#! /usr/bin/perl -w # Command-line interface to Locale::Maketext::Gettext (and Locale::Maketext) # Copyright (c) 2003-2021 imacat. All rights reserved. This program is free # software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms # as Perl itself. # First written: 2003/5/3 use 5.008; use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); use Locale::Maketext::Gettext::Functions; our $VERSION = 0.06; # Prototype declaration sub main(); sub parse_args(); our ($THIS_FILE, $SHORT_HELP, $VER_STR, $SEARCH, $HELP); $THIS_FILE = $0; $THIS_FILE =~ s/^.*\///; $SHORT_HELP = "Try `$THIS_FILE --help' for more information."; $VER_STR = "$THIS_FILE v$VERSION by imacat "; $SEARCH = join " ", @Locale::Maketext::Gettext::Functions::SYSTEM_LOCALEDIRS; $HELP = << "EOT"; Usage: maketext [OPTION] [--domain=TEXTDOMAIN] MSGKEY [PARAM...] or: maketext [OPTION] -s MSGKEY [PARAM...] Maketext and display native language translation of a textual message. -d, --domain=TEXTDOMAIN retrieve translated messages from TEXTDOMAIN -h, --help display this help and exit -V, --version display version information and exit MSGKEY [PARAM...] retrieve translated message corresponding to MSGKEY from TEXTDOMAIN If the TEXTDOMAIN parameter is not given, the domain is determined from the environment variable TEXTDOMAIN. If the message catalog is not found in the regular directory, another location can be specified with the environment variable TEXTDOMAINDIR. When used with the -s option the program adds a new line to the end of the output so that it behaves like the `echo' or the `gettext' command. Standard search directories: $SEARCH Report bugs to . EOT our ($DOMAIN, $LOCALEDIR, $ECHO, $KEY, @PARAM); $ECHO = 0; # Main program main(); exit 0; # Main program sub main() { local ($_, %_); # Parse the arguments parse_args(); bindtextdomain($DOMAIN, $LOCALEDIR) if defined $DOMAIN && defined $LOCALEDIR; textdomain($DOMAIN) if defined $DOMAIN; print maketext($KEY, @PARAM); print "\n" if $ECHO; return; } # Parse the arguments sub parse_args() { local ($_, %_); # Get the arguments $_ = eval { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die $_[0]; }; Getopt::Long::Configure("no_auto_abbrev"); GetOptions( "domain|d=s"=>\$DOMAIN, "s"=>sub { $ECHO = 1; }, "help|h"=>sub { print $HELP; exit 0; }, "version|V"=>sub { print "$VER_STR\n"; exit 0; }); return 1; }; die "$THIS_FILE: $@" if !defined $_; # The MSGKEY die "$THIS_FILE: missing arguments\n" if @ARGV == 0; $KEY = shift @ARGV; @PARAM = @ARGV; # Set the locale directory $LOCALEDIR = $ENV{"TEXTDOMAINDIR"} if exists $ENV{"TEXTDOMAINDIR"}; # Set the text domain $DOMAIN = $ENV{"TEXTDOMAIN"} if !defined $DOMAIN && exists $ENV{"TEXTDOMAIN"}; return; } __END__ =head1 NAME maketext - translate and make messages =head1 SYNOPSIS maketext [OPTION] [--domain=TEXTDOMAIN] MSGKEY [PARAM...] maketext [OPTION] -s MSGKEY [PARAM...] =head1 DESCRIPTION The C script translates a natural language message into the user's language, by looking up the translation in a message MO file, and process the plural transformation with Maketext. The C script is a command-line interface to L (and L). It can be used in shell scripts, etc, to translate, maketext and return the result. By this way, it enables Maketext to be integrated into other programming languages/systems, like bash/csh, python, PHP, C, etc. It works like the command-line program gettext. For example: % maketext -s "[*,_1,virus was,viruses were] found in [*,_2,file,files]." 0 1 0 viruses were found in 1 file. % maketext -s "[*,_1,virus was,viruses were] found in [*,_2,file,files]." 1 3 1 virus was found in 3 files. % =head1 OPTIONS =over =item -d,--domain=TEXTDOMAIN Retrieve translated messages from TEXTDOMAIN. =item -s Adds a new line to the end of the output so that it behaves like the `echo' or the `gettext' command. =item -h,--help Display the help messages. =item -V,--version Display version information and exit. =item MSGKEY The original text used to look up translated text. =item PARAM... Parameters to Maketext for the plural and other text functions. =back =head1 ENVIRONMENT =over =item TEXTDOMAIN TEXTDOMAIN is used to determine the text domain when the -d parameter is not given. =item TEXTDOMAINDIR TEXTDOMAINDIR is used to search the message catalog/MO file if it does not reside in the system locale directories. =back =head1 NOTES Maketext language function override, like C or C, is not available here. Suggestions are welcome. The current system locale directory search order is: /usr/share/locale, /usr/lib/locale, /usr/local/share/locale, /usr/local/lib/locale. Suggestions are welcome. =head1 BUGS Report bugs to imacat =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, L, L. Also, please refer to the official GNU gettext manual at L. =head1 AUTHOR imacat =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2003-2021 imacat. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut