
3382 lines
116 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# arclog: Archive the log files monthly
# Copyright (c) 2001-2022 imacat.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# First written: 2001/1/5
package main;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker qw();
use Fcntl qw(:flock);
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use IO::Handle qw(autoflush);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Cwd qw(cwd);
use File::Basename qw(basename fileparse);
use File::Spec::Functions qw(devnull file_name_is_absolute path catfile
splitdir curdir updir);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use Config qw();
use base qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
TMP_SUFFIX where_is to_yyyymm format_number rel2abs);
# Prototype declaration
sub main();
sub parse_args();
sub where_is($);
sub to_yyyymm($);
sub format_number($);
sub rel2abs($;$);
our ($VERSION);
$THIS_FILE = basename($0);
$VERSION = "3.05";
our (%WHERE_IS);
$THIS_MONTH = to_yyyymm $^T;
# Constants
# The compress mode
use constant COMPRESS_GZIP => "gzip";
use constant COMPRESS_BZIP2 => "bzip2";
use constant COMPRESS_XZ => "xz";
use constant COMPRESS_NONE => "none";
# The override mode
use constant OVERRIDE_OVERWRITE => "overwrite";
use constant OVERRIDE_APPEND => "append";
use constant OVERRIDE_IGNORE => "ignore";
use constant OVERRIDE_FAIL => "fail";
use constant OVERRIDE_ASK => "ask";
# The keep mode
use constant KEEP_ALL => "all";
use constant KEEP_RESTART => "restart";
use constant KEEP_DELETE => "delete";
use constant KEEP_THIS_MONTH => "this-month";
# The file types
use constant TYPE_PLAIN => "text/plain";
use constant TYPE_GZIP => "application/x-gzip";
use constant TYPE_BZIP2 => "application/x-bzip2";
use constant TYPE_XZ => "application/x-xz";
# Other constants
use constant TMP_SUFFIX => ".tmp-arclog";
use constant GZIP_SUFFIX => ".gz";
use constant BZIP2_SUFFIX => ".bz2";
use constant DEFAULT_IS_PROGRESS_BAR => 1;
use constant DEFAULT_SORT => 0;
$VER_MSG = "$THIS_FILE v$VERSION by imacat <imacat\>";
$SHORT_HELP = "Try `$THIS_FILE --help' for more information.";
$HELP_MSG = << "EOT";
Usage: $THIS_FILE [options] logfile... [output]
Archive the log files monthly.
logfile The log file to be archived.
output The prefix of the output files. The output files are
named as pre.yyyymm, ie: pre.200001, pre.200002. If not
specified, the default prefix is the logfile pathname.
--compress method Compress the archived files. Available methods are:
gzip, bzip2, xz, and none. The default is gzip.
--sort Sort the records in the log files by time.
--nosort Do not sort the records. (default)
--override mode The override behavior when the target archived files
exist. Available modes are: overwrite, append, ignore,
fail and ask. If not specified, the default is "ask" on
TTY, "fail" for else.
--keep mode What to keep in the logfile. Available modes are: all,
restart, delete and this-month. If not specified, the
default is "this-month".
-d,--debug Display debug messages. Multiple --debug to debug more.
-q,--quiet Disable debug messages. An opposite that cancels the
effect of --debug.
-h,--help Display this help.
-v,--version Display version number.
exit 0;
# Main program
sub main() {
local ($_, %_);
my %ARC;
# Parse the arguments
# Create the temporary working files
$_->create_temp foreach @LOGFILES;
# Read the source files to temporary working files
$_->read_source foreach @LOGFILES;
# Process each log file
%ARC = qw();
foreach my $logfile (@LOGFILES) {
my ($label, $count, $dropped);
print STDERR "Archiving " . $logfile->{"file"} . " ... "
print STDERR "\n" if $VERBOSE > 1 && !$CONF{"IS_PROGRESS_BAR"};
$label = $logfile->{"file"};
$label = "-" . substr($label, -13) if length $label > 14;
($count, $dropped) = (0, 0);
$PROGRESS_BAR = _private::ProgressBar->new($label, $logfile->{"count"});
# Sort each log record by month
while (defined($_ = $logfile->read_record)) {
my $month;
$month = $logfile->{"format"}->parse_month($_);
# Skip malformed records whose time is not parsable
if (!defined $month) {
# This month to keep
} elsif ($CONF{"KEEP"} eq KEEP_THIS_MONTH && $month eq $THIS_MONTH) {
# Months to archive
} else {
# A new month
$ARC{$month} = _private::Archive->new($month)
if !exists $ARC{$month};
$ARC{$month}->add($_) if !$ARC{$month}->{"ignore"};
$PROGRESS_BAR->update($count) if $CONF{"IS_PROGRESS_BAR"};
print STDERR "$count records\n"
warn "Dropping $dropped malformed records\n"
if $dropped > 0;
# Sorting
if ($CONF{"SORT"}) {
foreach my $month (sort grep !$ARC{$_}->{"ignore"}, keys %ARC) {
# Store the archived log records
foreach my $month (sort grep !$ARC{$_}->{"ignore"}, keys %ARC) {
# Return the records of this month
$_->restore_this_month foreach @LOGFILES;
# Remove the temporarily working files
$_->remove_temp foreach @LOGFILES;
# Print the statistics
printf STDERR "%d archive files written, %d seconds elapsed.\n",
scalar(grep !$ARC{$_}->{"ignore"}, keys %ARC), (time - $^T)
if $VERBOSE > 0;
# Parse the arguments
sub parse_args() {
local ($_, %_);
my ($has_stdin, $one_arg);
%CONF = qw();
# Get the arguments
eval {
local $SIG{"__WARN__"} = sub { die $_[0]; };
Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(no_auto_abbrev bundling));
GetOptions( "compress|c=s"=>sub {
if ($_[1] =~ /^(?:g|gzip)$/i) {
} elsif ($_[1] =~ /^(?:b|bzip2)$/i) {
} elsif ($_[1] =~ /^(?:x|xz)$/i) {
} elsif ($_[1] =~ /^(?:n|none)$/i) {
} else {
die "$THIS_FILE: Unknown compress mode: $_[1]\n";
} },
"nocompress"=>sub { $CONF{"COMPRESS"} = COMPRESS_NONE; },
"override|o=s"=>sub {
if ($_[1] =~ /^(?:o|overwrite)$/i) {
} elsif ($_[1] =~ /^(?:a|append)$/i) {
} elsif ($_[1] =~ /^(?:i|ignore)$/i) {
} elsif ($_[1] =~ /^(?:f|fail)$/i) {
} elsif ($_[1] =~ /^(?:ask)$/i) {
} else {
die "$THIS_FILE: Unknown override mode: $_[1]\n";
} },
"keep|k=s"=>sub {
if ($_[1] =~ /^(?:a|all)$/i) {
} elsif ($_[1] =~ /^(?:r|restart)$/i) {
} elsif ($_[1] =~ /^(?:d|delete)$/i) {
} elsif ($_[1] =~ /^(?:t|this-month)$/i) {
} else {
die "$THIS_FILE: Unknown keep mode: $_[1]\n";
} },
"quiet|q"=>sub { $VERBOSE-- if $VERBOSE > 0; },
"help|h"=>sub { print $HELP_MSG; exit 0; },
"version|v"=>sub { print "$VER_MSG\n"; exit 0; });
die "$THIS_FILE: $@$SHORT_HELP\n" if $@ ne "";
# Save the original STDIN and STDOUT
open $STDIN, "<&", \*STDIN or die "$THIS_FILE: STDIN: $!";
open $STDOUT, ">&", \*STDOUT or die "$THIS_FILE: STDOUT: $!";
# Set the verbose level
autoflush STDERR if $VERBOSE > 1;
$CONF{"IS_PROGRESS_BAR"} = 0 if $VERBOSE == 0 || !-t STDERR;
# Check if we have Term::ReadKey
$CONF{"IS_PROGRESS_BAR"} = 0 unless eval { require Term::ReadKey; 1; };
# Check the arguments
# Arguments are source files
@LOGFILES = qw();
while (@ARGV > 0) {
$_ = shift @ARGV;
# Treat /dev/stdin as - on UNIX-like systems
$_ = "-" if $_ eq "/dev/stdin" && devnull eq "/dev/null";
push @LOGFILES, $_;
$_{$_} = 1;
die "$THIS_FILE: Which log file do you want to archive?\n$SHORT_HELP\n"
if @LOGFILES == 0;
$has_stdin = scalar grep $_ eq "-", @LOGFILES;
# The output prefix
$one_arg = (@LOGFILES == 1);
if ($one_arg) {
# STDIN must specify the output prefix
die "$THIS_FILE: You must specify the output prefix for STDIN\n$SHORT_HELP\n"
if $LOGFILES[0] eq "-";
} else {
die "$THIS_FILE: You cannot specify STDOUT as the output prefix\n$SHORT_HELP\n"
if $CONF{"OUTPUT"} eq "-";
# Check the duplicates - after removing the output prefix
%_ = qw();
foreach (@LOGFILES) {
die "$THIS_FILE: $_: You can only specify a file once\n$SHORT_HELP\n"
if exists $_{$_};
$_{$_} = 1;
# Set the default override mode
# Set the default keep mode
$CONF{"KEEP"} = DEFAULT_KEEP if !exists $CONF{"KEEP"};
# Set the default compress mode
# Cannot keep the records of this month back in STDIN
if ($has_stdin && $CONF{"KEEP"} eq KEEP_THIS_MONTH) {
warn "$THIS_FILE: Cannot keep this-month in STDIN. Change to keep all.\n";
# Cannot delete STDIN
if ($has_stdin && $CONF{"KEEP"} eq KEEP_DELETE) {
warn "$THIS_FILE: Cannot delete the STDIN. Change to keep all.\n";
# Cannot restart STDIN
if ($has_stdin && $CONF{"KEEP"} eq KEEP_RESTART) {
warn "$THIS_FILE: Cannot restart the STDIN. Change to keep all.\n";
# Cannot get the log file and the answer both from STDIN
if ($has_stdin && $CONF{"OVERRIDE"} eq OVERRIDE_ASK) {
warn "$THIS_FILE: Cannot read from STDIN in ask mode. Change to fail mode.\n";
$CONF{"OVERRIDE"} = "fail";
# Check the log files
@LOGFILES = map _private::LogFile->new($_), @LOGFILES;
if ((@_ = grep $_->{"is_empty"}, @LOGFILES) > 0) {
print STDERR "Skipping empty files: " . join(", ", map $_->{"file"}, @_) . "\n"
if $VERBOSE > 0;
@LOGFILES = grep !$_->{"is_empty"}, @LOGFILES;
# Close empty files - do this after $_->{"is_empty"},
# so that $_->{"is_empty"} is still accessible.
foreach (@_) {
undef $_;
if (@LOGFILES == 0) {
print STDERR "$THIS_FILE: No non-empty files left. Exiting.\n"
if $VERBOSE > 0;
exit 0;
$has_stdin = scalar grep $_->{"stdin"}, @LOGFILES;
# Check if the formats of the files are consistent
%_ = map { $_->{"format"} => 1 } @LOGFILES;
die "$THIS_FILE: Cannot archive log files in different formats at a time.\n"
. join "", map sprintf(" %s : %s\n", $_->{"file"}, $_->{"format"}),
if keys %_ > 1;
$CONF{"FORMAT"} = $LOGFILES[0]->{"format"};
# Check the output file prefix
# Strip the filename suffix of the compressed files
if ($one_arg) {
$CONF{"OUTPUT"} =~ s/\.gz$// if $LOGFILES[0]->{"type"} eq TYPE_GZIP;
$CONF{"OUTPUT"} =~ s/\.bz2$// if $LOGFILES[0]->{"type"} eq TYPE_BZIP2;
$CONF{"OUTPUT"} =~ s/\.xz// if $LOGFILES[0]->{"type"} eq TYPE_XZ;
die "$THIS_FILE: Please specify output prefix\n$SHORT_HELP\n"
if !defined $CONF{"OUTPUT"};
$CONF{"OUTPUT"} = rel2abs $CONF{"OUTPUT"};
$_ = (fileparse $CONF{"OUTPUT"})[1];
die "$THIS_FILE: $_: Not found\n$SHORT_HELP\n"
if !-e $_;
die "$THIS_FILE: $_: Not a directory\n$SHORT_HELP\n"
if !-d $_;
die "$THIS_FILE: $_: Permission denied\n$SHORT_HELP\n"
if !-w $_;
# Find an executable
# Code inspired from CPAN::FirstTime
sub where_is($) {
local ($_, %_);
my ($file, $path);
$file = $_[0];
return $WHERE_IS{$file} if exists $WHERE_IS{$file};
foreach my $dir (path) {
print STDERR " Checking $dir ... " if $VERBOSE > 3;
if (defined($path = MM->maybe_command(catfile($dir, $file)))) {
print STDERR "$path\n found " if $VERBOSE > 3;
return ($WHERE_IS{$file} = $path);
print STDERR "no\n" if $VERBOSE > 3;
return ($WHERE_IS{$file} = undef);
# convert timestamp to yyyymm
sub to_yyyymm($) {
local ($_, %_);
@_ = localtime $_[0];
return sprintf "%04d%02d", $_[5] + 1900, $_[4] + 1;
# Format the number every 3 digit
sub format_number($) {
local $_;
$_ = $_[0];
# Group every 3 digit
$_ = $1 . "," . $2 . $3 while /^([^\.]*\d)(\d\d\d)(.*)$/;
return $_;
# Convert a relative path to an absolute path
sub rel2abs($;$) {
local ($_, %_);
my ($path, $base);
($path, $base) = @_;
# Turn the base absolute
$base = cwd unless defined $base;
$base = rel2abs $base if !file_name_is_absolute $base;
# Deal with the ~ user home directories under UNIX
if (defined $Config::Config{"d_getpwent"}) {
@_ = splitdir($path);
# If it starts from the user home directory
if ($_[0] =~ /^~(.*)$/) {
my ($user, @pwent, $home);
$user = $1;
# The same as the current user
if ( (@pwent = getpwuid $>) > 0
&& ($user eq "" || $user eq $pwent[0])) {
# Replace with the user home directory
# Respect the HOME environment variable if exists
$home = exists $ENV{"HOME"}? $ENV{"HOME"}: $pwent[7];
@_ = (splitdir($home), @_[1...$#_]);
# Get the user home directory
} elsif ((@pwent = getpwnam $user) > 0) {
# Replace with the user home directory
$home = $pwent[7];
@_ = (splitdir($home), @_[1...$#_]);
# Compose the path
$path = catfile @_;
# Append the current directory if relative
$path = catfile($base, $path) unless file_name_is_absolute $path;
@_ = splitdir($path); # Split into directory components
# Add an empty filename level if last level is a directory
push @_, "" if ($_[@_-1] eq curdir || $_[@_-1] eq updir);
for ($_ = 1; $_ < @_; $_++) { # Parse each level one by one
# If it is this directory
if ($_[$_] eq curdir) {
splice @_, $_, 1; # Remove this level directly
$_--; # The level number drop by 1
# If it is the parent directory
} elsif ($_ > 1 && $_[$_] eq updir && $_[$_-1] ne updir) {
splice @_, $_-1, 2; # Remove this and the previous level
$_ -= 2; # The level number drop by 2
$path = catfile @_; # Compose the full path
return $path;
# _private::ProgressBar: The progress bar display
package _private::ProgressBar;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
# Initialize the progress bar handler
sub new : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($class, $self, $label, $total);
($class, $label, $total) = @_;
$self = bless {}, $class;
$self->{"label"} = $label;
$self->{"total"} = $total;
$self->{"start"} = time;
$self->{"last_line"} = undef;
require Term::ReadKey;
return $self;
# Update the progress bar
sub update : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $cur, $label, $width, $elapsed, $min, $sec, $bar, $line);
($self, $cur, $label) = @_;
$label = $self->{"label"} if !defined $label;
# Not enough space for a progress bar
return if ($width = (Term::ReadKey::GetTerminalSize())[0] - 30) < 1;
# Calculate the elapsed time
$elapsed = time - $self->{"start"};
$sec = $elapsed % 60;
$min = ($elapsed - $sec) / 60;
# Calculate the percentage and the progress bar
$bar = "=" x sprintf("%1.0f", ($cur / $self->{"total"}) * $width);
# Compose the line
$line = sprintf "\r%-14.14s [%-".$width."s] %3.0f%% %02d:%02d",
$label, $bar, ($cur / $self->{"total"}) * 100, $min, $sec;
# Print if changed
if (!defined $self->{"last_line"} || $self->{"last_line"} ne $line) {
# Print it
print STDERR "\r$line";
# Record the current line
$self->{"last_line"} = $line;
# Finished
print STDERR "\n" if $cur == $self->{"total"};
# _private::LogFile: The source log file
package _private::LogFile;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
import main;
use Fcntl qw(:flock :seek);
use File::Basename qw(fileparse);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
# Constants
# The file type checkers
use constant MAGIC_PM => "File::MMagic";
use constant MAGIC_EXEC => "file";
use constant MAGIC_SUFFIX => "suffix";
undef $MAGIC;
# Initialize the source log file processor
sub new : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($class, $self, $file, $FH, $f0);
($class, $file) = @_;
# STDIN is another class
if ($file eq "-") {
$class .= "::STDIN";
return $class->new(@_[1...$#_]);
$self = bless {}, $class;
$self->{"stdin"} = 0;
$self->{"keep"} = $CONF{"KEEP"};
$self->{"override"} = $CONF{"OVERRIDE"};
$self->{"tmp"} = undef;
# Load the File::MMagic first before opening anything, or the seek
# method will not be loaded into IO::Handle
$self->{"check_type"} = $file if $MAGIC_METHOD eq MAGIC_EXEC;
$self->{"file"} = rel2abs $file;
($f0, $file) = ($file, $self->{"file"});
# Open the file
if ($self->{"keep"} eq KEEP_ALL) {
open $FH, $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
flock $FH, LOCK_SH;
} else {
open $FH, "+<", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
flock $FH, LOCK_EX;
$self->{"FH"} = $FH;
# Check the file type
print STDERR "Checking file type of $f0 ... " if $VERBOSE > 1;
$self->{"type"} = $self->check_type;
print STDERR $self->{"type"} . "\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
# Check the I/O handler to use
$self->{"io"} = $self->check_io;
# Open the file
$self->{"io"}->open_read($file, $self->{"FH"});
# Check the log file format
$self->{"format"} = $self->check_format;
# Not empty
if (!$self->{"is_empty"}) {
# Check the temporarily working file availability
$self->{"temp"} = $self->check_temp;
return $self;
# Check the temporarily working file availability
sub check_temp : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $dir, $suf);
$self = $_[0];
# No need to create a named temporarily file if we keep the log file
if ($CONF{"KEEP"} eq KEEP_ALL) {
# Create an anonymous temporary file
return undef;
if ($self->{"type"} eq TYPE_GZIP) {
($file, $dir, $suf) = fileparse $self->{"file"}, ".gz";
} elsif ($self->{"type"} eq TYPE_BZIP2) {
($file, $dir, $suf) = fileparse $self->{"file"}, ".bz2";
} elsif ($self->{"type"} eq TYPE_XZ) {
($file, $dir, $suf) = fileparse $self->{"file"}, ".xz";
} else {
($file, $dir, $suf) = fileparse $self->{"file"};
$_ = $dir . $file . TMP_SUFFIX;
# Does the temporary working file exists?
die "$THIS_FILE: $_: Temporary working file exists\n$SHORT_HELP\n"
if -e $_;
# Check if we can create the temporarily working file
die "$THIS_FILE: $dir: File exists\n$SHORT_HELP\n"
if !-e $dir;
die "$THIS_FILE: $dir: Not a directory\n$SHORT_HELP\n"
if !-d $dir;
die "$THIS_FILE: $dir: Permission denied\n$SHORT_HELP\n"
if !-w $dir;
return $_;
# Check the log file format
sub check_format : method {
local ($_, %_);
my $self;
$self = $_[0];
# Read the first line from the source file
$self->{"first_line"} = $self->{"io"}->readline;
# Skip empty files
$self->{"is_empty"} = !defined $self->{"first_line"};
if ($self->{"is_empty"}) {
print STDERR "File is empty.\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
return undef;
# Check the log file format
print STDERR "Checking the log file format... " if $VERBOSE > 1;
print STDERR "\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
$_ = _private::Format->check_format($self->{"first_line"});
# Unrecognized log record
if (!defined $_) {
print STDERR "unknown\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
die "$THIS_FILE: Unrecognized log file format";
print STDERR "$_\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
return $_;
# Create the temporary working file
sub create_temp : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $temp, $FHT);
$self = $_[0];
# Create a named temporarily working file
if (defined $self->{"temp"}) {
$temp = $self->{"temp"};
print STDERR "Creating $temp ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FHT, "+>", $temp or die "$THIS_FILE: $temp: $!";
flock $FHT, LOCK_EX;
$self->{"FHT"} = $FHT;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
return $FHT;
# Create an anonymous temporarily working file
} else {
print STDERR "Creating temporary working file for " . $self->{"file"} . " ... "
if $VERBOSE > 2;
$self->{"FHT"} = tempfile or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
flock $self->{"FHT"}, LOCK_EX;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
return $self->{"FHT"};
# Remove the temporary working file
sub remove_temp : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $temp, $FHT);
$self = $_[0];
($FHT, $temp) = ($self->{"FHT"}, $self->{"temp"});
# A named temporarily file
if (defined $self->{"temp"}) {
print STDERR "Removing $temp ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
close $FHT or die "$THIS_FILE: $temp: $!";
unlink $temp or die "$THIS_FILE: $temp: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# An anonymous temporarily working file
} else {
print STDERR "Closing temporary working file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
close $FHT or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Read the source file
sub read_source : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FHT, $count);
$self = $_[0];
($file, $FHT) = ($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FHT"});
print STDERR "Reading from $file ... " if $VERBOSE > 1;
print STDERR "\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR " Reading source records ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$count = 0;
# The first line is already read, to determine the format
$_ = $self->{"first_line"};
print $FHT $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
# The rest lines
while (defined($_ = $self->{"io"}->readline)) {
print $FHT $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "$count records\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
$self->{"io"}->close($self->{"keep"}, $self->{"tmp"});
print STDERR "$count records\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
$self->{"count"} = $count;
return $count;;
# Read a record, returning the record and its month
sub read_record : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $FHT);
$self = $_[0];
$FHT = $self->{"FHT"};
# Reset when start reading
if (!exists $self->{"reading_record"}) {
seek $FHT, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
$self->{"reading_record"} = 1;
$_ = <$FHT>;
# End of read
delete $self->{"reading_record"} if !defined $_;
return $_;
# Save the records of this month
sub save_this_month : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $record, $FH);
($self, $record) = @_;
# Create the temporary saving space
if (!exists $self->{"FH_TM"}) {
print STDERR "\n" if $VERBOSE > 2 && defined $PROGRESS_BAR;
print STDERR " Creating buffer for this month ... "
if $VERBOSE > 2;
$FH = tempfile or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
flock $FH, LOCK_EX or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
$self->{"FH_TM"} = $FH;
$self->{"count_this_month"} = 0;
$self->{"size_this_month"} = 0;
} else {
$FH = $self->{"FH_TM"};
# Save the record
print $FH $record or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
$self->{"size_this_month"} += length $record;
# Return the records of this month to the log file
sub restore_this_month : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH);
$self = $_[0];
# Bounce if no record to restore
return unless exists $self->{"FH_TM"};
($file, $FH) = ($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH_TM"});
# Prepend the records using the I/O class implementation
ref($self->{"io"})->prepend_records($file, $FH);
# Report the statistics
printf STDERR "%s: keeping %s records, %s bytes\n",
$file, format_number($self->{"count_this_month"}),
if $VERBOSE > 0;
# Check the source file type
sub check_type : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH, $PH, $CMD);
$self = $_[0];
($file, $FH) = ($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"});
# Check the file type checker to use
die "$THIS_FILE: Cannot check STDIN from the filename suffix.\n"
if $self->{"stdin"} && $MAGIC_METHOD eq MAGIC_SUFFIX;
# Check by file name suffix
# Check by file name suffix on empty files, too.
return TYPE_GZIP if $file =~ /\.gz$/;
return TYPE_BZIP2 if $file =~ /\.bz2$/;
return TYPE_XZ if $file =~ /\.xz/;
# Otherwise we assume it to be text/plain
return TYPE_PLAIN;
# Check the file format
# Check by File::MMagic
$_ = $MAGIC->checktype_filehandle($FH);
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Check by the file program
flock $FH, LOCK_UN;
@_ = ($MAGIC, $self->{"check_type"});
@_ = map "\"$_\"", @_ if $^O eq "MSWin32";
$CMD = join " ", @_;
# Start the process
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
open $PH, "$CMD |" or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
} else {
open $PH, "-|", @_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
$_ = join "", <$PH>;
close $PH or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
if ($self->{"keep"} eq KEEP_ALL) {
flock $FH, LOCK_SH;
} else {
flock $FH, LOCK_EX;
# Check the returned file type text
return TYPE_GZIP if /gzip/i;
return TYPE_BZIP2 if /bzip2/i;
return TYPE_XZ if /xz/i;
# Default everything to text/plain
return TYPE_PLAIN;
# Check the I/O handler to use
sub check_io : method {
local ($_, %_);
my $self;
$self = $_[0];
# We need a gzip compression I/O handler
return _private::IO->check_gzip if $self->{"type"} eq TYPE_GZIP;
# We need a bzip2 compression I/O handler
return _private::IO->check_bzip2 if $self->{"type"} eq TYPE_BZIP2;
# We need a xz compression I/O handler
return _private::IO->check_xz if $self->{"type"} eq TYPE_XZ;
# We need a plain I/O handler
return _private::IO::Plain->new;
# Check the file type checker to use
sub check_magic : method {
local ($_, %_);
my $self;
$self = $_[0];
# Checked before
return $MAGIC_METHOD if defined $MAGIC_METHOD;
print STDERR "Checking file type checker to use ... " if $VERBOSE > 1;
print STDERR "\n Checking File::MMagic ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Check if we have File::MMagic
if (eval { require File::MMagic; 1; }) {
print STDERR "OK\nfound " if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR "File::MMagic\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
$MAGIC = File::MMagic->new;
# Not found
print STDERR "no\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
$@ =~ s/^(Can't locate \S+ in \@INC).*\n/$1\n/; # '
warn "$@" if $VERBOSE == 1;
# Looking for file from PATH
print STDERR " Checking file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Found in PATH
if (defined($MAGIC = where_is "file")) {
print STDERR "$MAGIC\nfound " if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR "$MAGIC\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
warn "$THIS_FILE: We will check with $MAGIC instead\n"
if $VERBOSE > 0;
# Not found
print STDERR "no\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Check by file name suffix
print STDERR " Fall back using file name suffix instead\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR "file name suffix\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
warn "$THIS_FILE: We will check by file name suffix instead\n"
if $VERBOSE == 1;
# _private::LogFile::STDIN: The source log file as STDIN
package _private::LogFile::STDIN;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(_private::LogFile);
import main;
use IO::Handle;
use Fcntl qw(:flock :seek);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile unlink0);
# Initialize the source log file processor
sub new : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($class, $self, $file, $FH, $tmp);
($class, $file) = @_;
# We only initialize STDIN
return $file if ref($file) ne "" || $file ne "-";
$self = bless {}, $class;
$self->{"stdin"} = 1;
$self->{"keep"} = KEEP_ALL;
$self->{"override"} = OVERRIDE_OVERWRITE;
$self->{"tmp"} = undef;
# Load the File::MMagic first before opening anything, or the seek
# method will not be loaded into IO::Handle
# Save STDIN to somewhere
$file = "the STDIN buffer";
if ($_private::LogFile::MAGIC_METHOD eq _private::LogFile::MAGIC_EXEC) {
($FH, $tmp) = tempfile(undef, UNLINK => 1)
or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
$self->{"check_type"} = $tmp;
$self->{"tmp"} = $tmp;
} else {
undef $tmp;
$FH = tempfile or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
($self->{"FH"}, $self->{"file"}) = ($FH, $file);
flock $FH, LOCK_EX;
print STDERR "Saving STDIN to a buffer ... " if $VERBOSE > 1;
while (defined($_ = <STDIN>)) {
print $FH $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
# Check the file type
print STDERR "Checking file type of STDIN ... " if $VERBOSE > 1;
$self->{"type"} = $self->check_type;
# Unlink after check_type() with file executable
if ($_private::LogFile::MAGIC_METHOD eq _private::LogFile::MAGIC_EXEC) {
unlink0($FH, $tmp) or die "$THIS_FILE: $tmp: $!";
print STDERR $self->{"type"} . "\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
# Check the I/O handler to use
$self->{"io"} = $self->check_io;
# Open the file
$self->{"io"}->open_read($file, $self->{"FH"});
# Check the log file format
$self->{"format"} = $self->check_format;
# STDIN always goes to an anonymous temporarily working file
$self->{"temp"} = undef;
return $self;
# Remove the temporary working file
sub remove_temp : method {
local ($_, %_);
$_ = $_[0];
print STDERR "Closing temporary working file for STDIN ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
close $_->{"FHT"} or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# _private::Archive: The result archived log file
package _private::Archive;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
import main;
use Date::Parse qw(str2time);
use Fcntl qw(:flock :seek);
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
# Initialize the result archive file processor
sub new : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($class, $self, $month, $file, $FH);
($class, $month) = @_;
$self = bless {}, $class;
$self->{"month"} = $month;
$self->{"override"} = $CONF{"OVERRIDE"};
$self->{"format"} = $CONF{"FORMAT"};
$self->{"io"} = _private::IO->check_gzip;
$self->{"io"} = _private::IO->check_bzip2;
} elsif ($CONF{"COMPRESS"} eq COMPRESS_XZ) {
$self->{"io"} = _private::IO->check_xz;
} else {
$self->{"io"} = _private::IO::Plain->new;
# The resulted output file
$self->{"file"} = $CONF{"OUTPUT"} . "." . $month
. $self->{"io"}->suffix;
$file = $self->{"file"};
$self->{"ignore"} = 0;
# The resulted output file exists
if (-e $file) {
# If we should ask
# Jump off the progress bar
print STDERR "\n"
if $self->{"override"} eq OVERRIDE_ASK && defined $PROGRESS_BAR;
while ($self->{"override"} eq OVERRIDE_ASK) {
printf STDERR "$file exists, (O)overwrite, (A)append, (I)ignore, (F)fail? [F] ";
$_ = <STDIN>;
# Fail if not answered
if (!defined $_) {
print STDERR "\nhat.. you are not here. I had better drop it right now.\n";
$self->{"override"} = OVERRIDE_FAIL;
# Overwrite
if (lc $_ eq "o" || lc $_ eq "overwrite") {
$self->{"override"} = OVERRIDE_OVERWRITE;
# Append
} elsif (lc $_ eq "a" || lc $_ eq "append") {
$self->{"override"} = OVERRIDE_APPEND;
# Ignore
} elsif (lc $_ eq "i" || lc $_ eq "ignore") {
$self->{"override"} = OVERRIDE_IGNORE;
# Fail
} elsif (lc $_ eq "f" || lc $_ eq "fail" || lc $_ eq "") {
$self->{"override"} = OVERRIDE_FAIL;
# Else, ask again
} else {
print STDERR "What?\n";
$self->{"override"} = OVERRIDE_ASK;
# Overwrite or append
if ( $self->{"override"} eq OVERRIDE_OVERWRITE
|| $self->{"override"} eq OVERRIDE_APPEND) {
# OK
} elsif ($self->{"override"} eq OVERRIDE_IGNORE) {
$self->{"ignore"} = 1;
} elsif ($self->{"override"} eq OVERRIDE_FAIL) {
die "$THIS_FILE: $file: Output file exists\n";
# Not exists - we always create it
} else {
$self->{"override"} = OVERRIDE_OVERWRITE;
# The temporary log record bucket
if (!$self->{"ignore"}) {
print STDERR "\n" if $VERBOSE > 2 && defined $PROGRESS_BAR;
print STDERR " Creating buffer for $month ... "
if $VERBOSE > 2;
$FH = tempfile or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
flock $FH, LOCK_EX or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
$self->{"FH"} = $FH;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
$self->{"size_original"} = 0;
return $self;
# Add a record to the temporarily archive file
sub add : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $FH);
($self, $_) = @_;
$FH = $self->{"FH"};
print $FH $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
$self->{"size_original"} += length $_;
# Sort the records
sub sort : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $FH0, $FH1, $month, $count, $pos, $t, @recs);
$self = $_[0];
($FH0, $month) = ($self->{"FH"}, $self->{"month"});
print STDERR "Sorting records of $month ... " if $VERBOSE > 1;
print STDERR "\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Obtain the information of each record
print STDERR " Obtain the time and position of the records ... "
if $VERBOSE > 2;
seek $FH0, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
@recs = qw();
($pos = tell $FH0) != -1 or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
$count = 0;
while (defined($_ = <$FH0>)) {
$t = str2time($self->{"format"}->match($_));
push @recs, { "pos" => $pos, "time" => $t };
($pos = tell $FH0) != -1 or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "$count records\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Sort by time and then original order
print STDERR " Sorting the records by time ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
@recs = CORE::sort { $$a{"time"} <=> $$b{"time"}
|| $$a{"pos"} <=> $$b{"pos"} } @recs;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Store the records according to the new order
print STDERR " Creating new buffer for $month ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$FH1 = tempfile or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
flock $FH1, LOCK_EX or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR " Storing sorted records to the new buffer ... "
if $VERBOSE > 2;
$count = 0;
foreach my $r (@recs) {
seek $FH0, $$r{"pos"}, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
$_ = <$FH0>;
print $FH1 $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "$count records\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Use the new buffer instead of the old one
print STDERR " Switching to the new buffer ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
flock $FH0, LOCK_UN or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
close $FH0 or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
$self->{"FH"} = $FH1;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR "$count records\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
# Store the archived log records
sub store_archive : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $FH, $file, $count);
$self = $_[0];
($FH, $file) = ($self->{"FH"}, $self->{"file"});
# Reset the file reader
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
# Overwrite
if ($self->{"override"} eq OVERRIDE_OVERWRITE) {
print STDERR "Writing to $file ... " if $VERBOSE > 1;
print STDERR "\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Append
} elsif ($self->{"override"} eq OVERRIDE_APPEND) {
print STDERR "Appending to $file ... " if $VERBOSE > 1;
print STDERR "\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
$self->{"size_compressed"} = (stat $file)[7];
# Copy the data to the archive file
print STDERR " Writing records ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$count = 0;
while (defined($_ = <$FH>)) {
print STDERR "$count records\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR "$count records\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
# Report the statistics
# Overwrite
if ($self->{"override"} eq OVERRIDE_OVERWRITE) {
$self->{"size_compressed"} = (stat $file)[7];
printf STDERR "%s: writing %s records, %s bytes, %s bytes, %0.2f%%\n",
$self->{"month"}, format_number($count),
if $VERBOSE > 0;
# Append
} elsif ($self->{"override"} eq OVERRIDE_APPEND) {
$self->{"size_compressed"} = (stat $file)[7] - $self->{"size_compressed"};
printf STDERR "%s: adding %s records, %s bytes, %s bytes, %0.2f%%\n",
$self->{"month"}, format_number($count),
if $VERBOSE > 0;
# _private::IO: The abstract I/O handler interface
package _private::IO;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
import main;
use Fcntl qw(:seek);
our ($GZIP_IO, $BZIP2_IO, $XZ_IO);
undef $GZIP_IO;
undef $BZIP2_IO;
undef $XZ_IO;
# Initialize the I/O handler interface
sub new : method { bless {}, $_[0]; }
# The file name suffix of this mime type
sub suffix : method { ""; }
# Check for compression method of gzip
sub check_gzip : method {
local ($_, %_);
# Checked before
return ref($GZIP_IO)->new if defined $GZIP_IO;
# See whether IO::Compress::Gzip or gzip
print STDERR "Checking gzip I/O handler to use ... " if $VERBOSE > 1;
print STDERR "\n Checking IO::Compress::Gzip ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Check if we have IO::Compress::Gzip
if (eval { require IO::Compress::Gzip; require IO::Uncompress::Gunzip; 1; }) {
print STDERR "OK\nfound " if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR "IO::Compress::Gzip\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
return ($GZIP_IO = _private::IO::Gzip::PM->new);
# Not found
print STDERR "no\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# It's OK not to warn
# Looking for gzip from PATH
print STDERR " Checking gzip... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Found in PATH
if (defined($_ = where_is "gzip")) {
print STDERR "$_\nfound " if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR "$_\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
return ($GZIP_IO = _private::IO::Gzip::Exec->new);
# Not found
print STDERR "no\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR "not found\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
die "$THIS_FILE: Necessary IO::Compress::Gzip or gzip not available.\n$SHORT_HELP\n";
# Check for compression method of bzip2
sub check_bzip2 : method {
local ($_, %_);
# Checked before
return ref($BZIP2_IO)->new if defined $BZIP2_IO;
# See whether IO::Compress::Bzip2 or bzip2
print STDERR "Checking bzip2 I/O handler to use ... " if $VERBOSE > 1;
print STDERR "\n Checking IO::Compress::Bzip2 ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Check if we have IO::Compress::Bzip2
if (eval { require IO::Compress::Bzip2; require IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2; 1; }) {
print STDERR "OK\nfound " if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR "IO::Compress::Bzip2\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
return ($BZIP2_IO = _private::IO::Bzip2::PM->new);
# Not found
print STDERR "no\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# It's OK not to warn
# Looking for bzip2 from PATH
print STDERR " Checking bzip2... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Found in PATH
if (defined($_ = where_is "bzip2")) {
print STDERR "$_\nfound " if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR "$_\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
return ($BZIP2_IO = _private::IO::Bzip2::Exec->new);
# Not found
print STDERR "no\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR "not found\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
die "$THIS_FILE: Necessary IO::Compress::Bzip2 or bzip2 not available.\n$SHORT_HELP\n";
# Check for compression method of xz
sub check_xz : method {
local ($_, %_);
# Checked before
return ref($XZ_IO)->new if defined $XZ_IO;
# See whether IO::Compress::Xz or xz
print STDERR "Checking xz I/O handler to use ... " if $VERBOSE > 1;
print STDERR "\n Checking IO::Compress::Xz ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Check if we have IO::Compress::Xz
if (eval { require IO::Compress::Xz; require IO::Uncompress::UnXz; 1; }) {
print STDERR "OK\nfound " if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR "IO::Compress::Xz\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
return ($XZ_IO = _private::IO::Xz::PM->new);
# Not found
print STDERR "no\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# It's OK not to warn
# Looking for xz from PATH
print STDERR " Checking xz... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Found in PATH
if (defined($_ = where_is "xz")) {
print STDERR "$_\nfound " if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR "$_\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
return ($XZ_IO = _private::IO::Xz::Exec->new);
# Not found
print STDERR "no\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR "not found\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
die "$THIS_FILE: Necessary IO::Compress::Xz or xz not available.\n$SHORT_HELP\n";
# Prepend records to an existing file
# * static method *
# For most I/O we read records out and write back with 2 I/O accesses.
# But for plain text we need only open the file once.
# This implementation is for most I/O. Plain text implement this itself.
sub prepend_records : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($class, $file, $FHT, $io, $count);
($class, $file, $FHT) = @_;
# Read the current records (added after program execution)
$io = $class->new;
print STDERR "Reading new records from $file ... " if $VERBOSE > 1;
print STDERR "\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR " Reading new records ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$count = 0;
while (defined($_ = $io->readline)) {
print $FHT $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "$count records\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR "$count records\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
# Returning all the records
# Start a new I/O handler of the same class
seek $FHT, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
$io = $class->new;
print STDERR "Returning all records to $file ... " if $VERBOSE > 1;
print STDERR "\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR " Writing records ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$count = 0;
while (defined($_ = <$FHT>)) {
print STDERR "$count records\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR "$count records\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
# _private::IO::Plain: The plain I/O handler
package _private::IO::Plain;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(_private::IO);
import main;
use Fcntl qw(:flock :seek);
# Open the file for reading
sub open_read : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Opening file in read mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, "+<", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
flock $FH, LOCK_EX;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
# Open the file for writing
sub open_write : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Creating file in write mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, "+>", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
flock $FH, LOCK_EX;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
# Open the file for appending
sub open_append : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Opening file in append mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, ">>", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
flock $FH, LOCK_EX;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
# Read a line from the I/O stream
sub readline : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $FH);
$self = $_[0];
$FH = $self->{"FH"};
return <$FH>;
# Output data to the I/O stream
sub write : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH);
($self, $_) = @_;
($file, $FH) = ($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"});
print $FH $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Close the I/O stream
sub close : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $keep, $tmp, $file, $FH);
($self, $keep, $tmp) = @_;
$keep = KEEP_ALL if @_ < 2;
($file, $FH) = ($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"});
# Restart the file
if ($keep eq KEEP_RESTART || $keep eq KEEP_THIS_MONTH) {
# Empty the source file
print STDERR " Emptying file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
truncate $FH, 0 or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
CORE::close $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
delete $self->{"FH"};
delete $self->{"file"};
# Delete the file
if ($keep eq KEEP_DELETE) {
print STDERR " Deleting file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
unlink $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Delete the temporary file if needed
if (defined $tmp && -e $tmp) {
unlink $tmp or die "$THIS_FILE: $tmp: $!";
# Prepend records to an existing file
# * static method *
# Plain text version that only open the file once
sub prepend_records : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($class, $file, $FHT, $FHC, $count);
($class, $file, $FHT) = @_;
# Read the current records (added after program execution)
print STDERR "Reading new records from $file ... " if $VERBOSE > 1;
print STDERR "\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR " Opening file in read/write mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FHC, "+<", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
flock $FHC, LOCK_EX;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Read the new records
print STDERR " Reading new records ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$count = 0;
while (defined($_ = <$FHC>)) {
print $FHT $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "$count records\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Reset the reader/writer
seek $FHT, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
seek $FHC, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
truncate $FHC, 0 or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Return all the records
print STDERR " Writing records ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$count = 0;
while (defined($_ = <$FHT>)) {
print $FHC $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "$count records\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
CORE::close $FHC or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "$count records\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
# _private::IO::Gzip::PM: The gzip module compression I/O handler
package _private::IO::Gzip::PM;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(_private::IO);
import main;
use Fcntl qw(:flock :seek);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
# The file name suffix of this mime type
sub suffix : method { ".gz"; }
# Open the file for reading
sub open_read : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Opening file in read mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, "+<", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
binmode $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
flock $FH, LOCK_EX;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
print STDERR " Attaching file with IO::Uncompress::Gunzip ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$self->{"gz"} = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new($FH)
or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Uncompress::Gunzip::GunzipError";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Open the file for writing
sub open_write : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Creating file in write mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, "+>", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
binmode $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
flock $FH, LOCK_EX;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
print STDERR " Attaching file with IO::Compress::Gzip ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$self->{"gz"} = IO::Compress::Gzip->new($FH)
or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Gzip::GzipError";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Open the file for appending
sub open_append : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH, $gz);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Opening file in read/write mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, "+<", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
binmode $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
flock $FH, LOCK_EX;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
# Save the original data if file has content so that file size is
# greater than 0. STDOUT is always of size 0.
if ((stat $FH)[7] > 0) {
my ($count, $FHT, $gzt, $n);
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Copy the original content to a buffer
print STDERR " Reading compressed data to the buffer ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$FHT = tempfile or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
while (defined($_ = <$FH>)) {
print $FHT $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR " Restarting file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
seek $FHT, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
truncate $FH, 0 or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Decompress the buffer and save to our file
print STDERR " Attaching buffer with IO::Uncompress::Gunzip ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$gzt = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new($FHT)
or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $IO::Uncompress::Gunzip::GunzipError";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR " Attaching file with IO::Compress::Gzip ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$gz = IO::Compress::Gzip->new($FH)
or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Gzip::GzipError";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR " Reading old records back from the buffer ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$count = 0;
while (defined($_ = $gzt->getline)) {
($gz->write($_) == length $_)
or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Gzip::GzipError";
close $FHT or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "$count records\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# A whole new file
} else {
print STDERR " Attaching file with IO::Compress::Gzip ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$gz = IO::Compress::Gzip->new($FH)
or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Gzip::GzipError";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
$self->{"gz"} = $gz;
# Read a line from the I/O stream
sub readline : method {
return $_[0]->{"gz"}->getline();
# Output data to the I/O stream
sub write : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $gz);
($self, $_) = @_;
($file, $gz) = ($self->{"file"}, $self->{"gz"});
($gz->write($_) == length $_) or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Gzip::GzipError";
# Close the I/O stream
sub close : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $keep, $tmp, $file, $FH, $gz);
($self, $keep, $tmp) = @_;
$keep = KEEP_ALL if @_ < 2;
($file, $FH, $gz) = ($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}, $self->{"gz"});
# Restart the file
if ($keep eq KEEP_RESTART || $keep eq KEEP_THIS_MONTH) {
# Empty the source file
print STDERR " Emptying file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
truncate $FH, 0 or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Create empty compressed content
print STDERR " Applying empty compressed content ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$_ = IO::Compress::Gzip->new($FH, Append => 0)
or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Gzip::GzipError";
$_->close or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Gzip::GzipError";
undef $_;
undef $gz;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
if (defined $gz) {
$gz->close or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Gzip::GzipError";
CORE::close $self->{"FH"} if $self->{"FH"}->opened;
delete $self->{"gz"};
delete $self->{"FH"};
delete $self->{"file"};
# Delete the file
if ($keep eq KEEP_DELETE) {
print STDERR " Deleting file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
unlink $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Delete the temporary file if needed
if (defined $tmp && -e $tmp) {
unlink $tmp or die "$THIS_FILE: $tmp: $!";
# _private::IO::Gzip::Exec: The gzip executable compression I/O handler
package _private::IO::Gzip::Exec;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(_private::IO);
import main;
use Fcntl qw(:flock :seek);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
our ($EXEC);
undef $EXEC;
# The file name suffix of this mime type
sub suffix : method { ".gz"; }
# Open the file for reading
sub open_read : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH, $PH, $CMD);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Opening file in read mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, "+<", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
binmode $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
} else {
flock $FH, LOCK_UN;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
$EXEC = where_is "gzip" if !defined $EXEC;
@_ = ($EXEC, "-cdf");
@_ = map "\"$_\"", @_ if $^O eq "MSWin32";
$CMD = join " ", @_;
print STDERR " Starting $CMD from file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Redirect STDIN to $FH
open STDIN, "<&", $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Start the process
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
open $PH, "$CMD |" or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
} else {
open $PH, "-|", @_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
# Restore STDIN
open STDIN, "<&", $STDIN or die "$THIS_FILE: STDIN: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"CMD"}, $self->{"PH"}) = ([@_], $PH);
# Open the file for writing
sub open_write : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH, $PH, $CMD);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Creating file in write mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, "+>", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
binmode $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
} else {
flock $FH, LOCK_UN;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
$EXEC = where_is "gzip" if !defined $EXEC;
@_ = ($EXEC, "-c9f");
@_ = map "\"$_\"", @_ if $^O eq "MSWin32";
$CMD = join " ", @_;
print STDERR " Starting $CMD to file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Redirect STDOUT to $FH
open STDOUT, ">&", $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Start the process
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
open $PH, "| $CMD" or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
} else {
open $PH, "|-", @_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
# Restore STDOUT
open STDOUT, ">&", $STDOUT or die "$THIS_FILE: STDOUT: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"CMD"}, $self->{"PH"}) = ([@_], $PH);
# Open the file for appending
sub open_append : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH, $PH, $CMD);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Opening file in read/write mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, "+<", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
binmode $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
} else {
flock $FH, LOCK_UN;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
$EXEC = where_is "gzip" if !defined $EXEC;
# Save the original data if file has content so that file size is
# greater than 0. STDOUT is always of size 0.
if ((stat $FH)[7] > 0) {
my ($count, $FHT, $PHT, $CMD_T);
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Copy the original content to a buffer
print STDERR " Reading compressed data to the buffer ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$FHT = tempfile or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
while (defined($_ = <$FH>)) {
print $FHT $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR " Restarting file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
seek $FHT, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
truncate $FH, 0 or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Decompress the buffer and save to our file
@_ = ($EXEC, "-cdf");
@_ = map "\"$_\"", @_ if $^O eq "MSWin32";
$CMD_T = join " ", @_;
print STDERR " Starting $CMD_T from buffer ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Redirect STDIN to $FH
open STDIN, "<&", $FHT or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
# Start the process
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
open $PHT, "$CMD_T |" or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD_T: $!";
} else {
open $PHT, "-|", @_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD_T: $!";
# Restore STDIN
open STDIN, "<&", $STDIN or die "$THIS_FILE: STDIN: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
@_ = ($EXEC, "-c9f");
@_ = map "\"$_\"", @_ if $^O eq "MSWin32";
$CMD = join " ", @_;
print STDERR " Starting $CMD to file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Redirect STDOUT to $FH
open STDOUT, ">&", $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Start the process
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
open $PH, "| $CMD" or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
} else {
open $PH, "|-", @_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
# Restore STDOUT
open STDOUT, ">&", $STDOUT or die "$THIS_FILE: STDOUT: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR " Reading old records back from the buffer ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$count = 0;
while (defined($_ = <$PHT>)) {
print $PH $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
close $PHT or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD_T: $!";
close $FHT or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "$count records\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# A whole new file
} else {
@_ = ($EXEC, "-c9f");
@_ = map "\"$_\"", @_ if $^O eq "MSWin32";
$CMD = join " ", @_;
print STDERR " Starting $CMD to file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Redirect STDOUT to $FH
open STDOUT, ">&", $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Start the process
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
open $PH, "| $CMD" or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
} else {
open $PH, "|-", @_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
# Restore STDOUT
open STDOUT, ">&", $STDOUT or die "$THIS_FILE: STDOUT: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"CMD"}, $self->{"PH"}) = ([@_], $PH);
# Read a line from the I/O stream
sub readline : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $PH);
$self = $_[0];
$PH = $self->{"PH"};
return <$PH>;
# Output data to the I/O stream
sub write : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $CMD, $PH);
($self, $_) = @_;
($CMD, $PH) = (join(" ", @{$self->{"CMD"}}), $self->{"PH"});
print $PH $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
# Close the I/O stream
sub close : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $keep, $tmp, $file, $FH, $CMD, $PH);
($self, $keep, $tmp) = @_;
$keep = KEEP_ALL if @_ < 2;
($file, $FH) = ($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"});
# Restart the file
if ($keep eq KEEP_RESTART || $keep eq KEEP_THIS_MONTH) {
# Empty the source file
print STDERR " Emptying file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
truncate $FH, 0 or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Create empty compressed content
print STDERR " Applying empty compressed content ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$EXEC = where_is "gzip" if !defined $EXEC;
@_ = ($EXEC, "-c9f");
@_ = map "\"$_\"", @_ if $^O eq "MSWin32";
$CMD = join " ", @_;
# Redirect STDOUT to $FH
open STDOUT, ">&", $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Start the process and end it
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
open $PH, "| $CMD" or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
} else {
open $PH, "|-", @_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
close $PH or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
# Restore STDOUT
open STDOUT, ">&", $STDOUT or die "$THIS_FILE: STDOUT: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($CMD, $PH) = (join(" ", @{$self->{"CMD"}}), $self->{"PH"});
CORE::close $PH or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
CORE::close $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
delete $self->{"PH"};
delete $self->{"CMD"};
delete $self->{"FH"};
delete $self->{"file"};
# Delete the file
if ($keep eq KEEP_DELETE) {
print STDERR " Deleting file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
unlink $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Delete the temporary file if needed
if (defined $tmp && -e $tmp) {
unlink $tmp or die "$THIS_FILE: $tmp: $!";
# _private::IO::Bzip2::PM: The bzip2 module compression I/O handler
package _private::IO::Bzip2::PM;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(_private::IO);
import main;
use Fcntl qw(:flock :seek);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
# The file name suffix of this mime type
sub suffix : method { ".bz2"; }
# Open the file for reading
sub open_read : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Opening file in read mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, "+<", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
binmode $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
flock $FH, LOCK_EX;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
print STDERR " Attaching file with IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2 ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$self->{"bz"} = IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2->new($FH)
or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2::Bunzip2Error";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Open the file for writing
sub open_write : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Creating file in write mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, "+>", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
binmode $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
flock $FH, LOCK_EX;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
print STDERR " Attaching file with IO::Compress::Bzip2 ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$self->{"bz"} = IO::Compress::Bzip2->new($FH)
or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Bzip2::Bzip2Error";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Open the file for appending
sub open_append : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH, $bz);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Opening file in read/write mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, "+<", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
binmode $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
flock $FH, LOCK_EX;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
# Save the original data if file has content so that file size is
# greater than 0. STDOUT is always of size 0.
if ((stat $FH)[7] > 0) {
my ($count, $FHT, $bzt, $n);
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Copy the original content to a buffer
print STDERR " Reading compressed data to the buffer ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$FHT = tempfile or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
while (defined($_ = <$FH>)) {
print $FHT $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR " Restarting file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
seek $FHT, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
truncate $FH, 0 or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Decompress the buffer and save to our file
print STDERR " Attaching buffer with IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2 ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$bzt = IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2->new($FHT)
or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2::Bunzip2Error";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR " Attaching file with IO::Compress::Bzip2 ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$bz = IO::Compress::Bzip2->new($FH)
or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Bzip2::Bzip2Error";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR " Reading old records back from the buffer ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$count = 0;
while (defined($_ = $bzt->getline)) {
($bz->write($_) == length $_)
or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Bzip2::Bzip2Error";
close $FHT or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "$count records\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# A whole new file
} else {
print STDERR " Attaching file with IO::Compress::Bzip2 ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$bz = IO::Compress::Bzip2->new($FH)
or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Bzip2::Bzip2Error";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
$self->{"bz"} = $bz;
# Read a line from the I/O stream
sub readline : method {
return $_[0]->{"bz"}->getline();
# Output data to the I/O stream
sub write : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $bz);
($self, $_) = @_;
($file, $bz) = ($self->{"file"}, $self->{"bz"});
($bz->write($_) == length $_) or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Xz::XzError";
# Close the I/O stream
sub close : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $keep, $tmp, $file, $FH, $bz);
($self, $keep, $tmp) = @_;
$keep = KEEP_ALL if @_ < 2;
($file, $FH, $bz) = ($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}, $self->{"bz"});
# Restart the file
if ($keep eq KEEP_RESTART || $keep eq KEEP_THIS_MONTH) {
# Empty the source file
print STDERR " Emptying file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
truncate $FH, 0 or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Create empty compressed content
print STDERR " Applying empty compressed content ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$_ = IO::Compress::Bzip2->new($FH)
or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Bzip2::Bzip2Error";
$_->close or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Bzip2::Bzip2Error";
undef $_;
undef $bz;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
if (defined $bz) {
$bz->close or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Bzip2::Bzip2Error";
CORE::close $self->{"FH"} if $self->{"FH"}->opened;
delete $self->{"bz"};
delete $self->{"FH"};
delete $self->{"file"};
# Delete the file
if ($keep eq KEEP_DELETE) {
print STDERR " Deleting file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
unlink $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Delete the temporary file if needed
if (defined $tmp && -e $tmp) {
unlink $tmp or die "$THIS_FILE: $tmp: $!";
# _private::IO::Bzip2::Exec: The bzip2 executable compression I/O handler
package _private::IO::Bzip2::Exec;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(_private::IO);
import main;
use Fcntl qw(:flock :seek);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
our ($EXEC);
undef $EXEC;
# The file name suffix of this mime type
sub suffix : method { ".bz2"; }
# Open the file for reading
sub open_read : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH, $PH, $CMD);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Opening file in read mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, "+<", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
binmode $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
} else {
flock $FH, LOCK_UN;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
$EXEC = where_is "bzip2" if !defined $EXEC;
@_ = ($EXEC, "-cdf");
@_ = map "\"$_\"", @_ if $^O eq "MSWin32";
$CMD = join " ", @_;
print STDERR " Starting $CMD from file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Redirect STDIN to $FH
open STDIN, "<&", $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Start the process
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
open $PH, "$CMD |" or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
} else {
open $PH, "-|", @_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
# Restore STDIN
open STDIN, "<&", $STDIN or die "$THIS_FILE: STDIN: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"CMD"}, $self->{"PH"}) = ([@_], $PH);
# Open the file for writing
sub open_write : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH, $PH, $CMD);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Creating file in write mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, "+>", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
binmode $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
} else {
flock $FH, LOCK_UN;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
$EXEC = where_is "bzip2" if !defined $EXEC;
@_ = ($EXEC, "-9f");
@_ = map "\"$_\"", @_ if $^O eq "MSWin32";
$CMD = join " ", @_;
print STDERR " Starting $CMD to file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Redirect STDOUT to $FH
open STDOUT, ">&", $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Start the process
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
open $PH, "| $CMD" or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
} else {
open $PH, "|-", @_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
# Restore STDOUT
open STDOUT, ">&", $STDOUT or die "$THIS_FILE: STDOUT: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"CMD"}, $self->{"PH"}) = ([@_], $PH);
# Open the file for appending
sub open_append : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH, $PH, $CMD);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Opening file in read/write mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, "+<", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
binmode $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
} else {
flock $FH, LOCK_UN;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
$EXEC = where_is "bzip2" if !defined $EXEC;
# Save the original data if file has content so that file size is
# greater than 0. STDOUT is always of size 0.
if ((stat $FH)[7] > 0) {
my ($count, $FHT, $PHT, $CMD_T);
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Copy the original content to a buffer
print STDERR " Reading compressed data to the buffer ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$FHT = tempfile or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
while (defined($_ = <$FH>)) {
print $FHT $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR " Restarting file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
seek $FHT, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
truncate $FH, 0 or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Decompress the buffer and save to our file
@_ = ($EXEC, "-cdf");
@_ = map "\"$_\"", @_ if $^O eq "MSWin32";
$CMD_T = join " ", @_;
print STDERR " Starting $CMD_T from buffer ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Redirect STDIN to $FH
open STDIN, "<&", $FHT or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
# Start the process
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
open $PHT, "$CMD_T |" or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD_T: $!";
} else {
open $PHT, "-|", @_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD_T: $!";
# Restore STDIN
open STDIN, "<&", $STDIN or die "$THIS_FILE: STDIN: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
@_ = ($EXEC, "-9f");
@_ = map "\"$_\"", @_ if $^O eq "MSWin32";
$CMD = join " ", @_;
print STDERR " Starting $CMD to file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Redirect STDOUT to $FH
open STDOUT, ">&", $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Start the process
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
open $PH, "| $CMD" or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
} else {
open $PH, "|-", @_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
# Restore STDOUT
open STDOUT, ">&", $STDOUT or die "$THIS_FILE: STDOUT: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR " Reading old records back from the buffer ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$count = 0;
while (defined($_ = <$PHT>)) {
print $PH $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
close $PHT or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD_T: $!";
close $FHT or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "$count records\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# A whole new file
} else {
@_ = ($EXEC, "-9f");
@_ = map "\"$_\"", @_ if $^O eq "MSWin32";
$CMD = join " ", @_;
print STDERR " Starting $CMD to file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Redirect STDOUT to $FH
open STDOUT, ">&", $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Start the process
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
open $PH, "| $CMD" or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
} else {
open $PH, "|-", @_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
# Restore STDOUT
open STDOUT, ">&", $STDOUT or die "$THIS_FILE: STDOUT: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"CMD"}, $self->{"PH"}) = ([@_], $PH);
# Read a line from the I/O stream
sub readline : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $PH);
$self = $_[0];
$PH = $self->{"PH"};
return <$PH>;
# Output data to the I/O stream
sub write : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $CMD, $PH);
($self, $_) = @_;
($CMD, $PH) = (join(" ", @{$self->{"CMD"}}), $self->{"PH"});
print $PH $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
# Close the I/O stream
sub close : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $keep, $tmp, $file, $FH, $CMD, $PH);
($self, $keep, $tmp) = @_;
$keep = KEEP_ALL if @_ < 2;
($file, $FH) = ($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"});
# Restart the file
if ($keep eq KEEP_RESTART || $keep eq KEEP_THIS_MONTH) {
my ($CMD, $PH);
# Empty the source file
print STDERR " Emptying file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
truncate $FH, 0 or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Create empty compressed content
print STDERR " Applying empty compressed content ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$EXEC = where_is "bzip2" if !defined $EXEC;
@_ = ($EXEC, "-9f");
@_ = map "\"$_\"", @_ if $^O eq "MSWin32";
$CMD = join " ", @_;
# Redirect STDOUT to $FH
open STDOUT, ">&", $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Start the process and end it
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
open $PH, "| $CMD" or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
} else {
open $PH, "|-", @_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
close $PH or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
# Restore STDOUT
open STDOUT, ">&", $STDOUT or die "$THIS_FILE: STDOUT: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($CMD, $PH) = (join(" ", @{$self->{"CMD"}}), $self->{"PH"});
CORE::close $PH or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
CORE::close $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
delete $self->{"PH"};
delete $self->{"CMD"};
delete $self->{"FH"};
delete $self->{"file"};
# Delete the file
if ($keep eq KEEP_DELETE) {
print STDERR " Deleting file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
unlink $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Delete the temporary file if needed
if (defined $tmp && -e $tmp) {
unlink $tmp or die "$THIS_FILE: $tmp: $!";
# _private::IO::Xz::PM: The xz module compression I/O handler
package _private::IO::Xz::PM;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(_private::IO);
import main;
use Fcntl qw(:flock :seek);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
# The file name suffix of this mime type
sub suffix : method { ".xz"; }
# Open the file for reading
sub open_read : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Opening file in read mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, "+<", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
binmode $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
flock $FH, LOCK_EX;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
print STDERR " Attaching file with IO::Uncompress::UnXz ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$self->{"xz"} = IO::Uncompress::UnXz->new($FH)
or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Uncompress::UnXz::UnXzError";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Open the file for writing
sub open_write : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Creating file in write mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, "+>", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
binmode $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
flock $FH, LOCK_EX;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
print STDERR " Attaching file with IO::Compress::Xz ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$self->{"xz"} = IO::Compress::Xz->new($FH)
or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Xz::XzError";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Open the file for appending
sub open_append : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH, $xz);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Opening file in read/write mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, "+<", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
binmode $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
flock $FH, LOCK_EX;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
# Save the original data if file has content so that file size is
# greater than 0. STDOUT is always of size 0.
if ((stat $FH)[7] > 0) {
my ($count, $FHT, $xzt, $n);
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Copy the original content to a buffer
print STDERR " Reading compressed data to the buffer ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$FHT = tempfile or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
while (defined($_ = <$FH>)) {
print $FHT $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR " Restarting file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
seek $FHT, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
truncate $FH, 0 or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Decompress the buffer and save to our file
print STDERR " Attaching buffer with IO::Uncompress::UnXz ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$xzt = IO::Uncompress::UnXz->new($FHT)
or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $IO::Uncompress::UnXz::UnXzError";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR " Attaching file with IO::Compress::Xz ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$xz = IO::Compress::Xz->new($FH)
or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Xz::XzError";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR " Reading old records back from the buffer ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$count = 0;
while (defined($_ = $xzt->getline)) {
($xz->write($_) == length $_)
or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Xz::XzError";
close $FHT or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "$count records\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# A whole new file
} else {
print STDERR " Attaching file with IO::Compress::Xz ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$xz = IO::Compress::Xz->new($FH)
or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Xz::XzError";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
$self->{"xz"} = $xz;
# Read a line from the I/O stream
sub readline : method {
return $_[0]->{"xz"}->getline();
# Output data to the I/O stream
sub write : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $xz);
($self, $_) = @_;
($file, $xz) = ($self->{"file"}, $self->{"xz"});
($xz->write($_) == length $_) or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Xz::XzError";
# Close the I/O stream
sub close : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $keep, $tmp, $file, $FH, $xz);
($self, $keep, $tmp) = @_;
$keep = KEEP_ALL if @_ < 2;
($file, $FH, $xz) = ($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}, $self->{"xz"});
# Restart the file
if ($keep eq KEEP_RESTART || $keep eq KEEP_THIS_MONTH) {
# Empty the source file
print STDERR " Emptying file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
truncate $FH, 0 or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Create empty compressed content
print STDERR " Applying empty compressed content ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$_ = IO::Compress::Xz->new($FH, Append => 0)
or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Xz::XzError";
$_->close or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Xz::XzError";
undef $_;
undef $xz;
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
if (defined $xz) {
$xz->close or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $IO::Compress::Xz::XzError";
CORE::close $self->{"FH"} if $self->{"FH"}->opened;
delete $self->{"xz"};
delete $self->{"FH"};
delete $self->{"file"};
# Delete the file
if ($keep eq KEEP_DELETE) {
print STDERR " Deleting file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
unlink $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Delete the temporary file if needed
if (defined $tmp && -e $tmp) {
unlink $tmp or die "$THIS_FILE: $tmp: $!";
# _private::IO::Xz::Exec: The xz executable compression I/O handler
package _private::IO::Xz::Exec;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(_private::IO);
import main;
use Fcntl qw(:flock :seek);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
our ($EXEC);
undef $EXEC;
# The file name suffix of this mime type
sub suffix : method { ".xz"; }
# Open the file for reading
sub open_read : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH, $PH, $CMD);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Opening file in read mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, "+<", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
binmode $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
} else {
flock $FH, LOCK_UN;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
$EXEC = where_is "xz" if !defined $EXEC;
@_ = ($EXEC, "-cdf");
@_ = map "\"$_\"", @_ if $^O eq "MSWin32";
$CMD = join " ", @_;
print STDERR " Starting $CMD from file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Redirect STDIN to $FH
open STDIN, "<&", $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Start the process
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
open $PH, "$CMD |" or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
} else {
open $PH, "-|", @_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
# Restore STDIN
open STDIN, "<&", $STDIN or die "$THIS_FILE: STDIN: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"CMD"}, $self->{"PH"}) = ([@_], $PH);
# Open the file for writing
sub open_write : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH, $PH, $CMD);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Creating file in write mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, "+>", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
binmode $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
} else {
flock $FH, LOCK_UN;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
$EXEC = where_is "xz" if !defined $EXEC;
@_ = ($EXEC, "-9f");
@_ = map "\"$_\"", @_ if $^O eq "MSWin32";
$CMD = join " ", @_;
print STDERR " Starting $CMD to file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Redirect STDOUT to $FH
open STDOUT, ">&", $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Start the process
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
open $PH, "| $CMD" or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
} else {
open $PH, "|-", @_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
# Restore STDOUT
open STDOUT, ">&", $STDOUT or die "$THIS_FILE: STDOUT: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"CMD"}, $self->{"PH"}) = ([@_], $PH);
# Open the file for appending
sub open_append : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $file, $FH, $PH, $CMD);
($self, $file, $FH) = @_;
# Open the file if it is not opened yet
if (!defined $FH) {
print STDERR " Opening file in read/write mode ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
open $FH, "+<", $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
binmode $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
} else {
flock $FH, LOCK_UN;
($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"}) = ($file, $FH);
$EXEC = where_is "xz" if !defined $EXEC;
# Save the original data if file has content so that file size is
# greater than 0. STDOUT is always of size 0.
if ((stat $FH)[7] > 0) {
my ($count, $FHT, $PHT, $CMD_T);
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Copy the original content to a buffer
print STDERR " Reading compressed data to the buffer ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$FHT = tempfile or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
while (defined($_ = <$FH>)) {
print $FHT $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR " Restarting file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
seek $FHT, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
truncate $FH, 0 or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Decompress the buffer and save to our file
@_ = ($EXEC, "-cdf");
@_ = map "\"$_\"", @_ if $^O eq "MSWin32";
$CMD_T = join " ", @_;
print STDERR " Starting $CMD_T from buffer ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Redirect STDIN to $FH
open STDIN, "<&", $FHT or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
# Start the process
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
open $PHT, "$CMD_T |" or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD_T: $!";
} else {
open $PHT, "-|", @_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD_T: $!";
# Restore STDIN
open STDIN, "<&", $STDIN or die "$THIS_FILE: STDIN: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
@_ = ($EXEC, "-9f");
@_ = map "\"$_\"", @_ if $^O eq "MSWin32";
$CMD = join " ", @_;
print STDERR " Starting $CMD to file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Redirect STDOUT to $FH
open STDOUT, ">&", $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Start the process
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
open $PH, "| $CMD" or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
} else {
open $PH, "|-", @_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
# Restore STDOUT
open STDOUT, ">&", $STDOUT or die "$THIS_FILE: STDOUT: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR " Reading old records back from the buffer ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$count = 0;
while (defined($_ = <$PHT>)) {
print $PH $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
close $PHT or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD_T: $!";
close $FHT or die "$THIS_FILE: tempfile: $!";
print STDERR "$count records\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# A whole new file
} else {
@_ = ($EXEC, "-9f");
@_ = map "\"$_\"", @_ if $^O eq "MSWin32";
$CMD = join " ", @_;
print STDERR " Starting $CMD to file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Redirect STDOUT to $FH
open STDOUT, ">&", $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Start the process
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
open $PH, "| $CMD" or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
} else {
open $PH, "|-", @_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
# Restore STDOUT
open STDOUT, ">&", $STDOUT or die "$THIS_FILE: STDOUT: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($self->{"CMD"}, $self->{"PH"}) = ([@_], $PH);
# Read a line from the I/O stream
sub readline : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $PH);
$self = $_[0];
$PH = $self->{"PH"};
return <$PH>;
# Output data to the I/O stream
sub write : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $CMD, $PH);
($self, $_) = @_;
($CMD, $PH) = (join(" ", @{$self->{"CMD"}}), $self->{"PH"});
print $PH $_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
# Close the I/O stream
sub close : method {
local ($_, %_);
my ($self, $keep, $tmp, $file, $FH, $CMD, $PH);
($self, $keep, $tmp) = @_;
$keep = KEEP_ALL if @_ < 2;
($file, $FH) = ($self->{"file"}, $self->{"FH"});
# Restart the file
if ($keep eq KEEP_RESTART || $keep eq KEEP_THIS_MONTH) {
my ($CMD, $PH);
# Empty the source file
print STDERR " Emptying file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
seek $FH, 0, SEEK_SET or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
truncate $FH, 0 or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Create empty compressed content
print STDERR " Applying empty compressed content ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
$EXEC = where_is "xz" if !defined $EXEC;
@_ = ($EXEC, "-9f");
@_ = map "\"$_\"", @_ if $^O eq "MSWin32";
$CMD = join " ", @_;
# Redirect STDOUT to $FH
open STDOUT, ">&", $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
# Start the process and end it
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
open $PH, "| $CMD" or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
} else {
open $PH, "|-", @_ or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
close $PH or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
# Restore STDOUT
open STDOUT, ">&", $STDOUT or die "$THIS_FILE: STDOUT: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
($CMD, $PH) = (join(" ", @{$self->{"CMD"}}), $self->{"PH"});
CORE::close $PH or die "$THIS_FILE: $CMD: $!";
CORE::close $FH or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
delete $self->{"PH"};
delete $self->{"CMD"};
delete $self->{"FH"};
delete $self->{"file"};
# Delete the file
if ($keep eq KEEP_DELETE) {
print STDERR " Deleting file ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
unlink $file or die "$THIS_FILE: $file: $!";
print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
# Delete the temporary file if needed
if (defined $tmp && -e $tmp) {
unlink $tmp or die "$THIS_FILE: $tmp: $!";
# _private::Format: The abstract log file format handler interface
package _private::Format;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
import main;
use Date::Parse qw(str2time);
# Initialize the log record format parser
sub new : method { bless {}, $_[0]; }
# Check the record format and return an appropriate parser
sub check_format : method {
local ($_, %_);
my (@formats, $record);
$record = $_[1];
@formats = qw(_private::Format::Apache _private::Format::Syslog
_private::Format::NTP _private::Format::ApacheSSL
foreach my $format (@formats) {
$_ = $format->new;
print STDERR " Testing $_ ... " if $VERBOSE > 2;
if ($_->match($record)) {
print STDERR "match\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
return $_;
print STDERR "not match\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
return undef;
# Try matching my format and return the matching date text
# Empty. Implement it in the subclasses.
sub match : method { return undef; }
# Parse the month of the log file
sub parse_month : method {
local ($_, %_);
my $self;
($self, $_) = @_;
return undef unless defined($_ = $self->match($_));
return undef unless defined($_ = str2time $_);
return to_yyyymm $_;
# _private::Format::Apache: The Apache log file format handler
package _private::Format::Apache;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(_private::Format);
use overload ("\"\"" => sub { "Apache access_log"; });
# Try matching my format and return the matching date text
sub match : method {
return $_[1] =~ /^\S+ \S+ .*? \[(\d{2}\/[A-Z][a-z]{2}\/\d{4}:\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} [+\-]\d{4})\]/?
$1: undef;
# _private::Format::Syslog: The Syslog log file format handler
package _private::Format::Syslog;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(_private::Format);
use overload ("\"\"" => sub { "Syslog"; });
# Try matching my format and return the matching date text
sub match : method {
return $_[1] =~ /^([A-Z][a-z]{2} ?\d{1,2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) /?
$1: undef;
# _private::Format::NTP: The NTP log file format handler
package _private::Format::NTP;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(_private::Format);
use overload ("\"\"" => sub { "NTP"; });
# Try matching my format and return the matching date text
sub match : method {
return $_[1] =~ /^( ?\d{1,2} [A-Z][a-z]{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) /?
$1: undef;
# _private::Format::ApacheSSL: The Apache ssl_engine_log log file format handler
package _private::Format::ApacheSSL;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(_private::Format);
use overload ("\"\"" => sub { "Apache SSL engine log"; });
# Try matching my format and return the matching date text
sub match : method {
return $_[1] =~ /^\[(\d{2}\/[A-Z][a-z]{2}\/\d{4} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} )\d+\]/?
$1: undef;
# _private::Format::MyISO: The bracketed, modified ISO 8601 date/time log file format handler
# ISO 8601 should be 2007-11-14T14:23:35+0800. But it is hard to read.
# This is a similar format commonly-seen in many applications.
package _private::Format::MyISO;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(_private::Format);
use overload ("\"\"" => sub { "modified ISO 8601 date/time"; });
# Try matching my format and return the matching date text
sub match : method {
return $_[1] =~ /^\[(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} [+\-]\d{4})\]/?
$1: undef;
=head1 NAME
arclog - Archive the log files monthly
arclog [options] logfile... [output]
arclog [-h|-v]
F<arclog> archives the log files monthly. It strips off log entries
that belongs to previous months, and then compresses and saves them
to archived files named logfile.yyyymm.gz.
Currently, F<arclog> supports Apache access log, Syslog, NTP, Apache
1 SSL engine log, and my own bracketed, modified ISO date/time log
file formats, and gzip, bzip2, and xz compression methods. Several
software projects log (or can log) in a format compatible with the
Apache access log, like CUPS, ProFTPD, Pure-FTPd... etc., and
F<arclog> can archive their Apache-like log files, too.
Notice: I<Archival takes time>. To reduce the time occupying the
source log file, F<arclog> copies the content of the source log
file to a temporary working file and restart the source log file
first. Then F<arclog> can take its time working on the temporary
working file. However, please note:
1. If you have a huge log file (several hundreds of MBs), merely
copying still takes a lot of time. In that case, you had better stop
logging first, archive the log file and restart logging, to avoid
racing condition in writing. If you archive the log file
periodically, it shall not grow too big.
2. If F<arclog> stops in the middle of the execution, it will leave
a temporary working file. The next time F<arclog> runs, it stops
when it sees that temporary working file. You have to process that
temporary working file first. That temporary working file is merely
a copy of the original log file. You can rename and archive it like
an ordinary log file to solve this.
Do not sort unless you have a particular reason. Sorting has the
following potential problems:
1. Sorting may I<eat huge memory> on large log files. The amount of
the memory required depends on the number of records in each archived
month. Modern Linux and MSWin32 kill processes that eat too much
memory, but it still takes minutes, and your system hangs for that. I
do not know other operating systems. Try at your own risk.
2. The time unit of all recognized log formats is I<second>. Log
records happen in a same second are sorted by the log file order (if
you are archiving several log files at a time) and then the log record
order. I try to ensure that the sorted archived records are in a
correct order of the happening events, but I cannot guarantee. You
have to watch out if the order in a second is important.
Be careful on the L<Syslog(2)|syslog/2> and NTP log files:
L<Syslog(2)|syslog/2> and NTP does not record the year. F<arclog>
uses L<Date::Parse(3)|Date::Parse/3> to parse the date, which assumes
the year between this month and last next month if the year is
missing. For example, if today is 2001/6/8, it assumes the year
between 2001/6/30 back to 2000/7/1 if the year is missing. This is
fair. However, if you do have a L<Syslog(2)|syslog/2> or NTP log file
that has records older than one year, do not use F<arclog>. It will
destroy your log file.
If read from C<STDIN>, please note:
1. You I<MUST> specify the output prefix if you want to read from
C<STDIN>, since what it needs is an output pathname prefix, not an
output file.
2. C<STDIN> cannot be deleted, restarted or partially kept. If you
read from C<STDIN>, the keep mode is always keep all. if you archive
several source log files including C<STDIN>, the keep mode will be
keep all for all source log files, to prevent disaster.
3. The answers of the C<ask> mode is obtained from C<STDIN>, too.
Since you have only one C<STDIN>, you cannot specify the C<ask> mode
while reading from C<STDIN>. It falls back to the C<fail> mode
in that case.
I suggest that you install L<File::MMagic(3)|File::MMagic/3> instead
of counting on the L<file(1)|file/1> executable. The internal magic
file of L<File::MMagic(3)|File::MMagic/3> works better than the
L<file(1)|file/1> executable. F<arclog> treats everything not
L<gzip(1)|gzip/1>, L<bzip2(1)|bzip2/1>, nor L<xz(1)|xz/1> compressed
as plain text. When a compressed log file is wrongly recognized as
an image, F<arclog> treats it as plain text, reads directly from it,
and fails. This does not hurt the source log files, but is still
=head1 OPTIONS
=item logfile
The log file to be archived. Specify C<-> to read from C<STDIN>.
You can specify multiple log files. L<gzip(1)|gzip/1>,
L<bzip2(1)|bzip2/1>, or L<xz(1)|xz/1> compressed files are supported.
=item output
The prefix of the output files. The output files are named as
F<output.yyyymm>, ie: F<output.200101>, F<output.200101>. If not
specified, the default is the same as the log file. You must specify
this if you want to read from C<STDIN>. You cannot specify C<->
(C<STDOUT>), since F<arclog> needs a name prefix, not the output file.
=item -c, --compress method
Specify the compression method for the archived files. Log files
usually have large number of similar lines. Compress them saves
you lots of disk spaces. (And this is why we want to I<archive>
them.) The following compression methods are supported:
=item g, gzip
Compress with L<gzip(1)|gzip/1>. This is the default. F<arclog>
can use L<IO::Compress::Gzip(3)|IO::Compress::Gzip/3> to compress
instead of calling L<gzip(1)|gzip/1>. This can be safer and faster
for not calling foreign binaries. if
L<IO::Compress::Gzip(3)|IO::Compress::Gzip/3> is not installed, it
tries L<gzip(1)|gzip/1> instead. If L<gzip(1)|gzip/1> is not
available, either, it fails.
=item b, bzip2
Compress with L<bzip2(1)|bzip2/1>. F<arclog> can use
L<IO::Compress::Bzip2(3)|IO::Compress::Bzip2/3> to compress
instead of calling L<bzip2(1)|bzip2/1>. This can be safer and faster
for not calling foreign binaries. If
L<IO::Compress::Bzip2(3)|IO::Compress::Bzip2/3> is not installed, it
will try to use L<bzip2(1)|bzip2/1> instead. If L<bzip2(1)|bzip2/1>
is not available, either, it fails.
=item x, xz
Compress with L<xz(1)|xz/1>. F<arclog> can use
L<IO::Compress::Xz(3)|IO::Compress::Xz/3> to compress instead of
calling L<xz(1)|xz/1>. This can be safer and faster for not
calling foreign binaries. If L<IO::Compress::Xz(3)|IO::Compress::Xz/3>
is not installed, it will try to use L<xz(1)|xz/1> instead. If
L<xz(1)|xz/1> is not available, either, it fails.
=item n, none
No compression at all. (Why? :p)
=item --nocompress
Do not compress the archived files. This is equivalent to
C<--compress none>.
=item -s, --sort
Sort the records by time (and then the record order). Sorting eats
huge memory and CPU, so it is disabled by default. Refer to the
description above for a detailed illustration on sorting.
=item --nosort
Do not sort the records. This is the default.
=item -o, --override mode
What to do with the existing archived files. The following modes are
=item o, overwrite
Overwrite existing target files. You will lose these existing
records. Use with care. This is helpful if you are sure the master
log file has the most complete records.
=item a, append
Append the records to the existing target files. You may destroy the
log file completely by putting irrelevant entries altogether
by accident. Use with care. This is helpful if you append want to
merge 2 or more log files, for example, 2 log files of different
=item i, ignore
Ignore any existing target file, and discard all the records of those
months. You will lose these log records. Use with care. This is
helpful if you are supplying log records for the missing months, or
if you are merging the log records in a complex manner.
=item f, fail
Stop whenever a target file exists, to prevent destroying existing
files by accident. This should be mostly desired when run from some
automatic mechanism, like L<crontab(1)|crontab/1>. So, this is the
default if no terminal is found at C<STDIN>.
=item ask
Ask you what to do when a target file exists. This should be most
wanted if you are running F<arclog> interactively. So, this is the
default if a terminal is found at C<STDIN>. The answers are read
from C<STDIN>. Since you have only one C<STDIN>, you cannot specify
this mode if you want read the log file from C<STDIN>. In that case,
it falls back to the C<fail> mode. Also, if F<arclog> cannot get its
answer from C<STDIN>, for example, on a closed C<STDIN> from
L<crontab(1)|crontab/1>, it falls back to C<fail> mode.
=item -k, --keep mode
What to keep in the source file. The following modes are supported:
=item a, all
Keep the source file after records are archived.
=item r, restart
Restart the source file after records are archived.
=item d, delete
Delete the source file after records are archived.
=item t, this-month
Archive and strip records of previous months off from the log file.
Keep the records of this month in the source log file, to be archived
next month. This is designed to be run from L<crontab(1)|crontab/1>
monthly, so this is the default.
=item -d, --debug
Show the detailed debugging messages.
=item -q, --quiet
Hush! Only yell on error.
=item -h, --help
Display the help message and exit.
=item -v, --version
Output version information and exit.
Copyright (c) 2001-2021 imacat.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
=head1 AUTHOR
imacat <>.
=head1 BUGS
The F<arclog> project is hosted on GitHub. Address your issues on the
GitHub issue tracker
=head1 TODO
=item Multi-lingual support
Multi-lingual support, with Traditional and Simplified Chinese
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<gzip(1)|gzip/1>, L<IO::Compress::Gzip(3)|IO::Compress::Gzip/3>,
L<bzip2(1)|bzip2/1>, L<IO::Compress::Bzip2(3)|IO::Compress::Bzip2/3>,
L<xz(1)|xz/1>, L<IO::Compress::Xz(3)|IO::Compress::Xz/3>,
L<syslog(1)|syslog/1>, L<syslog(2)|syslog/2>