chklinks Installation Guide * Table of Contents * System Requirements * Installation Instruction ** Install with ExtUtils::MakeMaker ** Install with Module::Build * System Requirements 1. Perl, version 5.6 or above. I have not successfully run this on earlier versions. Please tell me if you can. You can run "perl -v" to see your current Perl version. Perl is distributed with most Unix now. If not, or if you have an older version of Perl, you can download and install/upgrade it from Perl website. If you are using MS-Windows, you can download and install ActiveState ActivePerl. 2. Required Perl modules: * URI This is used to parse and process the found URLs. You can download and install URI from the CPAN archive , or install it with the CPAN shell by running "cpan URI", or install it with the CPANPLUS shell by running "cpanp i URI". Debian/Ubandu Linux users can install it by running "apt-get install liburi-perl". Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS Linux users can install it by running "yum install perl-URI". FreeBSD users can install it by running "ports install p5-URI". ActivePerl users can install it by running "ppm install URI". * HTML::LinkExtor This is used to extract links from the web pages. HTML::LinkExtor is contained in the HTML-Parser distribution. You can download and install HTML::LinkExtor from the CPAN archive , or install it with the CPAN shell by running "cpan HTML::LinkExtor", or install it with the CPANPLUS shell by running "cpanp i HTML::LinkExtor". Debian/Ubandu Linux users can install it by running "apt-get install libhtml-parser-perl". Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS Linux users can install it by running "yum install perl-HTML-Parser". FreeBSD users can install it by running "ports install p5-HTML-Parser". ActivePerl users can install it by running "ppm install HTML::LinkExtor". * LWP::RobotUA This is used to request web pages. LWP::RobotUA is contained in the libwww-perl distribution. You can download and install LWP::RobotUA from the CPAN archive , or install it with the CPAN shell by running "cpan LWP::RobotUA", or install it with the CPANPLUS shell by running "cpanp i LWP::RobotUA". Debian/Ubandu Linux users can install it by running "apt-get install libwww-perl". Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS Linux users can install it by running "yum install perl-libwww-perl". FreeBSD users can install it by running "ports install p5-libwww". ActivePerl users can install it by running "ppm install LWP::RobotUA". If you install chklinks with the CPAN or CPANPLUS shell, the above shall be automatically installed. 3. Optional Perl modules: * Crypt::SSLeay This is needed for LWP::RobotUA to support HTTPS. You can download and install Crypt::SSLeay from the CPAN archive , or install it with the CPAN shell by running "cpan Crypt::SSLeay", or install it with the CPANPLUS shell by running "cpanp i Crypt::SSLeay". Debian/Ubandu Linux users can install it by running "apt-get install libcrypt-ssleay-perl". Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS Linux users can install it by running "yum install perl-Crypt-SSLeay". FreeBSD users can install it by running "ports install p5-Crypt-SSLeay". ActiveState does not host the PPM build of Crypt::SSLeay for ActivePerl due to the Canadian Federal Government requirement. However, ActivePerl users can still install it from another repository, by running "ppm install" * Installation Instruction ** Install with ExtUtils::MakeMaker chklinks uses standard Perl installation with ExtUtils::MakeMaker. Follow these steps: % perl Makefile.PL % make % make test % make install When running make install, make sure you have the priviledge to write to the installation location. This usually requires the root priviledge. If you are using ActivePerl under MS-Windows, you should use nmake instead of make. nmake can be obtained from the Microsoft FTP site. If you want to install into another location, you can set the PREFIX. For example, to install into your home when you are not root: % perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/jessica Refer to the docuemntation of ExtUtils::MakeMaker for more installation options (by running perldoc ExtUtils::MakeMaker). ** Install with Module::Build You can install with Module::Build instead, if you prefer. Follow these steps: % perl Build.PL % ./Build % ./Build test % ./Build install When running ./Build install, make sure you have the priviledge to write to the installation location. This usually requires the root priviledge. If you want to install into another location, you can set the --prefix. For example, to install into your home when you are not root: % perl Build.PL --prefix=/home/jessica Refer to the docuemntation of Module::Build for more installation options (by running perldoc Module::Build). imacat 2008-11-17