# The Mia! Accounting Project. # Author: imacat@mail.imacat.idv.tw (imacat), 2023/1/27 # Copyright (c) 2023 imacat. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """The common test libraries. """ from __future__ import annotations import re import typing as t from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from datetime import date, timedelta from _decimal import Decimal import httpx from flask import Flask, render_template_string from test_site import create_app, db TEST_SERVER: str = "https://testserver" """The test server URI.""" NEXT_URI: str = "/_next" """The next URI.""" class Accounts: """The shortcuts to the common accounts.""" CASH: str = "1111-001" PETTY_CASH: str = "1112-001" BANK: str = "1113-001" NOTES_RECEIVABLE: str = "1131-001" RECEIVABLE: str = "1141-001" PREPAID: str = "1258-001" NOTES_PAYABLE: str = "2131-001" PAYABLE: str = "2141-001" SALES: str = "4111-001" SERVICE: str = "4611-001" AGENCY: str = "4711-001" RENT_EXPENSE: str = "6252-001" OFFICE: str = "6253-001" TRAVEL: str = "6254-001" POSTAGE: str = "6256-001" UTILITIES: str = "6261-001" INSURANCE: str = "6262-001" MEAL: str = "6272-001" INTEREST: str = "7111-001" DONATION: str = "7481-001" RENT_INCOME: str = "7482-001" def create_test_app() -> Flask: """Creates and returns the testing Flask application. :return: The testing Flask application. """ app: Flask = create_app(is_testing=True) @app.get("/.csrf-token") def get_csrf_token_view() -> str: """The test view to return the CSRF token.""" return render_template_string("{{csrf_token()}}") @app.get("/.errors") def get_errors_view() -> str: """The test view to return the CSRF token.""" return render_template_string("{{get_flashed_messages()|tojson}}") return app def get_csrf_token(client: httpx.Client) -> str: """Returns the CSRF token. :param client: The httpx client. :return: The CSRF token. """ return client.get("/.csrf-token").text def get_client(app: Flask, username: str) -> tuple[httpx.Client, str]: """Returns a user client. :param app: The Flask application. :param username: The username. :return: A tuple of the client and the CSRF token. """ client: httpx.Client = httpx.Client(app=app, base_url=TEST_SERVER) client.headers["Referer"] = TEST_SERVER csrf_token: str = get_csrf_token(client) response: httpx.Response = client.post("/login", data={"csrf_token": csrf_token, "username": username}) assert response.status_code == 302 assert response.headers["Location"] == "/" return client, csrf_token def set_locale(client: httpx.Client, csrf_token: str, locale: t.Literal["en", "zh_Hant", "zh_Hans"]) -> None: """Sets the current locale. :param client: The test client. :param csrf_token: The CSRF token. :param locale: The locale. :return: None. """ response: httpx.Response = client.post("/locale", data={"csrf_token": csrf_token, "locale": locale, "next": "/next"}) assert response.status_code == 302 assert response.headers["Location"] == "/next" def add_journal_entry(client: httpx.Client, form: dict[str, str]) -> int: """Adds a transfer journal entry. :param client: The client. :param form: The form data. :return: The newly-added journal entry ID. """ prefix: str = "/accounting/journal-entries" journal_entry_type: str = "transfer" if len({x for x in form if "-debit-" in x}) == 0: journal_entry_type = "receipt" elif len({x for x in form if "-credit-" in x}) == 0: journal_entry_type = "disbursement" store_uri = f"{prefix}/store/{journal_entry_type}" response: httpx.Response = client.post(store_uri, data=form) assert response.status_code == 302 return match_journal_entry_detail(response.headers["Location"]) def match_journal_entry_detail(location: str) -> int: """Validates if the redirect location is the journal entry detail, and returns the journal entry ID on success. :param location: The redirect location. :return: The journal entry ID. :raise AssertionError: When the location is not the journal entry detail. """ m: re.Match = re.match( r"^/accounting/journal-entries/(\d+)\?next=%2F_next", location) assert m is not None return int(m.group(1)) class JournalEntryLineItemData: """The journal entry line item data.""" def __init__(self, account: str, description: str, amount: str, original_line_item: JournalEntryLineItemData | None = None): """Constructs the journal entry line item data. :param account: The account code. :param description: The description. :param amount: The amount. :param original_line_item: The original journal entry line item. """ self.journal_entry: JournalEntryData | None = None self.id: int = -1 self.no: int = -1 self.original_line_item: JournalEntryLineItemData | None \ = original_line_item self.account: str = account self.description: str = description self.amount: Decimal = Decimal(amount) def form(self, prefix: str, debit_credit: str, index: int, is_update: bool) -> dict[str, str]: """Returns the line item as form data. :param prefix: The prefix of the form fields. :param debit_credit: Either "debit" or "credit". :param index: The line item index. :param is_update: True for an update operation, or False otherwise :return: The form data. """ prefix = f"{prefix}-{debit_credit}-{index}" form: dict[str, str] = {f"{prefix}-account_code": self.account, f"{prefix}-description": self.description, f"{prefix}-amount": str(self.amount)} if is_update and self.id != -1: form[f"{prefix}-id"] = str(self.id) form[f"{prefix}-no"] = str(index) if self.no == -1 else str(self.no) if self.original_line_item is not None: assert self.original_line_item.id != -1 form[f"{prefix}-original_line_item_id"] \ = str(self.original_line_item.id) return form class JournalEntryCurrencyData: """The journal entry currency data.""" def __init__(self, currency: str, debit: list[JournalEntryLineItemData], credit: list[JournalEntryLineItemData]): """Constructs the journal entry currency data. :param currency: The currency code. :param debit: The debit line items. :param credit: The credit line items. """ self.code: str = currency self.debit: list[JournalEntryLineItemData] = debit self.credit: list[JournalEntryLineItemData] = credit def form(self, index: int, is_update: bool) -> dict[str, str]: """Returns the currency as form data. :param index: The currency index. :param is_update: True for an update operation, or False otherwise :return: The form data. """ prefix: str = f"currency-{index}" form: dict[str, str] = {f"{prefix}-code": self.code} for i in range(len(self.debit)): form.update(self.debit[i].form(prefix, "debit", i + 1, is_update)) for i in range(len(self.credit)): form.update(self.credit[i].form(prefix, "credit", i + 1, is_update)) return form class JournalEntryData: """The journal entry data.""" def __init__(self, days: int, currencies: list[JournalEntryCurrencyData]): """Constructs a journal entry. :param days: The number of days before today. :param currencies: The journal entry currency data. """ self.id: int = -1 self.days: int = days self.currencies: list[JournalEntryCurrencyData] = currencies self.note: str | None = None for currency in self.currencies: for line_item in currency.debit: line_item.journal_entry = self for line_item in currency.credit: line_item.journal_entry = self def new_form(self, csrf_token: str) -> dict[str, str]: """Returns the journal entry as a creation form. :param csrf_token: The CSRF token. :return: The journal entry as a creation form. """ return self.__form(csrf_token, is_update=False) def update_form(self, csrf_token: str) -> dict[str, str]: """Returns the journal entry as an update form. :param csrf_token: The CSRF token. :return: The journal entry as an update form. """ return self.__form(csrf_token, is_update=True) def __form(self, csrf_token: str, is_update: bool = False) \ -> dict[str, str]: """Returns the journal entry as a form. :param csrf_token: The CSRF token. :param is_update: True for an update operation, or False otherwise :return: The journal entry as a form. """ journal_entry_date: date = date.today() - timedelta(days=self.days) form: dict[str, str] = {"csrf_token": csrf_token, "next": NEXT_URI, "date": journal_entry_date.isoformat()} for i in range(len(self.currencies)): form.update(self.currencies[i].form(i + 1, is_update)) if self.note is not None: form["note"] = self.note return form class BaseTestData(ABC): """The base test data.""" def __init__(self, app: Flask, client: httpx.Client, csrf_token: str): """Constructs the test data. :param app: The Flask application. :param client: The client. :param csrf_token: The CSRF token. """ self.app: Flask = app self.client: httpx.Client = client self.csrf_token: str = csrf_token self._init_data() @abstractmethod def _init_data(self) -> None: """Initializes the test data. :return: None """ @staticmethod def _couple(description: str, amount: str, debit: str, credit: str) \ -> tuple[JournalEntryLineItemData, JournalEntryLineItemData]: """Returns a couple of debit-credit line items. :param description: The description. :param amount: The amount. :param debit: The debit account code. :param credit: The credit account code. :return: The debit line item and credit line item. """ return JournalEntryLineItemData(debit, description, amount),\ JournalEntryLineItemData(credit, description, amount) def _add_journal_entry(self, journal_entry_data: JournalEntryData) -> None: """Adds a journal entry. :param journal_entry_data: The journal entry data. :return: None. """ from accounting.models import JournalEntry store_uri: str = "/accounting/journal-entries/store/transfer" response: httpx.Response = self.client.post( store_uri, data=journal_entry_data.new_form(self.csrf_token)) assert response.status_code == 302 journal_entry_id: int \ = match_journal_entry_detail(response.headers["Location"]) journal_entry_data.id = journal_entry_id with self.app.app_context(): journal_entry: JournalEntry | None \ = db.session.get(JournalEntry, journal_entry_id) assert journal_entry is not None for i in range(len(journal_entry.currencies)): for j in range(len(journal_entry.currencies[i].debit)): journal_entry_data.currencies[i].debit[j].id \ = journal_entry.currencies[i].debit[j].id for j in range(len(journal_entry.currencies[i].credit)): journal_entry_data.currencies[i].credit[j].id \ = journal_entry.currencies[i].credit[j].id def _add_simple_journal_entry( self, days: int, currency: str, description: str, amount: str, debit: str, credit: str) \ -> tuple[JournalEntryLineItemData, JournalEntryLineItemData]: """Adds a simple journal entry. :param days: The number of days before today. :param currency: The currency code. :param description: The description. :param amount: The amount. :param debit: The debit account code. :param credit: The credit account code. :return: The debit line item and credit line item. """ debit_item, credit_item = self._couple( description, amount, debit, credit) self._add_journal_entry(JournalEntryData( days, [JournalEntryCurrencyData( currency, [debit_item], [credit_item])])) return debit_item, credit_item def _set_need_offset(self, account_codes: set[str], is_need_offset: bool) -> None: """Sets whether the line items in some accounts need offset. :param account_codes: The account codes. :param is_need_offset: True if the line items in the accounts need offset, or False otherwise. :return: """ from accounting.models import Account with self.app.app_context(): for code in account_codes: account: Account | None = Account.find_by_code(code) assert account is not None account.is_need_offset = is_need_offset db.session.commit()