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-summary"); const error = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-summary-error"); field.value = field.value.trim(); field.classList.remove("is-invalid"); error.innerText = ""; return true; } /** * Validates the amount in the journal entry form modal. * * @return {boolean} true if valid, or false otherwise * @private */ function validateJournalEntryAmount() { const field = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-amount"); const error = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-amount-error"); field.value = field.value.trim(); field.classList.remove("is-invalid"); if (field.value === "") { field.classList.add("is-invalid"); error.innerText = A_("Please fill in the amount."); return false; } error.innerText = ""; return true; } /** * Saves the journal entry form modal to the form. * * @private */ function saveJournalEntryForm() { const form = document.getElementById("accounting-form"); const entryForm = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form"); const formAccount = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-account"); const formSummary = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-summary"); const formAmount = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-amount"); const currencyIndex = entryForm.dataset.currencyIndex; const entryType = entryForm.dataset.entryType; let entryIndex; if (entryForm.dataset.entryIndex === "new") { const entries = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("accounting-currency-" + currencyIndex + "-" + entryType)); const entryList = document.getElementById("accounting-currency-" + currencyIndex + "-" + entryType + "-list") let maxIndex = 0; entries.forEach(function (entry) { const index = parseInt(entry.dataset.entryIndex); if (maxIndex < index) { maxIndex = index; } }); entryIndex = String(maxIndex + 1); const html = form.dataset.entryTemplate .replaceAll("CURRENCY_INDEX", escapeHtml(currencyIndex)) .replaceAll("ENTRY_TYPE", escapeHtml(entryType)) .replaceAll("ENTRY_INDEX", escapeHtml(entryIndex)); entryList.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", html); initializeJournalEntryListReorder(entryList); } else { entryIndex = entryForm.dataset.entryIndex; } const currency = document.getElementById("accounting-currency-" + currencyIndex); const entry = document.getElementById("accounting-currency-" + currencyIndex + "-" + entryType + "-" + entryIndex); const accountCode = document.getElementById(entry.dataset.prefix + "-account-code"); const accountText = document.getElementById(entry.dataset.prefix + "-account-text"); const summary = document.getElementById(entry.dataset.prefix + "-summary"); const summaryText = document.getElementById(entry.dataset.prefix + "-summary-text"); const amount = document.getElementById(entry.dataset.prefix + "-amount"); const amountText = document.getElementById(entry.dataset.prefix + "-amount-text"); accountCode.value = formAccount.dataset.code; accountCode.dataset.text = formAccount.dataset.text; accountText.innerText = formAccount.dataset.text; summary.value = formSummary.value; summaryText.innerText = formSummary.value; amount.value = formAmount.value; amountText.innerText = formatDecimal(new Decimal(formAmount.value)); if (entryForm.dataset.entryIndex === "new") { const btnDelete = document.getElementById(entry.dataset.prefix + "-btn-delete"); initializeJournalEntry(entry); initializeDeleteJournalEntryButton(btnDelete); resetDeleteJournalEntryButtons(btnDelete.dataset.sameClass); } updateBalance(currencyIndex, entryType); validateJournalEntriesReal(currencyIndex, entryType); validateBalance(currency); } /** * Initializes the button to delete a journal entry. * * @param button {HTMLButtonElement} the button to delete a journal entry */ function initializeDeleteJournalEntryButton(button) { const target = document.getElementById(button.dataset.target); const currencyIndex = target.dataset.currencyIndex; const entryType = target.dataset.entryType; const currency = document.getElementById("accounting-currency-" + currencyIndex); button.onclick = function () { target.parentElement.removeChild(target); resetDeleteJournalEntryButtons(button.dataset.sameClass); updateBalance(currencyIndex, entryType); validateJournalEntriesReal(currencyIndex, entryType); validateBalance(currency); }; } /** * Resets the status of the delete journal entry buttons. * * @param sameClass {string} the class of the buttons * @private */ function resetDeleteJournalEntryButtons(sameClass) { const buttons = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName(sameClass)); if (buttons.length > 1) { buttons.forEach(function (button) { button.classList.remove("d-none"); }); } else { buttons[0].classList.add("d-none"); } } /** * Updates the balance. * * @param currencyIndex {string} the currency index. * @param entryType {string} the journal entry type, either "debit" or "credit" * @private */ function updateBalance(currencyIndex, entryType) { const prefix = "accounting-currency-" + currencyIndex + "-" + entryType; const amounts = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName(prefix + "-amount")); const totalText = document.getElementById(prefix + "-total"); let total = new Decimal("0"); amounts.forEach(function (amount) { if (amount.value !== "") { total = total.plus(new Decimal(amount.value)); } }); totalText.innerText = formatDecimal(total); } /** * Initializes the account selectors. * * @private */ function initializeAccountSelectors() { const selectors = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("accounting-selector-modal")); const formAccountControl = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-account-control"); const formAccount = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-account"); selectors.forEach(function (selector) { const more = document.getElementById(selector.dataset.prefix + "-more"); const btnClear = document.getElementById(selector.dataset.prefix + "-btn-clear"); const options = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName(selector.dataset.prefix + "-option")); more.onclick = function () { more.classList.add("d-none"); filterAccountOptions(selector.dataset.prefix); }; initializeAccountQuery(selector); btnClear.onclick = function () { formAccountControl.classList.remove("accounting-not-empty"); formAccount.innerText = ""; formAccount.dataset.code = ""; formAccount.dataset.text = ""; validateJournalEntryAccount(); }; options.forEach(function (option) { option.onclick = function () { formAccountControl.classList.add("accounting-not-empty"); formAccount.innerText = option.dataset.content; formAccount.dataset.code = option.dataset.code; formAccount.dataset.text = option.dataset.content; validateJournalEntryAccount(); }; }); }); } /** * Initializes the query on the account options. * * @param selector {HTMLDivElement} the selector modal * @private */ function initializeAccountQuery(selector) { const query = document.getElementById(selector.dataset.prefix + "-selector-query"); query.addEventListener("input", function () { filterAccountOptions(selector.dataset.prefix); }); } /** * Filters the account options. * * @param prefix {string} the HTML ID and class prefix * @private */ function filterAccountOptions(prefix) { const query = document.getElementById(prefix + "-selector-query"); const optionList = document.getElementById(prefix + "-option-list"); if (optionList === null) { console.log(prefix + "-option-list"); } const options = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName(prefix + "-option")); const more = document.getElementById(prefix + "-more"); const queryNoResult = document.getElementById(prefix + "-option-no-result"); const codesInUse = getAccountCodeUsedInForm(); let hasAnyMatched = false; options.forEach(function (option) { const isMatched = shouldAccountOptionShow(option, more, codesInUse, query); if (isMatched) { option.classList.remove("d-none"); hasAnyMatched = true; } else { option.classList.add("d-none"); } }); if (!hasAnyMatched) { optionList.classList.add("d-none"); queryNoResult.classList.remove("d-none"); } else { optionList.classList.remove("d-none"); queryNoResult.classList.add("d-none"); } } /** * Returns whether an account option should show. * * @param option {HTMLLIElement} the account option * @param more {HTMLLIElement} the more account element * @param inUse {string[]} the account codes that are used in the form * @param query {HTMLInputElement} the query element, if any * @return {boolean} true if the account option should show, or false otherwise * @private */ function shouldAccountOptionShow(option, more, inUse, query) { const isQueryMatched = function () { if (query.value === "") { return true; } const queryValues = JSON.parse(option.dataset.queryValues); for (const queryValue of queryValues) { if (queryValue.includes(query.value)) { return true; } } return false; }; const isMoreMatched = function () { if (more.classList.contains("d-none")) { return true; } return option.classList.contains("accounting-account-in-use") || inUse.includes(option.dataset.code); }; return isMoreMatched() && isQueryMatched(); } /** * Returns the account codes that are used in the form. * * @return {string[]} the account codes that are used in the form * @private */ function getAccountCodeUsedInForm() { const accountCodes = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("accounting-account-code")); const formAccount = document.getElementById("accounting-entry-form-account"); const inUse = [formAccount.dataset.code]; accountCodes.forEach(function (accountCode) { inUse.push(accountCode.value); }); return inUse } /** * Initializes the form validation. * * @private */ function initializeFormValidation() { const date = document.getElementById("accounting-date"); const note = document.getElementById("accounting-note"); const form = document.getElementById("accounting-form"); date.onchange = validateDate; note.onchange = validateNote; form.onsubmit = validateForm; } /** * Validates the form. * * @return {boolean} true if valid, or false otherwise * @private */ function validateForm() { let isValid = true; isValid = validateDate() && isValid; isValid = validateCurrencies() && isValid; isValid = validateNote() && isValid; return isValid; } /** * Validates the date. * * @return {boolean} true if valid, or false otherwise * @private */ function validateDate() { const field = document.getElementById("accounting-date"); const error = document.getElementById("accounting-date-error"); field.value = field.value.trim(); field.classList.remove("is-invalid"); if (field.value === "") { field.classList.add("is-invalid"); error.innerText = A_("Please fill in the date."); return false; } error.innerText = ""; return true; } /** * Validates the currency sub-forms. * * @return {boolean} true if valid, or false otherwise * @private */ function validateCurrencies() { const currencies = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("accounting-currency")); let isValid = true; isValid = validateCurrenciesReal() && isValid; currencies.forEach(function (currency) { isValid = validateCurrency(currency) && isValid; }); return isValid; } /** * Validates the currency sub-forms, the validator itself. * * @return {boolean} true if valid, or false otherwise * @private */ function validateCurrenciesReal() { const field = document.getElementById("accounting-currencies"); const error = document.getElementById("accounting-currencies-error"); const currencies = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("accounting-currency")); if (currencies.length === 0) { field.classList.add("is-invalid"); error.innerText = A_("Please add some currencies."); return false; } field.classList.remove("is-invalid"); error.innerText = ""; return true; } /** * Validates a currency sub-form. * * @param currency {HTMLDivElement} the currency sub-form * @return {boolean} true if valid, or false otherwise * @private */ function validateCurrency(currency) { const prefix = "accounting-currency-" + currency.dataset.index; const debit = document.getElementById(prefix + "-debit"); const credit = document.getElementById(prefix + "-credit"); let isValid = true; if (debit !== null) { isValid = validateJournalEntries(currency, "debit") && isValid; } if (credit !== null) { isValid = validateJournalEntries(currency, "credit") && isValid; } if (debit !== null && credit !== null) { isValid = validateBalance(currency) && isValid; } return isValid; } /** * Validates the journal entries in a currency sub-form. * * @param currency {HTMLDivElement} the currency * @param entryType {string} the journal entry type, either "debit" or "credit" * @return {boolean} true if valid, or false otherwise * @private */ function validateJournalEntries(currency, entryType) { const currencyIndex = currency.dataset.index; const entries = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("accounting-currency-" + currencyIndex + "-" + entryType)); let isValid = true; isValid = validateJournalEntriesReal(currencyIndex, entryType) && isValid; entries.forEach(function (entry) { isValid = validateJournalEntry(entry) && isValid; }) return isValid; } /** * Validates the journal entries, the validator itself. * * @param currencyIndex {string} the currency index * @param entryType {string} the journal entry type, either "debit" or "credit" * @return {boolean} true if valid, or false otherwise * @private */ function validateJournalEntriesReal(currencyIndex, entryType) { const prefix = "accounting-currency-" + currencyIndex + "-" + entryType; const field = document.getElementById(prefix); const error = document.getElementById(prefix + "-error"); const entries = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName(prefix)); if (entries.length === 0) { field.classList.add("is-invalid"); error.innerText = A_("Please add some journal entries."); return false; } field.classList.remove("is-invalid"); error.innerText = ""; return true; } /** * Validates a journal entry sub-form in a currency sub-form. * * @param entry {HTMLLIElement} the journal entry * @return {boolean} true if valid, or false otherwise * @private */ function validateJournalEntry(entry) { const control = document.getElementById(entry.dataset.prefix + "-control"); const error = document.getElementById(entry.dataset.prefix + "-error"); const accountCode = document.getElementById(entry.dataset.prefix + "-account-code"); const amount = document.getElementById(entry.dataset.prefix + "-amount"); if (accountCode.value === "") { control.classList.add("is-invalid"); error.innerText = A_("Please select the account."); return false; } if (amount.value === "") { control.classList.add("is-invalid"); error.innerText = A_("Please fill in the amount."); return false; } control.classList.remove("is-invalid"); error.innerText = ""; return true; } /** * Validates the balance of a currency sub-form. * * @param currency {HTMLDivElement} the currency sub-form * @return {boolean} true if valid, or false otherwise * @private */ function validateBalance(currency) { const prefix = "accounting-currency-" + currency.dataset.index; const control = document.getElementById(prefix + "-control"); const error = document.getElementById(prefix + "-error"); const debit = document.getElementById(prefix + "-debit"); const debitAmounts = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName(prefix + "-debit-amount")); const credit = document.getElementById(prefix + "-credit"); const creditAmounts = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName(prefix + "-credit-amount")); if (debit !== null && credit !== null) { let debitTotal = new Decimal("0"); debitAmounts.forEach(function (amount) { if (amount.value !== "") { debitTotal = debitTotal.plus(new Decimal(amount.value)); } }); let creditTotal = new Decimal("0"); creditAmounts.forEach(function (amount) { if (amount.value !== "") { creditTotal = creditTotal.plus(new Decimal(amount.value)); } }); if (!debitTotal.equals(creditTotal)) { control.classList.add("is-invalid"); error.innerText = A_("The totals of the debit and credit amounts do not match."); return false; } } control.classList.remove("is-invalid"); error.innerText = ""; return true; } /** * Validates the note. * * @return {boolean} true if valid, or false otherwise * @private */ function validateNote() { const field = document.getElementById("accounting-note"); const error = document.getElementById("accounting-note-error"); field.value = field.value .replace(/^\s*\n/, "") .replace(/\s+$/, ""); field.classList.remove("is-invalid"); error.innerText = ""; return true; }