NEWS in calcmosaic 2.1.0 * Better user interface processing: Added an icon, shortcut keys, button focus, enter key, the number of chosen files, etc. * Added information and WinJava64.reg for the problem running on MS Windows 64-bit with 64-bit Java JRE. See: 2.0.0 * You can run calcmosaic.jar from the file manager. An option dialog was added to obtain the options with GUI. * You can now run in the 0.x mode that paint the mosaic sheet cell by cell, for presentation, by using the -slow switch. * Better localized in Traditional Chinese. * Errors are better handled. Error messages are shown in either STDERR or message box automatically. Errors reading from non-image files are handled. * The end-of-run message will not block for the user input when running from console. * An API to return mosaic color data is added. * Many minor fixes. 1.0.3 * Fixed build.xml includeantruntime warning. * Changed case of thisComponent to ThisComponent. 1.0.2 * Fixed Javadoc problems. 1.0.1 * Removed unused algorithms to calculate the mosaic cell color. 1.0.0 * Rewritten to be faster (about 8 times faster). Most of program is now OpenOffice BASIC. The Java program actually injects OpenOffice BASIC macros into the document and run it. Unlike Java UNO, OpenOffice BASIC does not refresh the display for each UNO command. The execution is now a LOT faster. * Added the play script and the start buttons, to help playing the spreadsheet stop-motion. 0.2.1 * Added a maximum check for the number of images used. This users from errors after hours of work of conversion. * Added HISTORY for the story behind Calc Mosaic. * Added explanation for the FFMPEG command to use for grabbing snapshots. 0.2.0 * Added the ability to convert multiple images. * Added the ability to calculate the mosaic cell size automatically. * Added command line options and help. * Changed the option mosaic cell size to maximum number of rows to use, to make it easier (and more meaningful) to the users. * Changed the algorithm to calculate the color of the mosaic cell, to have sharper result on the edges. 0.1.2 * 0.1.1 mistakenly packaged 0.1.0 along with 0.1.1, and this is fixed. 0.1.1 * License changed from GPLv3 to Apache License v2. 0.1.0 * Initial release