#! /usr/bin/perl -w # Test archiving several log files at once # Copyright (c) 2007-2021 imacat. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. use 5.005; use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use Test; BEGIN { plan tests => 16 } use File::Basename qw(basename); use File::Path qw(mkpath rmtree); use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir catfile updir); use FindBin; use lib $FindBin::Bin; use _helper; our ($WORKDIR, $arclog, $tno); $WORKDIR = catdir($FindBin::Bin, "logs"); $arclog = catfile($FindBin::Bin, updir, "blib", "script", "arclog"); $tno = 0; # 1-16: Archiving several log files at once foreach my $rt (@RESULT_TYPES) { my $skip; $skip = 0; # 1: Source log files listed as the arguments $_ = eval { if ( ($$rt{"type"} eq TYPE_GZIP && has_no_gzip) || ($$rt{"type"} eq TYPE_BZIP2 && has_no_bzip2)) { $skip = 1; return; } my ($title, $cmd, $ret_no, $out, $err, @var_dump, %logfiles); my ($fr, $frb, @fle, $fle, $flr, %cef, %crf, %tef, %trf); my ($num, @fs, @cs, @cem, @mle, %cof, $opref, $oprfb, $mt); my (@st, $fmt); rmtree $WORKDIR; mkpath $WORKDIR; $fmt = $LOG_FORMATS[int rand @LOG_FORMATS]; $title = join ", ", "several log files", "all listed as arguments", $$fmt{"title"}, $$rt{"title"}; # (2-4 times available compression) log files $_ = 2 + (has_no_gzip? 0: 2) + (has_no_bzip2? 0: 2); $num = $_ + int rand $_; my %types = qw(); # At least 2 files for each available compression foreach my $st (@SOURCE_TYPES) { next if ($$st{"type"} eq TYPE_GZIP && has_no_gzip) || ($$st{"type"} eq TYPE_BZIP2 && has_no_bzip2); @_ = grep !exists $types{$_}, (0...$num-1); $types{$_[int rand @_]} = $st; @_ = grep !exists $types{$_}, (0...$num-1); $types{$_[int rand @_]} = $st; } # Set random compression on the rest files foreach (grep !exists $types{$_}, (0...$num-1)) { do { $types{$_} = $SOURCE_TYPES[int rand @SOURCE_TYPES]; } until !(${$types{$_}}{"type"} eq TYPE_GZIP && has_no_gzip) && !(${$types{$_}}{"type"} eq TYPE_BZIP2 && has_no_bzip2); } @st = map $types{$_}, (0...$num-1); @fs = qw(); @cs = qw(); @cem = qw(); @var_dump = qw(); @fle = qw(); %logfiles = qw(); for (my $k = 0; $k < $num; $k++) { my ($logfile, $cs, $var_dump); do { $logfile = random_word } until !exists $logfiles{$logfile}; $logfiles{$logfile} = 1; $logfile .= ${$st[$k]}{"suf"}; push @fs, catfile($WORKDIR, $logfile); ($cs, $var_dump, %types) = &{$$fmt{"sub"}}($fs[$k]); push @cs, $cs; push @cem, {%types}; push @fle, $logfile; push @var_dump, $var_dump; write_raw_file(catfile($WORKDIR, "$logfile.var-dump"), $var_dump); push @fle, "$logfile.var-dump"; } %types = qw(); %types = (%types, map { $_ => 1 } keys %$_) foreach @cem; @mle = sort keys %types; $mt = pop @mle; do { $oprfb = random_word } until !exists $logfiles{$oprfb}; $opref = catfile($WORKDIR, $oprfb); %cof = make_log_file $$fmt{"sub"}, $WORKDIR, "$oprfb.%s" . $$rt{"suf"}, @mle; push @fle, map "$oprfb.$_" . $$rt{"suf"}, @mle; preserve_source $WORKDIR; @_ = ($arclog, qw(-d -d -d -o a), @{$$rt{"opts"}}, @fs, $opref); $cmd = join(" ", @_); ($ret_no, $out, $err) = run_cmd "", @_; ($fle, $flr) = (join(" ", sort @fle), list_files $WORKDIR); %cef = qw(); # Expected content by file %tef = qw(); # Expected file type by file %crf = qw(); # Resulted content by file %trf = qw(); # Resulted file type by file for (my $k = 0; $k < $num; $k++) { $fr = $fs[$k]; $frb = basename($fr); ($cef{$frb}, $tef{$frb}) = (${$cem[$k]}{$mt}, ${$st[$k]}{"type"}); ($crf{$frb}, $trf{$frb}) = (read_file $fr, file_type $fr); $fr = $fs[$k] . ".var-dump"; $frb = basename($fr); ($cef{$frb}, $tef{$frb}) = ($var_dump[$k], TYPE_TEXT); ($crf{$frb}, $trf{$frb}) = (read_file $fr, file_type $fr); } foreach my $m (@mle) { $fr = "$opref.$m" . $$rt{"suf"}; $frb = basename($fr); $cef{$frb} = $cof{$frb} . join "", map(exists $$_{$m}? $$_{$m}: "", @cem); $tef{$frb} = $$rt{"type"}; ($crf{$frb}, $trf{$frb}) = (read_file $fr, file_type $fr); } die "$title\n$cmd\n$out$err" unless $ret_no == 0; die "$title\n$cmd\nresult files incorrect.\nGot: $flr\nExpected: $fle\nOutput:\n$out$err" unless $flr eq $fle; foreach $fr (@fle) { die "$title\n$cmd\n$fr: result type incorrect.\nGot: $trf{$fr}\nExpected: $tef{$fr}\nOutput:\n$out$err" unless has_no_file || $trf{$fr} eq $tef{$fr}; die "$title\n$cmd\n$fr: result incorrect.\nGot:\n$crf{$fr}\nExpected:\n$cef{$fr}\nOutput:\n$out$err" unless $crf{$fr} eq $cef{$fr}; } 1; }; skip($skip, $_, 1, $@); clean_up $_ || $skip, $WORKDIR, ++$tno; # 2-4: One of the source log files is read from STDIN # The file type at STDIN foreach my $st_stdin (@SOURCE_TYPES) { $skip = 0; $_ = eval { if ( ($$rt{"type"} eq TYPE_GZIP && has_no_gzip) || ($$rt{"type"} eq TYPE_BZIP2 && has_no_bzip2) || ($$st_stdin{"type"} eq TYPE_GZIP && has_no_gzip) || ($$st_stdin{"type"} eq TYPE_BZIP2 && has_no_bzip2)) { $skip = 1; return; } my ($title, $cmd, $ret_no, $out, $err, @var_dump, %logfiles); my ($fr, $frb, @fle, $fle, $flr, %cef, %crf, %tef, %trf); my ($num, @fs, @cs, @cem, @mle, %cof, $opref, $oprfb, $stdin); my (@st, $fmt); rmtree $WORKDIR; mkpath $WORKDIR; $fmt = $LOG_FORMATS[int rand @LOG_FORMATS]; $title = join ", ", "several log files", "one read from STDIN", "STDIN " . $$st_stdin{"title"}, $$rt{"title"}; # (2-4 times available compression) log files $_ = 2 + (has_no_gzip? 0: 2) + (has_no_bzip2? 0: 2); $num = $_ + int rand $_; my %types = qw(); # At least 2 files for each available compression foreach my $st (@SOURCE_TYPES) { next if ($$st{"type"} eq TYPE_GZIP && has_no_gzip) || ($$st{"type"} eq TYPE_BZIP2 && has_no_bzip2); @_ = grep !exists $types{$_}, (0...$num-1); $types{$_[int rand @_]} = $st; @_ = grep !exists $types{$_}, (0...$num-1); $types{$_[int rand @_]} = $st; } # Set random compression on the rest files foreach (grep !exists $types{$_}, (0...$num-1)) { do { $types{$_} = $SOURCE_TYPES[int rand @SOURCE_TYPES]; } until !(${$types{$_}}{"type"} eq TYPE_GZIP && has_no_gzip) && !(${$types{$_}}{"type"} eq TYPE_BZIP2 && has_no_bzip2); } # Choose the STDIN from the matching compression @_ = grep ${$types{$_}}{"type"} eq $$st_stdin{"type"}, (0...$num-1); $stdin = $_[int rand @_]; @st = map $types{$_}, (0...$num-1); @fs = qw(); @cs = qw(); @cem = qw(); @var_dump = qw(); @fle = qw(); %logfiles = qw(); for (my $k = 0; $k < $num; $k++) { my ($logfile, $cs, $var_dump); do { $logfile = random_word } until !exists $logfiles{$logfile}; $logfiles{$logfile} = 1; $logfile .= ${$st[$k]}{"suf"}; push @fs, catfile($WORKDIR, $logfile); ($cs, $var_dump, %types) = &{$$fmt{"sub"}}($fs[$k]); push @cs, $cs; push @cem, {%types}; push @fle, $logfile; push @var_dump, $var_dump; write_raw_file(catfile($WORKDIR, "$logfile.var-dump"), $var_dump); push @fle, "$logfile.var-dump"; } %types = qw(); %types = (%types, map { $_ => 1 } keys %$_) foreach @cem; @mle = sort keys %types; do { $oprfb = random_word } until !exists $logfiles{$oprfb}; $opref = catfile($WORKDIR, $oprfb); %cof = make_log_file $$fmt{"sub"}, $WORKDIR, "$oprfb.%s" . $$rt{"suf"}, @mle; push @fle, map "$oprfb.$_" . $$rt{"suf"}, @mle; preserve_source $WORKDIR; @_ = @fs; $_[$stdin] = "-"; @_ = ($arclog, qw(-d -d -d -k a -o a), @{$$rt{"opts"}}, @_, $opref); $cmd = join(" ", @_) . " < " . $fs[$stdin]; ($ret_no, $out, $err) = run_cmd read_raw_file $fs[$stdin], @_; ($fle, $flr) = (join(" ", sort @fle), list_files $WORKDIR); %cef = qw(); # Expected content by file %tef = qw(); # Expected file type by file %crf = qw(); # Resulted content by file %trf = qw(); # Resulted file type by file for (my $k = 0; $k < $num; $k++) { $fr = $fs[$k]; $frb = basename($fr); ($cef{$frb}, $tef{$frb}) = ($cs[$k], ${$st[$k]}{"type"}); ($crf{$frb}, $trf{$frb}) = (read_file $fr, file_type $fr); $fr = $fs[$k] . ".var-dump"; $frb = basename($fr); ($cef{$frb}, $tef{$frb}) = ($var_dump[$k], TYPE_TEXT); ($crf{$frb}, $trf{$frb}) = (read_file $fr, file_type $fr); } foreach my $m (@mle) { $fr = "$opref.$m" . $$rt{"suf"}; $frb = basename($fr); $cef{$frb} = $cof{$frb} . join "", map(exists $$_{$m}? $$_{$m}: "", @cem); $tef{$frb} = $$rt{"type"}; ($crf{$frb}, $trf{$frb}) = (read_file $fr, file_type $fr); } die "$title\n$cmd\n$out$err" unless $ret_no == 0; die "$title\n$cmd\nresult files incorrect.\nGot: $flr\nExpected: $fle\nOutput:\n$out$err" unless $flr eq $fle; foreach $fr (@fle) { die "$title\n$cmd\n$fr: result type incorrect.\nGot: $trf{$fr}\nExpected: $tef{$fr}\nOutput:\n$out$err" unless has_no_file || $trf{$fr} eq $tef{$fr}; die "$title\n$cmd\n$fr: result incorrect.\nGot:\n$crf{$fr}\nExpected:\n$cef{$fr}\nOutput:\n$out$err" unless $crf{$fr} eq $cef{$fr}; } 1; }; skip($skip, $_, 1, $@); clean_up $_ || $skip, $WORKDIR, ++$tno; } }