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2021-02-01 15:05:57 +08:00
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Test all the possible combination of options
# Copyright (c) 2007 imacat
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
use 5.005;
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use Test;
BEGIN { plan tests => 2160 }
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use File::Path qw(mkpath rmtree);
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir catfile updir);
use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use _helper;
use vars qw($WORKDIR $arclog $tno);
$WORKDIR = catdir($FindBin::Bin, "logs");
$arclog = catfile($FindBin::Bin, updir, "blib", "script", "arclog");
$tno = 0;
# 1-2160: All possible option combinations
# Test each log file format
foreach my $fmt (@LOGFMTS) {
# Test each source log file type
foreach my $st (@SRCTYPES) {
# Test each result file type
foreach my $rt (@RESTYPES) {
# Test each keep type
foreach my $kt (@KEEPTYPES) {
# Test each override type
foreach my $ot (@OVERTYPES) {
$_ = eval {
return if $$st{"skip"} || $$rt{"skip"};
my ($title, $cmd, $retno, $out, $err, $vardump, $logfile);
my ($fr, $frb, @fle, $fle, $flr, %cef, %crf, %tef, %trf);
my ($fs, $cs, %cem, @mle, $mt, %cof);
rmtree $WORKDIR;
mkpath $WORKDIR;
$title = join ", ", ($$fmt{"title"}, $$st{"title"},
$$rt{"title"}, $$kt{"title"}, $$ot{"title"});
$logfile = randword;
$fs = catfile($WORKDIR, $logfile . $$st{"suf"});
($cs, $vardump, %cem) = &{$$fmt{"sub"}}($fs);
frwrite(catfile($WORKDIR, "$logfile.vardump"), $vardump);
@mle = sort keys %cem;
$mt = pop @mle if $$kt{"tm"};
if ($$ot{"mkex"}) {
%cof = mkrndlog_existing $$fmt{"sub"},
$WORKDIR, "$logfile.%s" . $$rt{"suf"}, @mle;
} else {
%cof = map { "$logfile.$_" . $$rt{"suf"} => "" }
@fle = qw();
push @fle, basename($fs) if !$$kt{"del"};
push @fle, "$logfile.vardump";
if ($$ot{"ok"}) {
push @fle, map "$logfile.$_" . $$rt{"suf"}, @mle;
} else {
push @fle, "$logfile.tmp-arclog" if $$kt{"tmp"};
push @fle, grep $cof{$_} ne "", keys %cof;
prsrvsrc $WORKDIR;
if (!$$kt{"stdin"}) {
@_ = ($arclog, qw(-d -d -d), @{$$kt{"opts"}},
@{$$ot{"opts"}}, @{$$rt{"opts"}}, $fs);
$cmd = join " ", @_;
($retno, $out, $err) = runcmd "", @_;
} else {
@_ = ($arclog, qw(-d -d -d), @{$$kt{"opts"}},
@{$$ot{"opts"}}, @{$$rt{"opts"}}, "-",
catfile($WORKDIR, $logfile));
$cmd = join(" ", @_) . " < " . $fs;
($retno, $out, $err) = runcmd frread $fs, @_;
($fle, $flr) = (join(" ", sort @fle), flist $WORKDIR);
%cef = qw(); # Expected content by file
%tef = qw(); # Expected file type by file
%crf = qw(); # Resulted content by file
%trf = qw(); # Resulted file type by file
if (!$$kt{"del"}) {
$fr = $fs;
$frb = basename($fr);
$cef{$frb} = !$$kt{"tmp"}? $cs:
!$$ot{"ok"}? "":
$$kt{"tm"}? $cem{$mt}: "";
$tef{$frb} = $$st{"type"};
($crf{$frb}, $trf{$frb}) = (fread $fr, ftype $fr);
if (!$$ot{"ok"} && $$kt{"tmp"}) {
$frb = "$logfile.tmp-arclog";
$fr = catfile($WORKDIR, $frb);
($cef{$frb}, $tef{$frb}) = ($cs, TYPE_PLAIN);
($crf{$frb}, $trf{$frb}) = (fread $fr, ftype $fr);
$frb = "$logfile.vardump";
$fr = catfile($WORKDIR, $frb);
($cef{$frb}, $tef{$frb}) = ($vardump, TYPE_PLAIN);
($crf{$frb}, $trf{$frb}) = (fread $fr, ftype $fr);
foreach my $m (@mle) {
$frb = "$logfile.$m" . $$rt{"suf"};
$fr = catfile($WORKDIR, $frb);
$cef{$frb} = &{$$ot{"ce"}}($cof{$frb}, $cem{$m});
$tef{$frb} = $$rt{"type"};
($crf{$frb}, $trf{$frb}) = (fread $fr, ftype $fr);
die "$title\n$cmd\n$out$err"
unless $$ot{"ok"}? $retno == 0: $retno != 0;
die "$title\n$cmd\nresult files incorrect.\nGot: $flr\nExpected: $fle\nVariables: $vardump\nOutput:\n$out$err"
unless $flr eq $fle;
foreach $fr (@fle) {
die "$title\n$cmd\n$fr: result type incorrect.\nGot: $trf{$fr}\nExpected: $tef{$fr}\nVariables: $vardump\nOutput:\n$out$err"
unless nofile || $trf{$fr} eq $tef{$fr}
|| ($tef{$fr} eq TYPE_BZIP2 && -z catfile($WORKDIR, $fr));
die "$title\n$cmd\n$fr: result incorrect.\nGot:\n$crf{$fr}\nExpected:\n$cef{$fr}\nVariables: $vardump\nOutput:\n$out$err"
unless $crf{$fr} eq $cef{$fr};
skip($$st{"skip"} || $$rt{"skip"}, $_, 1, $@);
cleanup $_ || $$st{"skip"} || $$rt{"skip"}, $WORKDIR, ++$tno;
die unless $_ || $$st{"skip"} || $$rt{"skip"};