chklinks change log 2020-02-06 version 3.10 1. Replaced the messy GNU-styled, multi-lingual documents with a single Markdown 2. Added the GitHub repository to the document, and removed the SourceForge website, my web page, and the SourceForge mailing list from the document. 3. Removed the document license, and my PGP key from the package. Removed the signature file from the repository. 4. Changed the license from GPLv3 to APLv2. 5. Various fixes to avoid JetBrains IDE problem detection. 2020-02-01 chklinks is hosted on GitHub now. 2008-11-18 1. INSTALL: Fixed the grammar on installation with the CPAN or CPANPLUS shell, changed "install with the CPAN shell using" and "install with the CPANPLUS shell using" to "install it with the CPAN shell by running" and "install it with the CPANPLUS shell by running". 2. chklinks.en.html: Updated information on required and optional Perl modules, to describe different installation commands for different operating systems. 3. INSTALL and chklinks.en.html: Changed "Fedora/Red Hat" to "Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS". 4. chklinks.zh-tw.html and chklinks.zh-cn.html: Removed Date::Parse from the required modules. It is a mistake when copying text from arclog. 5. INSTALL.zh-tw, INSTALL.zh-cn, chklinks.zh-tw.html and chklinks.zh-cn.html: Updated information on required and optional Perl modules, to describe different installation commands for different operating systems. 2008-11-17 1. INSTALL: Updated information on required and optional Perl modules, to describe different installation commands for different operating systems. 2. INSTALL: Fixed the grammar on the notes that required modules are automatically installed if install from the CPAN or CPANPLUS shell. 2. chklinks.en.html: Fixed the grammar of the required modules, changed "is part of the xxx package" to "is contained in the xxx distribution". 2008-04-21 1. INSTALL and chklinks.en.html: Fixed typo: "instalation" to "installation". 2007-12-05 version 3.09 MS-Windows fix. 1. chklinks: Fixed the "from" address of the user agent to use getlogin() and then getpwuid(), in order to work on systems that only have getlogin() but not getpwuid(), like MS-Windows. 2007-12-05 version 3.08 Documentation fixes. 1. README.zh-*, chklinks.zh-*.html: Fixed the description "是用 Perl 寫的單執行緒連結檢查程式" to "是單執行緒的 Perl 連結 檢查程式", according to the existing short description in README.zh-tw. I was out of my mind to miss this and translate it again. 2. chklinks.zh-tw.html, chklinks.zh-cn.html: Removed the old excess LWP/UTF-8 paragraph from the Notes section. 3. chklinks.en.html: Fixed "for a LWP::Protocol patch" to "for an LWP::Protocol patch". 4. README.en: Fixed "LWP::RobotUA(3)" to "LWP::RobotUA". 5. README*: Updated the LWP/UTF-8 information. 6. chklinks.*.html: Fixed the support section, replacing all instances of "arclog" to "chklinks". It is terrible that I just copied and pasted without reviewing. 2007-12-05 version 3.07 1. chklinks.*.html: Refer to NEWS instead of Changes for release notes. 2. README*, chklinks.*.html: Fixed the description "is a Perl link checker" to "is a non-threaded Perl link checker". 3. chklinks, README, Build.PL, Makefile.PL: Fixed the short description "perl link checker" to "Perl link checker". 2007-12-04 1. Makefile.PL: Fixed to prevent importing symbols when checking optional prerequisites. 2007-12-03 1. Makefile.PL, Build.PL: Added comment on the short description of this file to the beginning of the file. 2. Makefile.PL, Build.PL: Added "use warnings;". 2007-12-01 1. chklinks, Makefile.PL: Use "use 5.006" instead of "use 5.6.0", for compatibility with older Perl, and get ride of the warning of Perl 5.10. 2007-11-27 1. chklinks.zh-tw.html, chklinks.zh-cn.html: Tag the languages. 2007-11-26 1. License updated to GPLv3. 2. chklinks.*.html: Added version number to the title. 3. chklinks.zh-cn.html: Fixed the quotation style. 4. fdl.txt: Updated (FSF address). 5. MSWin32 and MS-Win32 is now written as MS-Windows in the documentation. 6. Build.PL: Added "recommends" and "build_requires". 2007-11-25 1. chklinks.en.html, INSTALL: Fixed the typo "archieve" as "archive". 2007-11-22 1. chklinks: Fixed $SIG{__WARN__} to $SIG{"__WARN__"} in the parse_args() subroutine. 2. chklinks: Removed the Chinese GPL copyright message. There should only be one version of the copyright message, and should not be any Chinese comment. 2007-06-08 version 3.06 Test suite updates 1. t/01-basic.t: Added test 21 to check if we have exhausted all the results, and remove the found URL after test 15-20, in order to catch errors in the test suites. 2007-06-07 1. chklinks.en.html, chklinks.zh-tw.html, chklinks.zh-cn.html: Added missing ... around WWW::RobotRules in the Notes chapter. 2. INSTALL: Filled in the missing text in the System Requirements chapter. 2. chklinks.zh-cn.html: Added blank line in the News chapter. 2007-06-07 version 3.05 1. chklinks: Do not set $parser->utf8_mode(1) in get_links() when Perl version is earlier than 5.8 where UTF-8 mode is not available. 2. INSTALL, INSTALL.zh-tw, INSTALL.zh-cn: Added instruction on installation with Module::Build. 3. INSTALL.zh-tw, INSTALL.zh-cn: Fixed several typos. 4. chklinks.en.html: Added instruction on installation with Module::Build. 5. chklinks.zh-tw.html, chklinks.zh-cn.html: Added illustration instruction that was missing previously. 6. t/htdocs/dir01/test01.html: Added http://www.domain.invalid/ and ftp://ftp.domain.invalid/. 7. t/01-basic.t: Added test on http://www.domain.invalid/ and ftp://ftp.domain.invalid/. 8. t/htdocs/dir01/start.html: Changed to UTF-8, and added an UTF-8 Chinese paragraph in order to test UTF-8 mode. 2007-06-06 version 3.04 Documentation fixes. 1. Changes: Added detailed change log entries about the new Notes chapter of the POD document. 2. chklinks.en.html: Fixed an unencoded
in the HTML.
3. chklinks.zh-tw.html: Removed the extra white space in the front
of the news text.
4. chklinks.en.html, chklinks.zh-tw.html, chklinks.zh-cn.html: Added
Module::Build support to 3.03 news text.
2007-06-06 version 3.03
1. chklinks: Added "$parser->utf8_mode(1);" in get_links(), to
fix the HTML::Parser raw UTF-8 warning when extracting links from
UTF-8 HTML content with HTML::Parser version >= 3.40. Thanks
to nsnake