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# The Mia! Accounting Flask Project.
# Author: imacat@mail.imacat.idv.tw (imacat), 2023/3/7
# Copyright (c) 2023 imacat.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""The income and expenses log.
import csv
from datetime import date
from decimal import Decimal
from io import StringIO
import sqlalchemy as sa
from flask import url_for, render_template, Response
from accounting import db
from accounting.locale import gettext
from accounting.models import Currency, Account, Transaction, JournalEntry
from accounting.report.option_link import OptionLink
from accounting.report.page_params import PageParams
from accounting.report.period import Period
from accounting.report.period_choosers import IncomeExpensesPeriodChooser
from accounting.report.report_chooser import ReportChooser
from accounting.report.report_type import ReportType
from accounting.utils.pagination import Pagination
class Entry:
"""An entry in the income and expenses log."""
def __init__(self, entry: JournalEntry | None = None):
"""Constructs the entry in the income and expenses log.
:param entry: The journal entry.
self.entry: JournalEntry | None = None
"""The journal entry."""
self.transaction: Transaction | None = None
"""The transaction."""
self.is_brought_forward: bool = False
"""Whether this is the brought-forward entry."""
self.is_total: bool = False
"""Whether this is the total entry."""
self.date: date | None = None
"""The date."""
self.account: Account | None = None
"""The account."""
self.summary: str | None = None
"""The summary."""
self.income: Decimal | None = None
"""The income amount."""
self.expense: Decimal | None = None
"""The expense amount."""
self.balance: Decimal | None = None
"""The balance."""
self.note: str | None = None
"""The note."""
if entry is not None:
self.entry = entry
self.summary = entry.summary
self.income = None if entry.is_debit else entry.amount
self.expense = entry.amount if entry.is_debit else None
class EntryCollector:
"""The income and expenses log entry collector."""
def __init__(self, currency: Currency, account: Account, period: Period):
"""Constructs the income and expenses log entry collector.
:param currency: The currency.
:param account: The account.
:param period: The period.
self.__currency: Currency = currency
"""The currency."""
self.__account: Account = account
"""The account."""
self.__period: Period = period
"""The period"""
self.brought_forward: Entry | None
"""The brought-forward entry."""
self.entries: list[Entry]
"""The log entries."""
self.total: Entry
"""The total entry."""
self.brought_forward = self.__get_brought_forward_entry()
self.entries = self.__query_entries()
self.total = self.__get_total_entry()
def __get_brought_forward_entry(self) -> Entry | None:
"""Queries, composes and returns the brought-forward entry.
:return: The brought-forward entry, or None if the period starts from
the beginning.
if self.__period.start is None:
return None
balance_func: sa.Function = sa.func.sum(sa.case(
(JournalEntry.is_debit, JournalEntry.amount),
select: sa.Select = sa.Select(balance_func).join(Transaction)\
.filter(JournalEntry.currency_code == self.__currency.code,
JournalEntry.account_id == self.__account.id,
Transaction.date < self.__period.start)
balance: int | None = db.session.scalar(select)
if balance is None:
return None
entry: Entry = Entry()
entry.is_brought_forward = True
entry.date = self.__period.start
entry.account = Account.find_by_code("3351-001")
entry.summary = gettext("Brought forward")
if balance > 0:
entry.income = balance
elif balance < 0:
entry.expense = -balance
entry.balance = balance
return entry
def __query_entries(self) -> list[Entry]:
"""Queries and returns the log entries.
:return: The log entries.
conditions: list[sa.BinaryExpression] \
= [JournalEntry.currency_code == self.__currency.code,
JournalEntry.account_id == self.__account.id]
if self.__period.start is not None:
conditions.append(Transaction.date >= self.__period.start)
if self.__period.end is not None:
conditions.append(Transaction.date <= self.__period.end)
txn_with_account: sa.Select = sa.Select(Transaction.id).\
return [Entry(x)
for x in JournalEntry.query.join(Transaction)
JournalEntry.currency_code == self.__currency.code,
JournalEntry.account_id != self.__account.id)
def __get_total_entry(self) -> Entry:
"""Composes the total entry.
:return: None.
entry: Entry = Entry()
entry.is_total = True
entry.summary = gettext("Total")
entry.income = sum([x.income for x in self.entries
if x.income is not None])
entry.expense = sum([x.expense for x in self.entries
if x.expense is not None])
entry.balance = entry.income - entry.expense
if self.brought_forward is not None:
entry.balance = self.brought_forward.balance + entry.balance
return entry
def __populate_balance(self) -> None:
"""Populates the balance of the entries.
:return: None.
balance: Decimal = 0 if self.brought_forward is None \
else self.brought_forward.balance
for entry in self.entries:
if entry.income is not None:
balance = balance + entry.income
if entry.expense is not None:
balance = balance - entry.expense
entry.balance = balance
class CSVRow:
"""A row in the CSV income and expenses log."""
def __init__(self, txn_date: date | str | None,
account: str | None,
summary: str | None,
income: str | Decimal | None,
expense: str | Decimal | None,
balance: str | Decimal | None,
note: str | None):
"""Constructs a row in the CSV income and expenses log.
:param txn_date: The transaction date.
:param account: The account.
:param summary: The summary.
:param income: The income.
:param expense: The expense.
:param balance: The balance.
:param note: The note.
self.date: date | str | None = txn_date
"""The date."""
self.account: str | None = account
"""The account."""
self.summary: str | None = summary
"""The summary."""
self.income: str | Decimal | None = income
"""The income."""
self.expense: str | Decimal | None = expense
"""The expense."""
self.balance: str | Decimal | None = balance
"""The balance."""
self.note: str | None = note
"""The note."""
def values(self) -> list[str | Decimal | None]:
"""Returns the values of the row.
:return: The values of the row.
return [self.date, self.account, self.summary,
self.income, self.expense, self.balance, self.note]
class IncomeExpensesPageParams(PageParams):
"""The HTML parameters of the income and expenses log."""
def __init__(self, currency: Currency,
account: Account,
period: Period,
has_data: bool,
pagination: Pagination[Entry],
brought_forward: Entry | None,
entries: list[Entry],
total: Entry | None):
"""Constructs the HTML parameters of the income and expenses log.
:param currency: The currency.
:param account: The account.
:param period: The period.
:param has_data: True if there is any data, or False otherwise.
:param brought_forward: The brought-forward entry.
:param entries: The log entries.
:param total: The total entry.
self.currency: Currency = currency
"""The currency."""
self.account: Account = account
"""The account."""
self.period: Period = period
"""The period."""
self.__has_data: bool = has_data
"""True if there is any data, or False otherwise."""
self.pagination: Pagination[Entry] = pagination
"""The pagination."""
self.brought_forward: Entry | None = brought_forward
"""The brought-forward entry."""
self.entries: list[Entry] = entries
"""The entries."""
self.total: Entry | None = total
"""The total entry."""
self.period_chooser: IncomeExpensesPeriodChooser \
= IncomeExpensesPeriodChooser(currency, account)
"""The period chooser."""
def has_data(self) -> bool:
"""Returns whether there is any data on the page.
:return: True if there is any data, or False otherwise.
return self.__has_data
def report_chooser(self) -> ReportChooser:
"""Returns the report chooser.
:return: The report chooser.
return ReportChooser(ReportType.INCOME_EXPENSES,
def currency_options(self) -> list[OptionLink]:
"""Returns the currency options.
:return: The currency options.
def get_url(currency: Currency):
if self.period.is_default:
return url_for("accounting.report.income-expenses-default",
currency=currency, account=self.account)
return url_for("accounting.report.income-expenses",
currency=currency, account=self.account,
in_use: set[str] = set(db.session.scalars(
return [OptionLink(str(x), get_url(x), x.code == self.currency.code)
for x in Currency.query.filter(Currency.code.in_(in_use))
def account_options(self) -> list[OptionLink]:
"""Returns the account options.
:return: The account options.
def get_url(account: Account):
if self.period.is_default:
return url_for("accounting.report.income-expenses-default",
currency=self.currency, account=account)
return url_for("accounting.report.income-expenses",
currency=self.currency, account=account,
in_use: sa.Select = sa.Select(JournalEntry.account_id)\
.filter(JournalEntry.currency_code == self.currency.code,
return [OptionLink(str(x), get_url(x), x.id == self.account.id)
for x in Account.query.filter(Account.id.in_(in_use))
.order_by(Account.base_code, Account.no).all()]
def _populate_entries(entries: list[Entry]) -> None:
"""Populates the income and expenses entries with relative data.
:param entries: The income and expenses entries.
:return: None.
transactions: dict[int, Transaction] \
= {x.id: x for x in Transaction.query.filter(
Transaction.id.in_({x.entry.transaction_id for x in entries
if x.entry is not None}))}
accounts: dict[int, Account] \
= {x.id: x for x in Account.query.filter(
Account.id.in_({x.entry.account_id for x in entries
if x.entry is not None}))}
for entry in entries:
if entry.entry is not None:
entry.transaction = transactions[entry.entry.transaction_id]
entry.date = entry.transaction.date
entry.note = entry.transaction.note
entry.account = accounts[entry.entry.account_id]
class IncomeExpenses:
"""The income and expenses log."""
def __init__(self, currency: Currency, account: Account, period: Period):
"""Constructs an income and expenses log.
:param currency: The currency.
:param account: The account.
:param period: The period.
self.__currency: Currency = currency
"""The currency."""
self.__account: Account = account
"""The account."""
self.__period: Period = period
"""The period."""
collector: EntryCollector = EntryCollector(
self.__currency, self.__account, self.__period)
self.__brought_forward: Entry | None = collector.brought_forward
"""The brought-forward entry."""
self.__entries: list[Entry] = collector.entries
"""The log entries."""
self.__total: Entry = collector.total
"""The total entry."""
def csv(self) -> Response:
"""Returns the report as CSV for download.
:return: The response of the report for download.
filename: str = "income-expenses-{currency}-{account}-{period}.csv"\
.format(currency=self.__currency.code, account=self.__account.code,
rows: list[CSVRow] = self.__get_csv_rows()
with StringIO() as fp:
writer = csv.writer(fp)
writer.writerows([x.values for x in rows])
response: Response = Response(fp.read(), mimetype="text/csv")
response.headers["Content-Disposition"] \
= f"attachment; filename={filename}"
return response
def __get_csv_rows(self) -> list[CSVRow]:
"""Composes and returns the CSV rows.
:return: The CSV rows.
rows: list[CSVRow] = [CSVRow(gettext("Date"), gettext("Account"),
gettext("Summary"), gettext("Income"),
gettext("Expense"), gettext("Balance"),
if self.__brought_forward is not None:
rows.extend([CSVRow(x.date, str(x.account).title(), x.summary,
x.income, x.expense, x.balance, x.note)
for x in self.__entries])
rows.append(CSVRow(gettext("Total"), None, None,
self.__total.income, self.__total.expense,
self.__total.balance, None))
return rows
def html(self) -> str:
"""Composes and returns the report as HTML.
:return: The report as HTML.
all_entries: list[Entry] = []
if self.__brought_forward is not None:
pagination: Pagination[Entry] = Pagination[Entry](all_entries)
page_entries: list[Entry] = pagination.list
has_data: bool = len(page_entries) > 0
brought_forward: Entry | None = None
if page_entries[0].is_brought_forward:
brought_forward = page_entries[0]
page_entries = page_entries[1:]
total: Entry | None = None
if page_entries[-1].is_total:
total = page_entries[-1]
page_entries = page_entries[:-1]
params: IncomeExpensesPageParams = IncomeExpensesPageParams(
return render_template("accounting/report/income-expenses.html",