# The accounting application of the Mia project. # by imacat , 2020/6/30 # Copyright (c) 2020 imacat. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """The view controllers of the accounting application. """ from datetime import date from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponse from django.urls import reverse from django.utils import dateformat from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator from django.utils.timezone import localdate from django.utils.translation import get_language, pgettext from django.views import generic from django.views.decorators.http import require_GET from accounting.models import Record, Transaction, Subject from mia_core.period import Period from mia import settings from mia_core.digest_auth import digest_login_required from mia_core.utils import UrlBuilder, Pagination, \ PageNoOutOfRangeException @require_GET @digest_login_required def home(request): """The accounting home page. Returns: HttpResponseRedirect: The redirection to the default accounting report. """ return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("accounting:cash.home")) @require_GET @digest_login_required def cash_home(request): """The accounting cash report home page. Returns: HttpResponseRedirect: The redirection to the default subject and month. """ subject_code = settings.ACCOUNTING["DEFAULT_CASH_SUBJECT"] period_spec = dateformat.format(localdate(), "Y-m") return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse("accounting:cash", args=(subject_code, period_spec))) @method_decorator(digest_login_required, name='dispatch') class BaseReportView(generic.ListView): """A base account report. Attributes: page_no (int): The specified page number page_size (int): The specified page size period (Period): The template period helper subject (Subject): The currently-specified subject """ page_no = None page_size = None pagination = None period = None subject = None def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """Adds object_list to the context. Args: request (HttpRequest): The request. args (list): The remaining arguments. kwargs (dict): The keyword arguments. Returns: The response """ if request.user.is_anonymous: return HttpResponse(status=401) try: self.page_size = int(request.GET["page-size"]) if self.page_size < 1: return HttpResponseRedirect( str(UrlBuilder(request.get_full_path()) .del_param("page-size"))) except KeyError: self.page_size = None except ValueError: return HttpResponseRedirect( str(UrlBuilder(request.get_full_path()) .del_param("page-size"))) try: self.page_no = int(request.GET["page"]) if self.page_no < 1: return HttpResponseRedirect( str(UrlBuilder(request.get_full_path()) .del_param("page"))) except KeyError: self.page_no = None except ValueError: return HttpResponseRedirect( str(UrlBuilder(request.get_full_path()) .del_param("page"))) try: r = super(BaseReportView, self) \ .get(request, *args, **kwargs) except PageNoOutOfRangeException: return HttpResponseRedirect( str(UrlBuilder(request.get_full_path()) .del_param("page"))) return r def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): data = super(BaseReportView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) data["period"] = self.period data["subject"] = self.subject data["pagination"] = self.pagination return data class CashReportView(BaseReportView): """The accounting cash report.""" http_method_names = ["get"] template_name = "accounting/cash.html" context_object_name = "records" def get_queryset(self): """Return the accounting records for the cash report. Returns: List[Record]: The accounting records for the cash report """ first_txn = Transaction.objects.order_by("date").first() data_start = first_txn.date if first_txn is not None else None last_txn = Transaction.objects.order_by("-date").first() data_end = last_txn.date if last_txn is not None else None self.period = Period( get_language(), data_start, data_end, self.kwargs["period_spec"]) if self.kwargs["subject_code"] == "0": self.subject = Subject(code="0") self.subject.title_zhtw = pgettext( "Accounting|", "Current assets and liabilities") records = Record.objects.raw( """SELECT r.* FROM accounting_records AS r INNER JOIN (SELECT t1.sn AS sn, t1.date AS date, t1.ord AS ord FROM accounting_records AS r1 LEFT JOIN accounting_transactions AS t1 ON r1.transaction_sn=t1.sn LEFT JOIN accounting_subjects AS s1 ON r1.subject_sn = s1.sn WHERE (s1.code LIKE '11%%' OR s1.code LIKE '12%%' OR s1.code LIKE '21%%' OR s1.code LIKE '22%%') AND t1.date >= %s AND t1.date <= %s GROUP BY t1.sn) AS t ON r.transaction_sn=t.sn LEFT JOIN accounting_subjects AS s ON r.subject_sn = s.sn WHERE s.code NOT LIKE '11%%' AND s.code NOT LIKE '12%%' AND s.code NOT LIKE '21%%' AND s.code NOT LIKE '22%%' ORDER BY t.date, t.ord, CASE WHEN is_credit THEN 1 ELSE 2 END, r.ord""", [self.period.start, self.period.end]) else: self.subject = Subject.objects.filter( code=self.kwargs["subject_code"]).first() records = Record.objects.raw( """SELECT r.* FROM accounting_records AS r INNER JOIN (SELECT t1.sn AS sn, t1.date AS date, t1.ord AS ord FROM accounting_records AS r1 LEFT JOIN accounting_transactions AS t1 ON r1.transaction_sn=t1.sn LEFT JOIN accounting_subjects AS s1 ON r1.subject_sn = s1.sn WHERE t1.date >= %s AND t1.date <= %s AND s1.code LIKE %s GROUP BY t1.sn) AS t ON r.transaction_sn=t.sn LEFT JOIN accounting_subjects AS s ON r.subject_sn = s.sn WHERE s.code NOT LIKE %s ORDER BY t.date, t.ord, CASE WHEN is_credit THEN 1 ELSE 2 END, r.ord""", [self.period.start, self.period.end, self.subject.code + "%", self.subject.code + "%"]) self.pagination = Pagination( self.request.get_full_path(), records, self.page_no, self.page_size, True) return self.pagination.records