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Acme-GuessNumber - Automatic number guessing game robot
Many people have this experience: You sit before a gambling table.
You keep placing the bet. You know the Goddess will finally smile at
you. You just don't know when. You have only to wait. As the time
goes by, the bets in your hand become fewer and fewer. You feel the
time goes slower and slower. This lengthy waiting process become
painfully long, like a train running straightforwardly into hell. You
start feeling your whole life is a failure, as the jackpot never
Hey, why so painfully waiting? The Goddess always smile at you in the
end, right? So, why not put this painfully waiting process to a
computer program? Yes. This is the whole idea, the greatest
invention in the century:: An automatic gambler! There is no secret.
It is simple brute force. It endlessly runs toward the final prize.
You can go for other business: sleep, eat, work. When you finally
came back, you wins. With it, the hell of gambling is history!
Remember, that the computer is never affected by emotion, luck,
everything. It never gets anxious or depress. It simply, faithfully,
determinedly runs the probability until the jackpot. As you know,
the anxiety and depression is the enemy of the games, while a
simple, faithful and determined mind is the only path to the jackpot.
This makes computer a perfect candidate as a gambler than an ordinary
human being.
System Requirements
1. Perl, version 5.8.0 or above. To be a winner of the game you have
no option but Perl 5. You can run `perl -v` to see your current
Perl version. If you don't have Perl, or if you have an older
version of Perl, you can download and install/upgrade it from the
[Perl website]. If you are using MS-Windows, you can download and
install [ActiveState ActivePerl].
2. Required Perl modules: None.
3. Optional Perl modules: None.
[Perl website]:
[ActiveState ActivePerl]:
Acme::GuessNumber is hosted is on…
* [Acme-GuessNumber on GitHub]
* [Acme-GuessNumber on MetaCPAN]
[Acme-GuessNumber on GitHub]:
[Acme-GuessNumber on MetaCPAN]:
### Install with [ExtUtils::MakeMaker]
Acme-GuessNumber uses standard Perl installation with
ExtUtils::MakeMaker. Follow these steps:
% perl Makefile.PL
% make
% make test
% make install
When running `make install`, make sure you have the privilege to write
to the installation location. This usually requires the `root`
If you are using ActivePerl under MS-Windows, you should use `nmake`
instead of `make`. [nmake can be obtained from the Microsoft FTP site.]
If you want to install into another location, you can set the
`PREFIX`. For example, to install into your home when you are not
% perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/jessica
Refer to the documentation of ExtUtils::MakeMaker for more
installation options (by running `perldoc ExtUtils::MakeMaker`).
### Install with [Module::Build]
You can install with Module::Build instead, if you prefer. Follow
these steps:
% perl Build.PL
% ./Build
% ./Build test
% ./Build install
When running `./Build install`, make sure you have the privilege to
write to the installation location. This usually requires the `root`
If you want to install into another location, you can set the
`--prefix`. For example, to install into your home when you are not
% perl Build.PL --prefix=/home/jessica
Refer to the documentation of Module::Build for more
installation options (by running `perldoc Module::Build`).
### Install with the CPAN Shell
You can install with the CPAN shell, if you prefer. CPAN shell
takes care of ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Module::Build for you:
% cpan Acme::GuessNumber
Make sure you have the privilege to write to the installation
location. This usually requires the `root` privilege. Since CPAN
shell 1.81 you can set `make_install_make_command` and
`mbuild_install_build_command` in your CPAN configuration to switch
to `root` just before install:
% cpan
cpan> o conf make_install_make_command "sudo make"
cpan> o conf mbuild_install_build_command "sudo ./Build"
cpan> install Acme::GuessNumber
If you want to install into another location, you can set `makepl_arg`
and `mbuild_arg` in your CPAN configuration. For example, to install
into your home when you are not `root`:
% cpan
cpan> o conf makepl_arg "PREFIX=/home/jessica"
cpan> o conf mbuild_arg "--prefix=/home/jessica"
cpan> install Acme::GuessNumber
Refer to the documentation of cpan for more CPAN shell commands
(by running `perldoc cpan`).
### Install with the CPANPLUS Shell
You can install with the CPANPLUS shell, if you prefer. CPANPLUS
shell takes care of ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Module::Build for you:
% cpanp -i Acme::GuessNumber
Make sure you have the privilege to write to the installation
location. This usually requires the `root` privilege.
If you want to install into another location, you can set
`makemakerflags` and `buildflags` in your CPANPLUS configuration.
For example, to install into your home when you are not `root`:
% cpanp
CPAN Terminal> s conf makemakerflags "PREFIX=/home/jessica"
CPAN Terminal> s conf buildflags "--prefix=/home/jessica"
CPAN Terminal> install Acme::GuessNumber
Refer to the documentation of `cpanp` for more CPANPLUS shell
commands (by running `perldoc cpanp`).
[nmake can be obtained from the Microsoft FTP site.]:
Source is now on Github. See
No. This can't possibly be wrong. This is brute-force. It will try
until it succeeds. Nothing can stop it from success. You always win!
You will always win! The Goddess of fortune will always smile at you!
News, Changes and Updates
Refer to the Changes for changes, bug fixes, updates, new functions,
To Do
* Add the prizes for the game winners, of course.
* Add the worldwide ranking for the top 10 winners through internet
Copyright (c) 2007-2021 imacat. All rights reserved. This program is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
as Perl itself.