Calc Mosaic README INTRODUCTION Calc Mosaic is a program to create mosaic art from images with OpenOffice Calc. This can be used to create cool stop motion movies. See HISTORY for the story behind Calc Mosaic. COMPILATION You need JDK, Apache ANT and OpenOffice SDK in order to compile this program. You need juh.jar, jurt.jar, ridl.jar and unoil.jar in order to compile the source. They can be found in OpenOffice SDK. ${OpenOffice Installation}/ure/share/java/juh.jar ${OpenOffice Installation}/ure/share/java/jurt.jar ${OpenOffice Installation}/ure/share/java/ridl.jar ${OpenOffice Installation}/basis3.4/program/classes/unoil.jar Just copy them into the lib/ directory and they will work. Also You may want to review the property value of ooo.dir.sdk-classes in build.xml. To compile, simply type "ant compile". Type "ant jar" will create the jar file. Type "ant help" for more information. Alternatively, there is a pre-compiled jar file here within the distribution. USAGE Type "java -jar calcmosaic.jar -help" to display a simple help. The snapshots of a video can be grabbed using ffmpeg: ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -r -sameq -y -f image2 img%04d.jpg Note that a spreadsheet document can only contain at most 256 spreadsheets. Save file first for the macro to work. Hit the start button at A1 of the first and last sheet to play the sheets. You can set the break time (in milliseconds) between sheets at B1 of the first sheet (default 100 ms). You can set the background music at C1 of the first sheet. This only works on Linux and you must install mplayer. Relative file path is relative to the document file. Play once before your live show to avoid the I/O delay with cache. If you found problem running on Windows X64, see Windows-x64.txt. Hope you like it! ^_*' imacat ^_*' 2012-08-24