#! /usr/bin/perl -w # Makefile.PL: Installation configuration for ExtUtils::MakeMaker use 5.008; use strict; use warnings; use Config qw(%Config); use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; # Check if there is any old file our (%old_version); %old_version = qw(); foreach (qw(/usr/sbin/arclog.pl /usr/sbin/arclog /usr/share/man/man8/arclog.pl.8 /usr/share/man/man8/arclog.8 /usr/local/sbin/arclog.pl /usr/local/sbin/arclog /usr/local/share/man/man8/arclog.pl.8 /usr/local/share/man/man8/arclog.8)) { $old_version{$_} = 1 if -e $_; } foreach my $cnf (qw(installman1dir installsiteman1dir installvendorman1dir man1dir man1direxp siteman1dir siteman1direxp sysman vendorman1dir vendorman1direxp)) { next unless defined $Config{$cnf} && -d $Config{$cnf}; $_ = $Config{$cnf}; s/\/man1$/\/man8/; $old_version{"$_/arclog.8"} = 1 if -e "$_/arclog.8"; $old_version{"$_/arclog.pl.8"} = 1 if -e "$_/arclog.pl.8"; } foreach my $cnf (qw(installscript installsitescript installvendorscript scriptdir scriptdirexp sitescript sitescriptexp vendorscript vendorscriptexp bin binexp installbin installsitebin installvendorbin sitebin sitebinexp vendorbin vendorbinexp)) { next unless defined $Config{$cnf} && -d $Config{$cnf}; $_ = $Config{$cnf}; s/\/bin$/\/sbin/; $old_version{"$_/arclog"} = 1 if -e "$_/arclog"; $old_version{"$_/arclog.pl"} = 1 if -e "$_/arclog.pl"; } if (keys %old_version > 0) { $_ = join " ", sort keys %old_version; warn << "EOT"; -- Old Files Found You may remove the following old files after "make install": $_ EOT } # Optional prerequisite modules our (%OPT_PREREQ); %OPT_PREREQ = ( "File::MMagic" => 0, "Compress::Zlib" => 0, "Compress::Bzip2" => 2, "Term::ReadKey" => 0, ); delete $OPT_PREREQ{$_} foreach grep eval "use $_ $OPT_PREREQ{$_} qw(); 1;", sort keys %OPT_PREREQ; if (keys %OPT_PREREQ > 0) { $_ = join " ", sort keys %OPT_PREREQ; warn << "EOT"; -- Optional Prerequisites You may wish to install these modules altogether. $_ EOT } WriteMakefile( NAME => "arclog", VERSION_FROM => "arclog", ABSTRACT => "Archive log files monthly", AUTHOR => "imacat ", LICENSE => "apache_2_0", PREREQ_PM => { "Date::Parse" => 0, }, SIGN => 1, EXE_FILES => [ "arclog" ], dist => { COMPRESS => "gzip -9", SUFFIX => ".gz", }, clean => { FILES => "t/logs*", }, ); __END__